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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Finally got my knee brace I ordered, it was men's small and after figurin out how to put the crazy thing together and get the stops in place the danm thing don't fit, wont go small enough :mad: :mad:
Ok been messin with this brace and found a way to make it work, they must figure everyone has bigger around legs than me. but got it all together and took it for a test drive, it's a little rough but much better than none I am gonna crank the knee joint apart a little more, adjusts easily.

This is the third one of these unloader braces that I have had, first one cost 1175'00 the second 1125.00 both were a piece of junk, this one was 100.00 and ten times what the other 2 I got from a doctor.

Before I couldn't walk 10 feet without bein in severe pain, took the fun outta everything tonight I walked a ways with bearable pain :bliss:

Ok sorry I'm just excited:bliss:

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is the third one of these unloader braces that I have had, first one cost 1175'00 the second 1125.00 both were a piece of junk, this one was 100.00 and ten times what the other 2 I got from a doctor.

Just another example of how the medical mafia is there to rip people off, profit from medicare, and keep you suffering.

I'm glad this new one is working. I hope it will get better as you work with it and adapt to its size and shape.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Just another example of how the medical mafia is there to rip people off, profit from medicare, and keep you suffering.

I'm glad this new one is working. I hope it will get better as you work with it and adapt to its size and shape.
The first two that were real expensive were before I got on medicare so I got to foot the bill. I told Jean I would never get another after the second but here I am makin myself out a liar:facepalm: but I had to do something.

I am gonna drive this one around and see how it does and maybe get one like it for my other bad knee.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good mornin Family :wave:
put my new brace on this mornin and been out test drivin it again, pulled a few weeds picked what I could find that was ready, gonna post a pic in a bit, supposed to go back to that heatwave stuff again, feels pretty good:bliss:
I hope the day has found everyone well and havin everything go right:)

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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