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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
My notifications switched to ones from 17 hours ago!! I wonder if Tappy does this to be funny...
I'm still not getting any kind of notifications :cuss2: :mad :cuss2: nodda zilch zero none whatsoever :gaah: :headbang:
Is it TT or VU :question: I wish someone knew! I've done everything possible trying to get it to work properly.

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Gold Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Reddit Exile
I'm still not getting any kind of notifications :cuss2: :mad :cuss2: nodda zilch zero none whatsoever :gaah: :headbang:
Is it TT or VU :question: I wish someone knew! I've done everything possible trying to get it to work properly.

Sent from....somewhere on Tapatalk

While I do get the site notifications instantly when I am on the site about 80% of the time, it's the emails for pm's that takes over hours to get.... I don't use tapatalk so I am thinking it is the site as well.... Sometimes it is my browser though. I try cleaning out my cache at least once every 3-4 days because I go through a lot of links and videos while on this site. Hope that helps.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
The River - AURORA

Recall many a time as a young boy, man, we would all pile together and go to a spot at the river and swim, frolic. Never had any concern over how the Shenandoah River abutted farms. We did stay up stream from the poultry plant/s, or down far enough from them. Something you learn swimming in a river, even if you wear a mask, or goggles is that you don't see much at all. Sediment gets kicked up and creates an underwater fog. We still swam underwater like rats.

Now, given all things considered I would fear swimming in nearly any river. It might be a possibility if I wore a wet-suit. Back then, it was jean shorts, a pair of old sneaks, maybe a t-shirt. In some places the sneakers were optional too. Imagine some fur-less lanky boy swimming like an otter, or half fish in the blazing Summer sun. Bittersweet thoughts and memories about a river this morning fill this weary mind.

Well, reckon I better, ...
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Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee

Good morning family! Hope you all slept well/are sleeping well! Hope you all have a great day! Love you all and many hugs!


Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Good Morning, Amber. Hope you and Tobias slept well and are doing better today :hug: . Love you :blowkiss: and hugs :hug: for you and your little man :hug::hug:

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Good morning wolfie!! I hope you’re doing very well today! Tobias and I are doing great! Thank you for asking! My niece spent the night last night and we wore him out so much he decided to take his nap now instead of at 2 lol. Only a couple small tantrums here and there so far today. Love you so much!! And many hugs!! :hug::hug::blowkiss:<3<3

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