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I'm not quite there yet gramps. I can laugh at or make a joke about almost anything. No matter what happens I can take it and keep moving. But every now and again, somewhere deep inside I can't help but think "really? Is it my turn to get beat with the shit stick again? Already? "
I have a very simple philosophy toward life. Of put everything on earth for a reason. My entertainment....

Ok. Woe is me time over. o_O
back to our regularily scheduled programming. :D


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Vapemail from Alice in Wonderland just arrived.

Great timing. Grammie's name is Alice. Or, was Alice. Aw fuck, here come the tears again!

My head hurts.

PS Grammie was all about me vaping. When I tried it a few years ago on shitty Volcano gear, her eyes lit up and she was sooooooo happy about it. She got pissed when I went back to regular cigs. But at least I went back to vaping and got off the fucking stink sticks before she died. I dunno for certain if my dad told her or not, but I have a feeling he did.


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So sorry for your loss m3rma1d :( Be thankful of those beautiful memories. Cherish them and hold them dear. My last grandparent died when I was 8 and I had only met two of them. The others had passed before I was born. It leaves a hole. You have beautiful memories to fill that hole. If you need anything, know that we're here for you. I'm sending you psychic bear hugs!

Is it really necessary for EVERYTHING to be difficult in this life? I mean, I'm ok with most of it. You appreciate things more when effort is required. But every now and then...a little less struggle would be nice.

Amen Ace. Buddhist principle #1: Life is suffering. I think they might be onto something...


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Vapemail from Alice in Wonderland just arrived.

Great timing. Grammie's name is Alice. Or, was Alice. Aw fuck, here come the tears again!

My head hurts.

PS Grammie was all about me vaping. When I tried it a few years ago on shitty Volcano gear, her eyes lit up and she was sooooooo happy about it. She got pissed when I went back to regular cigs. But at least I went back to vaping and got off the fucking stink sticks before she died. I dunno for certain if my dad told her or not, but I have a feeling he did.

Sorry to hear about your Grandmother Mermaid. We all know it's gonna break your heart for a long time. But like MoFo said, think about all the giggles and smiles you will be getting the rest of your life when your thoughts bring out all of those great memories of you and her together .

It will take a while, but those tears will change to smiles ( and a few smiling tears along the way)

Your in my thoughts.

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Not only do I have the assorted afor mentioned cutlery, I make knives for a hobby. If ya can't shave wit it or ain't sharp. When I make a knife for a friend I tell'em not to look at it to close or they will cut their eyeballs.

That's great, I really enjoy looking at some of the artisan-made stuff on the knife forums. I just can't afford 'em. ;)
I am finding I like the Scandi grind on the's easy to keep an edge on plus seems to go through about anything without binding up.

I just talked to my dad.
My Grammie died yesterday.

I can't even deal...

He just kept saying I needede to calm down she was 91 like... WTF?
I said I'm in Jersey do I need to come home? He said "There's nothing you can do now, she's gone..."
Like WTF

And I have to work. And every stupid question the customers are asking I just go blank.

Here's my Grammie golfing a couple years ago when she was only 89.

You can hear my fat outta breath smoker wheezin' self filming it.... Damn she kicked my azz that day.

Man, that blows.


I feel for you though, I barely remember my birth gramma, she died when I was 4.
Lost one of my adopted grammas back in the 90s so down to just one now, she's pretty frail and getting some Alzheimer symptoms.

Sounds like she had good sense of humor and had a full life. About all ya can wish for. :)


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Alright, getting back to normal here, I had to go through missed posts and make sure the guys didn't leave any stone unturned.

Ok, looks like I missed a few posts. I had to get off my tapatalk and study this holder on a much larger 1080 p wide angle screen.

While I don't really have much to say About the mod, and after very close inspection, the holder appears very substantial and well balanced. Has the look of quality and some nice heft. Something I would really like to get my hands on.

:). :)

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Thanks everyone. My facebook post about Grammie has almost 100 comments now. She really entertained the hell outta people without even knowing it. She'd be having a hissy fit if she saw their outpouring tho. She hated to have any kinda fuss made over her. Well too bad Grammie, you're gone now so we're all gonna make as much of a fuss over you as we want. :)


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That review was almost poetic. I agree in all respects. That's the smallest looking 26650 mod I've ever seen!
Alright, getting back to normal here, I had to go through missed posts and make sure the guys didn't leave any stone unturned.

Ok, looks like I missed a few posts. I had to get off my tapatalk and study this holder on a much larger 1080 p wide angle screen.

While I don't really have much to say About the mod, and after very close inspection, the holder appears very substantial and well balanced. Has the look of quality and some nice heft. Something I would really like to get my hands on.

:). :)

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Alright, getting back to normal here, I had to go through missed posts and make sure the guys didn't leave any stone unturned.

Ok, looks like I missed a few posts. I had to get off my tapatalk and study this holder on a much larger 1080 p wide angle screen.

While I don't really have much to say About the mod, and after very close inspection, the holder appears very substantial and well balanced. Has the look of quality and some nice heft. Something I would really like to get my hands on.

:). :)

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What MOD?


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Vapemail from Alice in Wonderland just arrived.

Great timing. Grammie's name is Alice. Or, was Alice. Aw fuck, here come the tears again!

My head hurts.

PS Grammie was all about me vaping. When I tried it a few years ago on shitty Volcano gear, her eyes lit up and she was sooooooo happy about it. She got pissed when I went back to regular cigs. But at least I went back to vaping and got off the fucking stink sticks before she died. I dunno for certain if my dad told her or not, but I have a feeling he did.
Did you get the mermaid charm from there too?


