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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee

Love you all! Hope you all slept well/are sleeping well! Have a great day everyone!


Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
AC/DC - - You Shook Me All Night Long.

Howdy, Amber. How’s your day going, sweetheart? Hugs to you and the cutie pie. :hearts::hug::blowkiss:
Terrible! Asked my hubby to make my ice coffee last night... he didn’t. Toby is being a terror. Like worse than normal. He even spilled my FIL whole cup of coffee all over the couch and floor. So I’m ready for today to be over already.

what about you my love?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Terrible! Asked my hubby to make my ice coffee last night... he didn’t. Toby is being a terror. Like worse than normal. He even spilled my FIL whole cup of coffee all over the couch and floor. So I’m ready for today to be over already.

what about you my love?

Oh no! Did your FIL get upset? Well, after the big holiday Toby might be a little off center. Sorry he’s acting up, though.

Hope the day gets better! At least you can complain here, and no one will mind!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Good morning wolfie or....whichever you prefer! ;) I was ecstatic when I opened the box and my eyes kept opening wider and wider with all the flavors and bottles inside! Then I got snow pants to play with my boys outside and I’ve actually been wearing them on and off outside to vape because it gets so cold at night and I’m so warm now! You’ve all spoiled me and gave me a family I needed! I love you all and am forever grateful to you guys! :hug::inlove:
:wave: Good Morning, Amber :) You're far from being spoiled ;) ! What you gave us in return is priceless and that is your friendship, love, your warm heart and your kindness :blowkiss: we thank you and I'm very grateful you are my sister :inlove: . I would really appreciate and I like Wolfie or Wolfe on the forum.
Hope your morning has been good to you and you have your morning iced coffee. Love you, Amber :hug: :blowkiss:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Hey, Wolfe. Hope you’re having a nice relaxing afternoon! Missed you yesterday. I can’t even think of cake or food in general yet! :blech: I ate too much!

Hugs and love to you and the family, and the doggies. ️tea
Thank you . I hope your morning has been going well. No relaxing for me, though :xD: . I'm hoping Saturday will be my relaxing day. Aww, thank you, I miss you :hug: . Hopefully, tomorrow I'll be on here more. How's 'bout today eating your yummy cheesecake? Love you, Rhianne and many hugs :hug: filled with love for you and hubby :blowkiss::inlove:

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Oh no! Did your FIL get upset? Well, after the big holiday Toby might be a little off center. Sorry he’s acting up, though.

Hope the day gets better! At least you can complain here, and no one will mind!

It was his own fault, he left it on the table right next to the couch where Toby could get it, he got mad at first until we told him how we always say not to leave things like that where Toby can get them. Then he calmed down.

and thanks love! Feels good to rant and get it out lol

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Thank you love!! I needed that!
:wave: Good Morning, Amber :) You're far from being spoiled ;) ! What you gave us in return is priceless and that is your friendship, love, your warm heart and your kindness :blowkiss: we thank you and I'm very grateful you are my sister :inlove: . I would really appreciate and I like Wolfie or Wolfe on the forum.
Hope your morning has been good to you and you have your morning iced coffee. Love you, Amber :hug: :blowkiss:
Thank you Wolfie! You all make me feel so good! And I’ll always be forever grateful!

my ice coffee is still hot so I have to wait for it to cool down. Feels like forever lol!

lots of love and many hugs! But I could actually use some cuddles today! :hug::hug::blowkiss::hearts:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Thank you . I hope your morning has been going well. No relaxing for me, though :xD: . I'm hoping Saturday will be my relaxing day. Aww, thank you, I miss you :hug: . Hopefully, tomorrow I'll be on here more. How's 'bout today eating your yummy cheesecake? Love you, Rhianne and many hugs :hug: filled with love for you and hubby :blowkiss::inlove:

Good morning, Wolfe! Don’t mention cheese cake, please. I had to take a bunch of Lactaid from it!!
Love you too, and miss you when you’re not here. Big hugs to you and Emma and Duke ( who’s learned new escaping tricks! lol)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yes and it does help sometimes but I get so little warning:eek:

Maybe try the Charlotte’s Web at night. The strain was made specifically for a girl with seizures. I think you’d have to partake for a while for it to take effect. She was having a bunch of seizures everyday. But it’s worked for a lot of folks, it seemed. Plus you’d get good sleep. :xD

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