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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good afternoon Family :wave:
Really rained here last night, we got 2 inches, so gonna make it easier for me to hobble out and pull as many weeds as my poor old bod will let me here in a while:rolleyes:

Jimi I found the most interesting gentle physical therapy for knees on YouTube, one guy using a hammock, but I didn't bookmark it, so I cannot find it now, of course. Murphy's law of internet searches I guess. I haven't given up. I'm thinking of getting a hammock myself, on its own rack, that I can set up in my living room. So many nights I fall asleep exhausted in my big chair, thinking I'll just snooze a few minutes, and when I wake up it's morning. My feet are propped up on the ottoman, but it's just slightly not high enough to raise my legs enough, so I wake up with swollen knees. On a hammock your knees are always elevated.

Anyway, surgery or no, I will not advise because if anything happened to you because of it, I couldn't live with myself. I will only say that you know a lot more about cancer than any traditionally trained physician, and for those who had cancer, had chemo, radiation and all the other awful stuff they do to you, yeah, the beast is still there crouched in a corner, waiting. I have a cousin who has had breast cancer three times. I haven't seen her in a few years. She did the protocols, lost all her hair, but came back each time with the "remission" pronouncement. Three times, and the docs never say anything about nutrition, supplements, lifestyle changes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi I found the most interesting gentle physical therapy for knees on YouTube, one guy using a hammock, but I didn't bookmark it, so I cannot find it now, of course. Murphy's law of internet searches I guess. I haven't given up. I'm thinking of getting a hammock myself, on its own rack, that I can set up in my living room. So many nights I fall asleep exhausted in my big chair, thinking I'll just snooze a few minutes, and when I wake up it's morning. My feet are propped up on the ottoman, but it's just slightly not high enough to raise my legs enough, so I wake up with swollen knees. On a hammock your knees are always elevated.

Anyway, surgery or no, I will not advise because if anything happened to you because of it, I couldn't live with myself. I will only say that you know a lot more about cancer than any traditionally trained physician, and for those who had cancer, had chemo, radiation and all the other awful stuff they do to you, yeah, the beast is still there crouched in a corner, waiting. I have a cousin who has had breast cancer three times. I haven't seen her in a few years.
Hmm that sounds interesting, I'll have to look into that, I like the knees bein elevated all the time idea, thank you my friend :hug:

I have decided to NOT take the chance, I have done good gettin this far so I'll have to look into some kinda braces and they said cortisone injections under the knee cap would help with the pain, I'd haveta do them on a regular basis but still better than turnin the beast loose, he puts up to hard of a fight.

Three times, and the docs never say anything about nutrition, supplements, lifestyle changes.
That is because they don't get much training in nutrition only 2 weeks out of the 8 years to become a dr.:mad:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Went outside to check on hummies feeder, flowers, and water fountains on the front deck. Look to the east, my hummies feeder is gone!! WTH ??? Look to the west my flower pot (plastic) on the railing is gone!!! DOUBLE WTH !?! The fountains are fine, PHEW.

Oops accidentally post...not done lol.

Found the feeder on the deck, thankfully, not broken, thus is why it is a good thing. The flower, couldn't find it at first then looked deeper, and it was underneath the ramp, PHEW, thus the second and third good things; the flower survived and plastic pot was not too badly damaged.

Go inside, look at video in order too find out what happened during the night. Found one of those rascal raccoons causing all the rampage.....:gaah:
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Member For 5 Years
Found one of those rascal raccoons causing all the rampage.....:gaah:
All right, so I was getting ready to leave work, waiting for the bell to ring so I could clock out and saw this post. The instant I read the word racoon, a song popped into my head, and I ended up singing it to myself over and over again the whole drive home. Since I was stuck with song, now all of you are stuck with it too.

Of course it doesn't actually have anything to do with racoons, but it's what came to mind.

Rocky Raccoon​


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