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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
May be an image of 1 person and text


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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This one reminds me of something I read. Don't have all the details in front of me but it relates to what we see, what we notice. Basically this woman walked around her neighborhood with several different people, one at a time, who all had different interests. They all saw and pointed out the things that related to their area of interest, while largely remaining oblivious to everything else. One pointed out different typefaces and fonts used on signs and how they related to the history of the neighborhood. One noticed all the different bugs and insects and their habitats, etc.

I guess what I kind of took away from that story is that there are all sorts of things around us that we simply don't pay attention to because we tend to focus only on the things we know about or are interested in. So seeing beauty in places where others see nothing would require us to be more purposeful about actually looking around instead of letting our brains run on autopilot. If we aren't intentional we will only see what we already know about and miss seeing the things we don't know about.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
I took my wife to the Three Sisters garden so she could see it. No pictures taken because I left my phone at home, Didn't notice it until we got there. :facepalm:

Then we stopped at a winery that was close by that we happened to have a club pickup. It's been a while since we wandered down that way since we had 3 club pickups, so we came home with a case of 12.

Since we were close enough to a Costco we made a Costco run as well. All in all a productive day I would say.
Dang it, Gopher. Go back and redo the whole day with your Camera phone! :)
And, if we disapprove of the'll just have to do the day over again. :teehee:
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Todays good thing....Was outside on tbe deck plunking off dead flowers, walked over to dump the water gauge,, looked up and saw a beautiful specimen of a female Red-tailed Hawk, though, it was only for a minute, she took off, but her wing span was huge, so so gorgeous.
Then I look down over to east and saw the head of a Doe, so I ducked down, and sure enough she had a little one with her, bright white speckled young one so so cute!! No wind so she couldn't smell me, both of them were nice and calm as they walked through. What a way to start the morning :)

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