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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


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Member For 5 Years
Just had to post this here too

Bliss Doubt

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Maybe because I received an invitation to a wedding later this month, I started thinking about this viral wedding procession video from around 2010. It just keeps unfolding and getting crazier and crazier. Since then I have known two people who saw it and decided to do something like this for their weddings, but not inside churches. They hired dance instructors and had rehearsals, and did dance processions outdoors, not nearly as crazy as this one. In case anybody hasn't seen it:



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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so I am gonna call it a year on them and fold over the rest
Why? You can still get some onions from what's left. Any that are just bent should recover in a few days. The ones that are broken though you should dig up to help prevent the spread of disease through the rest of the crop. Not sure if the bulbs of any of those would be developed enough to use, but maybe?


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If, you remember the other day I mentioned how Tigglee was helping me clean out their toilet. Well, this morning he hopped in it and said I'll really help you out ths time Ma. Litter started to FLY EVERYWHERE :teehee: on me, in my sandals, in the bathroom, just everywhere. The little stink pot made a big ol' mess, but I was laughing all the way through it till he decided he had enough of a mess for me :teehee: yup this be the good thing for the day.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Today my own words came back to slap me upside the head. Seven years ago today I wrote the following:

Sometimes in life you are faced with a terrifying storm, one which you have no choice but to walk straight through the center of. When this happens it is tempting to drag other people with you into the eye of the storm.
But if they have the choice to avoid the storm even though you don't, you need to let them make that choice. Don't be angry or hurt that they chose to take a safe passage around it, instead be grateful that they had that option.
Forcing someone to walk through the storm with you when they don't have to would be the height of selfishness.

And today I was reminded of those words, and I am beginning to see that I didn't listen to myself. I expected someone to stay by my side as I walked through the storm and have been both angry and hurt that they didn't ever since they chose not to. The hurt and the anger have prevented me from moving on with my life and enjoying it. In fact by holding onto those feelings I have also been holding onto a piece of that storm long after I came out the other side.

So, today I am making the choice to let go of that anger, let go of the hurt, and to instead be grateful that she had the option to go on with her life and I am choosing to be thankful that she made that choice. It has taken me far too long to realize the damage I am doing to myself emotionally by holding onto those negative feelings.

I guess that is my good thing for today.


Cranky Old Fart
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Thought this was a bit different. I can't say I'm familiar with "bardcore" but it seems to be an actual genre.
How did you find these? Very interesting takes on the rock classics. Doing a search on YT there quite a few people in this genre. Very ear opening takes. Thanks for finding this @SirKadly of the Underground.

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