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will leave you guys with this instructional piece....

View attachment 8530

you're welcome and good night.

should we be worried?



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So, I wake up like too-damn-early o'clock, decided I'd make a burger and work on my new Orchid RTA.

Pics of the burger are on the other camera..oops..but here's what I did with the atty so far.:

14 wrap dual-coils of 28 gauge Kanthal, wrapped by hand on a 1.8mm screwdriver and flambed. Not totally perfect, but good enough for me.

The stages of burn-in:

10W - testing and checking center heating is go.

15W - Starting to cook now, spreading the warmth around.

20W Full burn - "Lookies Maw, I mades me a lighty-bulb!"

I think it got a tad warm. It actually gave it a 'purdy burnished treatment..heheh

I wanted 1.1 ohms, by gawd I got it. :cool:

I stil gotta wick it up and stuff...fingers and eyes are beat though. Gonna finish it later. :)


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So, I wake up like too-damn-early o'clock, decided I'd make a burger and work on my new Orchid RTA.

Pics of the burger are on the other camera..oops..but here's what I did with the atty so far.:

14 wrap dual-coils of 28 gauge Kanthal, wrapped by hand on a 1.8mm screwdriver and flambed. Not totally perfect, but good enough for me.

The stages of burn-in:

10W - testing and checking center heating is go.

15W - Starting to cook now, spreading the warmth around.

20W Full burn - "Lookies Maw, I mades me a lighty-bulb!"

I think it got a tad warm. It actually gave it a 'purdy burnished treatment..heheh

I wanted 1.1 ohms, by gawd I got it. :cool:

I stil gotta wick it up and stuff...fingers and eyes are beat though. Gonna finish it later. :)

how are you liking the chana modz? is it a cloupor?


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nah....i am harmless..

g'morning everybody


love the new AV, Miss K.

you're not just harmless, you are absolutely beautiful! ;)


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i use 7 of them. no problems with the 510, so far, except that you need to clean the with 91% isopropyl alcohol. if you don't, the ohm meter misreads by .1 or so.

looking at the link, it doesn't look like a cloupor.

I doubt that it is cloupor.
It does do 30W, fit & finish is spiffy, the passthrough works even when charging, and overall it's what I wanted.
No sharp square box like the early ones. =)


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Oh, my order from has arrived at my P.O. - W00t!

So, I'll have that stuff later this afternoon-ish. Yippee! :D


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I doubt that it is cloupor.
It does do 30W, fit & finish is spiffy, the passthrough works even when charging, and overall it's what I wanted.
No sharp square box like the early ones. =)

i prefer the pass-through mods, too.

i wasn't big on cloupor, though i bought a bunch, until i emailed them regarding one i bought from fluid vapes. fluid had no interest in replacing it, after it died. clouper gave me a full refund, including shipping. apparently, they have a 6 month warranty, that they have never made public.

i bugged them for a while, saying they should improve the 510 by putting in a spring loaded one and telling them that they should trumpet the warranty. deaf ears, though.


Just Thomas
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Good morning all, it's Friday! CaFF...does that heat up fairly fast at 20 watts or does it take a few seconds? I usually just do single coils


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Good morning all, it's Friday! CaFF...does that heat up fairly fast at 20 watts or does it take a few seconds? I usually just do single coils

Oh yeah, at 20W it'll heat 'em to glowing in about 2-3 seconds when dry like that. I didn't see any point to using 30W just to dry-fire the coils.

It's a 1.1Ω build for my 18mg juice useage, so it really doesn't need the power of a super-sub-ohm one. :)

I've tried a 0.9Ω single coil RDA with it and at 15 watts even, it works fine. YMMV....I'm not a sub-ohmer type.


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And morning to you all

And, to you as well. :D

Love the pic..heheh. After that build, I had myself a nice cold 6AM-on-Friday beer with a shot of Louisiana hot sauce to chillax... :D

Must be getting old...had to use a damn magnifying glass to keep track of all those winds and my fingers/eyes kinda ache. But, I only need to build RTA's like that about once every couple months, so it's all good.


Just Thomas
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Was just curious, thinking about getting that god mod that Foggy has but vaping that hot i am sure it makes more sense to go double early for cocktails...maybe tonight, should be basketball or hockey game on tonight, no plans tonight


Vapid Vapetress
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sorry bout the double post


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So, I wake up like too-damn-early o'clock, decided I'd make a burger and work on my new Orchid RTA.

Pics of the burger are on the other camera..oops..but here's what I did with the atty so far.:

14 wrap dual-coils of 28 gauge Kanthal, wrapped by hand on a 1.8mm screwdriver and flambed. Not totally perfect, but good enough for me.

The stages of burn-in:

10W - testing and checking center heating is go.

15W - Starting to cook now, spreading the warmth around.

20W Full burn - "Lookies Maw, I mades me a lighty-bulb!"

I think it got a tad warm. It actually gave it a 'purdy burnished treatment..heheh

I wanted 1.1 ohms, by gawd I got it. :cool:

I stil gotta wick it up and stuff...fingers and eyes are beat though. Gonna finish it later. :)
I love art in the morning.

Just Me

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My little ones response to this "I swear Vets should have the best life free food free housing OH WAIT CRIMINALS GET THAT oops forgot how screwed our country is" My brother keeps telling me he is going to be in politics, LOL my son says no way politicians are corupt
He tells me MOM Do you know why they are called politicians? I say no son why? He say well Poly means many and tics are blood sucking leaches And thats exactly what politicians are.


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Motherf.....! Have a full load of wood in the truck annd it has a flat! Now I haveta unload the truck, fix the tire, go get another load, unload and stack that, then move and stack the first load that is hundred feet away..



Vapid Vapetress
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did you see the story about the 90 year old guy in ft. lauderdale who got arrested (twice) for feeding the homeless? cops there must be really bored.


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did you see the story about the 90 year old guy in ft. lauderdale who got arrested (twice) for feeding the homeless? cops there must be really bored.

or working for the rebublicans. they do that in quite a few places. :(

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