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But I don't wanna have to restart my "count"... Fucking dammit all!


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Drinking and can do it. :)



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Seattle has a play-date with Green Bay; steals all their toys. ;)


Lynch's 2nd TD...muhahahaha....

Seattle ahead 29-10 in the 3rd. Vegas bookies freakin' out... :D
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vapin Grampa

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Here ladies, I cut us up some limes for our beverages..... ;)


I hope you like 'em thin. Heheh...
Boys and their toys... Grampa says don't cut yerself


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Boys and their toys... Grampa says don't cut yerself

I won't, but if i did, it should be with a sharp knife.

C'mon man, you probably have a Buck or Shrade with some Arkansas black stone that is making them sharper than shit. ;-)

You ain't that much older then I am either....six years.

My dad was a coroner, I played with scalpels when I was 7. Then, learned woodcraft in the woods with actual Indians at pow-wows when I was 13. Spent a few years in the trenches of kitchens doing prep too.

Why I like the can baton maple like a bitch and slice your tomatoes like it's butter as well. :)
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Hey! @Huckleberried !!! What's the status on the bag of douche?
I can confirm she's still a douched out asshat. HR dude is gonna talk to the general manager and tell him to make sure I get to talk to him and our associate manager one on one WITHOUT the presence of said Princess Bitch douche asshat. I never got that opportunity, she made sure of it. He took notes, told me that I'm passionate about my job and that I do it well, blah blah more bullshit, blah blah. Anyway.... I'm outta there til Sunday. I don't know if any actual progress was or will be made - remains to be seen. Bitch still works there, afterall. But I did tell her what I think of the horrible job she does there and she can't do anything to retaliate. She tried to get me moved out of there, too. Fucking WHORE.


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Strange thing I've noticed about women in management.(beware generalization incoming) They seem to feel that any woman under them who can actually do a good job is a threat. My ex ran into this more than once. Guys will use you to make themselves look good. Women will try to bring you down.
hang tough girl.
I can confirm she's still a douched out asshat. HR dude is gonna talk to the general manager and tell him to make sure I get to talk to him and our associate manager one on one WITHOUT the presence of said Princess Bitch douche asshat. I never got that opportunity, she made sure of it. He took notes, told me that I'm passionate about my job and that I do it well, blah blah more bullshit, blah blah. Anyway.... I'm outta there til Sunday. I don't know if any actual progress was or will be made - remains to be seen. Bitch still works there, afterall. But I did tell her what I think of the horrible job she does there and she can't do anything to retaliate. She tried to get me moved out of there, too. Fucking WHORE.

vapin Grampa

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I won't, but if i did, it should be with a sharp knife.

C'mon man, you probably have a Buck or Shrade with some Arkansas black stone that is making them sharper than shit. ;-)

You ain't that much older then I am either....six years.

My dad was a coroner, I played with scalpels when I was 7. Then, learned woodcraft in the woods with actual Indians at pow-wows when I was 13. Spent a few years in the trenches of kitchens doing prep too.

Why I like the can baton maple like a bitch and slice your tomatoes like it's butter as well. :)
Not only do I have the assorted afor mentioned cutlery, I make knives for a hobby. If ya can't shave wit it or ain't sharp. When I make a knife for a friend I tell'em not to look at it to close or they will cut their eyeballs.


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I just talked to my dad.
My Grammie died yesterday.

I can't even deal...

He just kept saying I needede to calm down she was 91 like... WTF?
I said I'm in Jersey do I need to come home? He said "There's nothing you can do now, she's gone..."
Like WTF

And I have to work. And every stupid question the customers are asking I just go blank.

Here's my Grammie golfing a couple years ago when she was only 89.

You can hear my fat outta breath smoker wheezin' self filming it.... Damn she kicked my azz that day.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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I just talked to my dad.
My Grammie died yesterday.

I can't even deal...

He just kept saying I needede to calm down she was 91 like... WTF?
I said I'm in Jersey do I need to come home? He said "There's nothing you can do now, she's gone..."
Like WTF

And I have to work. And every stupid question the customers are asking I just go blank.

Here's my Grammie golfing a couple years ago when she was only 89.

You can hear my fat outta breath smoker wheezin' self filming it.... Damn she kicked my azz that day.
hehe she was good. better than me anyway. i always miss.
well you know we're here for support mermaid :)

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Not only do I have the assorted afor mentioned cutlery, I make knives for a hobby. If ya can't shave wit it or ain't sharp. When I make a knife for a friend I tell'em not to look at it to close or they will cut their eyeballs.
really, you make knives? i've never met anyone that does that. when my mate came out the army he gave me a large locking knife. i don't like using it because it's just so sharp. i feel i'm going to cut myself whilst opening it.


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I'm going thru every old facebook status update with keyword "grammie" right now and simultaneously bawling hysterically and laughing hysterically. What a legend. GAWD this hurts so bad. Here's a few gems:

Watching the evening local news with Grammie... A Circle K was robbed by some chick with a gun last night, they showed surveillance footage. Grammie squints at the TV, then at me, then back at the TV, then at me again, and says "Looks like you."

Tuned in to Chimney Watch 2013... "But Grammie, we're not even Catholic." "Yah, I know it..."