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Did you get the mermaid charm from there too?

Yeah I mentioned in my order note that if they had any mermaid or nautical theme charms I'd love to have something like that because I'm obsessed with mermaids and think that I am one. So they stuck that in there for me. So nice :)


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Yeah I mentioned in my order note that if they had any mermaid or nautical theme charms I'd love to have something like that because I'm obsessed with mermaids and think that I am one. So they stuck that in there for me. So nice :)
That's pretty sweet! She has a little Fishee butt and everything!


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Alice in Vapeland gets points from me for their timing for Mermaid and their efforts, as well. That's some pretty awesome packaging they have going. I've thought about ya today, @m3rma1d . I was at AltSmoke looking at their selection. Really nice shop. I noticed they were out of pink Tugboats and giggled about it. Dude looked at me all weird. All I ended up buying was a small thing of Japanese Cotton. But man, I left with a serious case of shiny-itis.


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Alice in Vapeland gets points from me for their timing for Mermaid and their efforts, as well. That's some pretty awesome packaging they have going. I've thought about ya today, @m3rma1d . I was at AltSmoke looking at their selection. Really nice shop. I noticed they were out of pink Tugboats and giggled about it. Dude looked at me all weird. All I ended up buying was a small thing of Japanese Cotton. But man, I left with a serious case of shiny-itis.

lol pink tugbooooooaaaaaaaaaaat!!

I posted the pic on the AIV facebook wall along with the story and they replied with some really sweet words too. Yep, they secured a lot of my future money. :)

Every time I keep feeling a tiny twinge litle bit ok, I suddenly remember.... ugh.

I'm really hungry but I'm not hungry.

My awesome uncle in Alaska just posted on FB about losing his mom... It hit me like a ton of bricks.
I didn't say it to him and I won't, but for him and my dad and my other uncle, this is actually the 2nd mom they've lost. Their biological mom committed suicide when they were just tiny babes.
A couple years ago Grammie was in the hosp with a broken hip and she hated that shit so much she tried to kill herself by starvation.... I was like, "Oh shit, they could lose 2 moms to suicide"

Thankfully we packed her bags for a huge guilt trip and she snapped outta that nonsense.

I guess I'm glad she at least went out in a more "fair & square" way.
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lol pink tugbooooooaaaaaaaaaaat!!

I posted the pic on the AIV facebook wall along with the story and they replied with some really sweet words too. Yep, they secured a lot of my future money. :)

Every time I keep feeling a tiny twinge litle bit ok, I suddenly remember.... ugh.

I'm really hungry but I'm not hungry.

My awesome uncle in Alaska just posted on FB about losing his mom... It hit me like a ton of bricks.
I didn't say it to him and I won't, but for him and my dad and my other uncle, this is actually the 2nd mom they've lost. Their biological mom committed suicide when they were just tiny babes.
A couple years ago Grammie was in the hosp with a broken hip and she hated that shit so much she tried to kill herself by starvation.... I was like, "Oh shit, they could lose 2 moms to suicide"

Thankfully we packed her bags for a huge guilt trip and she snapped outta that nonsense.

I guess I'm glad she at least went out in a more "fair & square" way.

Yes their customer service is amazing. They've always responded to my tweets and the facebook postings I've made to their wall


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The light goes out. :)

It's all in the manual too. You read the manual right? It has cute pictures.

The charging lights go in the reverse colors of discharging, then go off when charged

Yea all I saw was a green light and I figured green meant charged

I never read instruction manuals :p


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@m3rma1d From one mermaid lover to another, I am truly sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family.
I'm honored to have been able to share in the posts you've made today concerning your memories and emotions of your Grammie. You had one hell of a wonderful Grammie and she obviously had one hell of a wonderful granddaughter.


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well thats bs mine doesn't have cute pictures

It was a

There are pics, sort-of. :D


I know, you hate reading. But, you do need to learn how to use your devices or ya could get blow'd up or have them fail without a need to. That thing can charge devices, act as a pass-through and more, but you need to learn how. ;)
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Vapid Vapetress
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ann-marie, my thoughts are with you in your time of sorrow. my grandma was the most important person in my life growing up, and her loss was immeasurable. but the pain diminishes and the memories flourish. cherish them. hugs, sweetie.


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It was a

There are pics, sort-of. :D

View attachment 5059

I know, you hate reading. But, you do need to learn how to use your devices or ya could get blow'd up or have them fail without a need to. That thing can charge devices, act as a pass-through and more, but you need to learn how. ;)

how the fuck can you understand it it's all in engrish


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how the fuck can you understand it it's all in engrish

Well, yeah.
But, it is better written than most. I didn't have any problem with reading it.

Did you see the slideshare link I posted above? It's got a nice pictorial walkthrough.


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That's an all PG guy, right there!

Hey, who took my nice little 2.3 ohm coil and swapped it out with a sub ohm .7?? You tell me how in THE hell does something like this happen? Vapin' away minding my own damn business, then it stops vaping. Suddenly it reads sub ohm. What?


Vapid Vapetress
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Nice to see ya again kelli. Hope all is well or at least tolerable. :)

thanks, dear. your seahawks stomped on my packers last night. they are scary good. guess i won't post my packer fan pics now. :(


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thanks, dear. your seahawks stomped on my packers last night. they are scary good. guess i won't post my packer fan pics now. :(

Well, it's one game...not a fair fight really for a season opener. ;)

I like the Packers too, but being in WA,

Post away, I say. Hell, WA didn't have ANY winning teams for a long time.

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