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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
All right, so I was getting ready to leave work, waiting for the bell to ring so I could clock out and saw this post. The instant I read the word racoon, a song popped into my head, and I ended up singing it to myself over and over again the whole drive home. Since I was stuck with song, now all of you are stuck with it too.

Of course it doesn't actually have anything to do with racoons, but it's what came to mind.

Rocky Raccoon​

Ringo Starr had a unique kind of talent.

When Jimi posted that song in July 2022 he used this version with some great fan animation:

Broken link didn't work.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good afternoon Family :wave:
Hot steamy day here today, not fit for man or beast:rolleyes:
I hope everyone is well and stayin cool today:)

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May be an image of guitar and text


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thank you my friend, ;) I am gonna haveta do something, been considering knee braces and cortazone under each knee cap,
Just thinking that a cane or walking stick might help when you are out and about. There are all different types, but if you consider it it's best to get something you are able to try out first rather than getting one online. That way you know if it is comfortable to use, a cane at the wrong height just leads to even more pain issues.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thank you my friend, ;) I am gonna haveta do something, been considering knee braces and cortazone under each knee cap,

Jimi, my brother always complained that if you speak of your troubles, you'll get opinions you may or may not want to hear.

It's just that I have heard that cortisone is nasty stuff, and dangerous. It's synthetic to what your own body produces, and your body reads it and stops producing its own, making you dependent on this external synthetic, and that the cortisone shots are inflammatory.

I went back and forth with myself on this: say something, say nothing, try to help, try to just back off and leave Jimi to his decisions.

I'm sorry.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I went to dinner at IHOP with friends this evening, not a good thing for today. If any food were to disappear from this planet, it could be pancakes for all I care. I know they can be made well. IHOP makes them big and fluffy. My mom made them well, but only very rarely. I don't remember ever trying to make them myself.

Who needs a pile of gluteny breakfast with syrup... Not good for anybody, and they don't even taste that special, the way, say, donuts or french toast or cinnamon rolls do.
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