Grammie put on 'American Idol' thinking it was 'America's Got Talent'. Bon Jovi was performing and she said she hopes they get voted off.

Flipping channels, Grammie came across Good Will Hunting. She asked me, "What's this about?" I reply, "Romance mostly." She watches a scene with Ben Affleck and Matt Damon talking for a minute and says, "Between the two of them you mean, right?"

Grammie turned on the Golden Oldies channel on Music Choice. She's highly disappointed because the music is not "old enough".

"Grammie, you been making ramen noodles for yourself since I showed you how?" "Yes I have, boy they're good. I miss having you around to make my tea every day tho... And do my dishes... And my laundry..." "So maybe I should come visit again for a few days?" "Nnnnnnthat's ok."


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I just talked to my dad.
My Grammie died yesterday.

I can't even deal...

He just kept saying I needede to calm down she was 91 like... WTF?
I said I'm in Jersey do I need to come home? He said "There's nothing you can do now, she's gone..."
Like WTF

And I have to work. And every stupid question the customers are asking I just go blank.

Here's my Grammie golfing a couple years ago when she was only 89.

You can hear my fat outta breath smoker wheezin' self filming it.... Damn she kicked my azz that day.
I'm so sorry to here about your family's loss.


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Grammie put on 'American Idol' thinking it was 'America's Got Talent'. Bon Jovi was performing and she said she hopes they get voted off.

hah I wish I could have known her
I lost my shit at this part
What an awesome awesome lady
My condolences again
I know how hard it is to lose a grandmother
I've lost both of mine (leukemia- well she ended up dying due to pneumonia because her immune system was so weak
and my father's mother died of breast cancer)

Every time I do crafts it makes me think of them :)


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And it's a horrible thing to lose them but
I always say that cliche "at least they are no longer suffering."
I don't know she seemed to be in good health but 91 is a great old age
and being in a hospital is no way to live :(


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I just talked to my dad.
My Grammie died yesterday.

I can't even deal...

He just kept saying I needede to calm down she was 91 like... WTF?
I said I'm in Jersey do I need to come home? He said "There's nothing you can do now, she's gone..."
Like WTF

And I have to work. And every stupid question the customers are asking I just go blank.

Here's my Grammie golfing a couple years ago when she was only 89.

You can hear my fat outta breath smoker wheezin' self filming it.... Damn she kicked my azz that day.

vapin Grampa

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I just talked to my dad.
My Grammie died yesterday.

I can't even deal...

He just kept saying I needede to calm down she was 91 like... WTF?
I said I'm in Jersey do I need to come home? He said "There's nothing you can do now, she's gone..."
Like WTF

And I have to work. And every stupid question the customers are asking I just go blank.

Here's my Grammie golfing a couple years ago when she was only 89.

You can hear my fat outta breath smoker wheezin' self filming it.... Damn she kicked my azz that day.
You have my sincere condolences sweet lady. You have my shoulder to cry on as well as many others here. We won't mind the tears. Keep strong.

vapin Grampa

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really, you make knives? i've never met anyone that does that. when my mate came out the army he gave me a large locking knife. i don't like using it because it's just so sharp. i feel i'm going to cut myself whilst opening it.
I haven't got into making the folders "yet" cuz the straight blades are still to much fun.

Bold Vapor

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I just talked to my dad.
My Grammie died yesterday.

I can't even deal...

He just kept saying I needede to calm down she was 91 like... WTF?
I said I'm in Jersey do I need to come home? He said "There's nothing you can do now, she's gone..."
Like WTF

I was on a project site 2000 miles away when I received the call advising that if you want to see your grandmother while she's still alive you'd better get here now. I left immediately. Planes, tranes and a rental later, I missed her passing by 30 minutes. I so wish I could have gotten there to at least squeeze her hand or give her a hug, but I know that she know's I loved her...

Take heart in that m3rma1d


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Is it really necessary for EVERYTHING to be difficult in this life? I mean, I'm ok with most of it. You appreciate things more when effort is required. But every now and then...a little less struggle would be nice.


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I was on a project site 2000 miles away when I received the call advising that if you want to see your grandmother while she's still alive you'd better get here now. I left immediately. Planes, tranes and a rental later, I missed her passing by 30 minutes. I so wish I could have gotten there to at least squeeze her hand or give her a hug, but I know that she know's I loved her...

Take heart in that m3rma1d
Is it really necessary for EVERYTHING to be difficult in this life? I mean, I'm ok with most of it. You appreciate things more when effort is required. But every now and then...a little less struggle would be nice.

amen :(

vapin Grampa

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Is it really necessary for EVERYTHING to be difficult in this life? I mean, I'm ok with most of it. You appreciate things more when effort is required. But every now and then...a little less struggle would be nice.
I have a very simple philosophy toward life. Of put everything on earth for a reason. My entertainment....


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I just talked to my dad.
My Grammie died yesterday.

I can't even deal...

He just kept saying I needede to calm down she was 91 like... WTF?
I said I'm in Jersey do I need to come home? He said "There's nothing you can do now, she's gone..."
Like WTF

And I have to work. And every stupid question the customers are asking I just go blank.

Here's my Grammie golfing a couple years ago when she was only 89.

You can hear my fat outta breath smoker wheezin' self filming it.... Damn she kicked my azz that day.

that was lovely - what a woman!

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