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Alternate Universe


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Had my mod sitting on the table last night and the table got bumped and the mod hit the floor and my favorite drip tip is now no more :(
Fortunately the Orchid survived the fall.
I have to make some kind of mod stand today. That's the second drip tip lost to gravity in less than a month.
I had my KFL+ on a VAMO v5 the other night when the setup took a tumble onto a carpeted floor.. I picked it up and took a vape to make sure it still worked and the VAMOs battery cap got real HOT real FAST! Took it apart real fast too :). Looked at it, put it back together and before I could even turn it on, it was real hot again. Seems the fairly mild fall made the VAMO short :(. Funny thing is, this same one took much, much harder falls without failing :confused:. Goes to show yu never know exactly when things will fall..

Oh, and ALWAYS pick up your mod after a fall and check it. Never assume its ok ;)


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Oh, and ALWAYS pick up your mod after a fall and check it. Never assume its ok ;)

Dang sorry to hear your Vamo went belly up.

The mech that I'm using that fell is a pretty tough chunk of steel
So I wasn't worried about it as long as the insulators were still intact. And all the coils and stuff in the Orchid still good.
The thing I really hate about dropping my mechs is potentially damaging my batteries. Would be very sad indeed if I ruined either of the two fairly new vtc5s.
Them's not so easy to find these days.


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eh, they are cheap.. :)

Reason I likes them is that they fit in my quarter hole in the center console :)


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What 18650's?
Efest.. But I had stacked 350s in there at first.. Tried with VTC5s too thinking the batts went bad, but no, its the VAMO. Batts are fine and still in use.


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Thinking of getting some VAMO type 25w chips to put in the tubes now... hmm.


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@Midniteoyl were do you get your batteries from?
I'm looking for some and now that the VTC5s are either too hard to find or too expensive or just fakes I'm trying to find something that is a good alternative.

I'm thinking maybe the Samsung INR R25 18650 might be a good choice.

Any thoughts or opinions?


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Roger Schaeffer

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For some Reason Feeling particularly Alternative today! Already did Grocery Shopping Think I will stay home the rest of today. Maybe watch a Indie Movie or 2 on Ruko. Batteries I here AW has a 18650 2200mah IMR out. The battery Junkies are talking about a Samsung and a LG that are good. Orbtronic has some 20 amp continuous 18650 batteries[LG] and some 30 amp continuous Hybrids that are a tad longer then most 18650's


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ECF Refugee
Greetings all! Brekkie and tea have been partaken of! Interesting morning in that something out of the blue seems to be happening.


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British Dictionary definitions for flummoxExpand
(transitive) to perplex or bewilder
Word Origin
C19: of unknown origin


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Just in case you were wondering,such as I was.:D


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Had my mod sitting on the table last night and the table got bumped and the mod hit the floor and my favorite drip tip is now no more :(
Fortunately the Orchid survived the fall.
I have to make some kind of mod stand today. That's the second drip tip lost to gravity in less than a month.
I feel your pain,I was washing out my Fogger the other day and dropped the tank,it shattered in the sink.Time to find replacement glass!


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Checkin the posts on VU,chillaxin and Vapin.Today's a great day!


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Trying to find a good place to buy empty 15ml bottles and stuff.
Working out some things so I can start selling my juices locally.
I already do sell it but I want to expand a bit.
So just researching the interweb and whatnot


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I'm on a mad search for a box mod lol I want one lol

Like a 30 or 50 watt


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ECF Refugee
Relaxing and chatting. Getting ready to go pick up an Orchid v4 that a mate of mine just sold me for $10

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Got these in today... work great :)

EDIT: Stupid! Wont link to Amazon... :mad:


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So I'm about to finish up my show on netflix. Any suggestions for a new one?


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I'm about to finish burn notice...and I'm into a little of everything


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It's a good thing I bought this corset because I'm going to Rocky Horror Picture Show!!



Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Goats are so awesome!
Almost makes me feel bad for eating em.
They are pretty cool critters.
I enjoy having them.
Getting ready to get my nanny bred again this week.
yummy, more BBQ!

My sister and her boyfriend raises Boer's. I have all the goat meat I can eat.

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