Congrats to all of those that survived 2019. It was a long and trying year with all the possible bans and hatred towards vaping. Luckily we all stayed persistent and managed yet another year smoke free..Not that the Govt. helped any.... Here's to 2020 being another victory rather it be we stocked up and maintained our vaping ways, or somehow the Govt. and anti vaping campaigns bent to our will on the flavor ban and we somehow get the deeming regs changed in some way more beneficial to continue our smoke free ways...I doubt we pull off both things without a hitch but here is to hoping....
I also want to wish everyone a happy new year. For those of you that went out, I hope you made arrangements to get home safely. Hate to lose one of you for having a good time. Remember if you are totally hammered, that fried foods and water are your best friends tonight. Yeah yeah, not very healthy but then again neither was all the drinking, so get over it...
Anyhow I hope to catch you guys again later today. I'll be sure to keep the music down during the morning hours. But by noon there will be no mercy....
I will be celebrating the fact I got my groceries, a new car battery installed and car is running, and I will be added to the work schedule as of the 6th of January. While I have some mending to do, I also heard from my daughter for the first time in 3 years. Who knows, maybe I can get it right this time, or at least open a dialog that will make things better in the future. With that said I have a lot of things going for me this year. I hope you guys have the same optimism going into the new year. I wish you all a happy and healthy 2020....
Love you guys.....