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Me or the pizzas?

lol I always smell like a fish!

But they don't do anchovies on pizza hut pizzas any more:(
Guess they weren't popular
When I worked at Papa Johns I had one pizza I had to top with anchovies.

had to go in the back to get a can and those things f ucking stink


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Hi Cherry, I may have missed your post on the outcome of the Dr's what did they find and how are they going to treat it?


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I don't go back to the obgyn until Friday I was on their stupid waiting list and got tired of waiting so I went online and made an appointment apparently they were all booked until I went online


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So now I know not to bother calling because the receptionists are idiots just make an appointment online


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I guess I am thick, because I always believe there are other options and Dr's and 2nd opinions, If one is not helping my problems and insists on just proscribing pain meds to mask a health problem that may do more damage if ignored, I don't remain with that health care provider, I will go to someone else who will HELP me recover, not give me a pill and could care less about my well being and have no time to see me.


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So now I know not to bother calling because the receptionists are idiots just make an appointment online
Receptionists are probably trained to tell people that they are booked up so the doctor can go play golf and ignore their patients who always come to them "whining about their problems and issues" cause they don't want to actually say treat them and make the pain go away instead of just giving them pills and making fat bank from insurance and co-pays. Gotta pay for that new Porsche somehow.


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I personally feel that healthcare has gone the way of politics in this country, full of corruption, hungry for money, and not really looking out for the people that they are supposed to be taking care of. I understand that to become a doctor takes quite a bit of time and money, but how in the hell can they justify the insane charges for seeing them for all of maybe 5-10 minutes. I know it's gotten worse since then, but about 10 years ago I dropped one of my knives into my knee, went to the ER, was told I didn't need stitches, AFTER they already gave me 3 stiches, because the "doctor" that treated me was a student ( my mistake for going to MCV hospital) total bill for 3 stitches that I didn't need and about 15 minutes of a student's time: 1800 dollars, which included paying for the suture kit, needless to say I told them since I'm getting billed for the kit they damn well better give it to me, cause next time I'm sewing my own self shut at that price.


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I personally feel that healthcare has gone the way of politics in this country, full of corruption, hungry for money, and not really looking out for the people that they are supposed to be taking care of. I understand that to become a doctor takes quite a bit of time and money, but how in the hell can they justify the insane charges for seeing them for all of maybe 5-10 minutes. I know it's gotten worse since then, but about 10 years ago I dropped one of my knives into my knee, went to the ER, was told I didn't need stitches, AFTER they already gave me 3 stiches, because the "doctor" that treated me was a student ( my mistake for going to MCV hospital) total bill for 3 stitches that I didn't need and about 15 minutes of a student's time: 1800 dollars, which included paying for the suture kit, needless to say I told them since I'm getting billed for the kit they damn well better give it to me, cause next time I'm sewing my own self shut at that price.

My spend down is $ income is $899 a is $300...utilities are roughly $100...$99 for food for the month...NOPE, fuck health insurance.


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I guess I am thick, because I always believe there are other options and Dr's and 2nd opinions, If one is not helping my problems and insists on just proscribing pain meds to mask a health problem that may do more damage if ignored, I don't remain with that health care provider, I will go to someone else who will HELP me recover, not give me a pill and could care less about my well being and have no time to see me.
The thing is I've already been to every obgyn in a 20 mile radius. They said they were going to refer me to a specialist. I would have to drive five hours to Philly. I told them I was willing to do that but they referred me to a regular pain clinic instead. I have tried locating pelvic pain specialists by myself But no one will Talk to me without a referral.


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G'night folks


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Last thing...

I have no insurance records under my personal Social Security # and even though I hand them my medicare card with a different ss#...they never bill them, they bill it under my # and in which I have an insane debt that I could never pay off...hell, I can't afford any medical bills. Monthly payments...can' insurance for me has caused mental breakdowns cause I have a medical debt that far exceeds $100,000's.

How in the actual fuck could someone like me pay off $1,200+ med bills?


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The chronic pelvic pain is pain that doesn't go away after the initial cause. So if they treat the cysts/fibroids and the pain doesn't go away then there's nothing they know how to do. That's why I need a pelvic Pain specialist they will do experimental surgeries, pelvic floor I am a spammer ban me, bladder lidocaine injections, etc. The average doctor knows about as much about these treatments as I do


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Last thing...

I have no insurance records under my personal Social Security # and even though I hand them my medicare card with a different ss#...they never bill them, they bill it under my # and in which I have an insane debt that I could never pay off...hell, I can't afford any medical bills. Monthly payments...can' insurance for me has caused mental breakdowns cause I have a medical debt that far exceeds $100,000's.

How in the actual fuck could someone like me pay off $1,200+ med bills?
I still owe $900 for my Outpatient surgery in February after the insurance already gave them 27 grand!

Plus we had a copay of like $1500

The kicker is the surgery only helped for like 2 months, now I need another.


Vapid Vapetress
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I personally feel that healthcare has gone the way of politics in this country, full of corruption, hungry for money, and not really looking out for the people that they are supposed to be taking care of. I understand that to become a doctor takes quite a bit of time and money, but how in the hell can they justify the insane charges for seeing them for all of maybe 5-10 minutes. I know it's gotten worse since then, but about 10 years ago I dropped one of my knives into my knee, went to the ER, was told I didn't need stitches, AFTER they already gave me 3 stiches, because the "doctor" that treated me was a student ( my mistake for going to MCV hospital) total bill for 3 stitches that I didn't need and about 15 minutes of a student's time: 1800 dollars, which included paying for the suture kit, needless to say I told them since I'm getting billed for the kit they damn well better give it to me, cause next time I'm sewing my own self shut at that price.

that ER visit would cost at least twice that now.


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Good Morning!

"A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and further, will enable a change in the destiny of all humankind."

Roger Schaeffer

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6-8 inches of snow here in Central Minn by tomorrow nite. Glad I take the Bus or my Sister has a SUV. When I was still driving myself I had A Izusu Trooper 4 wheel drive and loved driving in the snow. Can no longer afford to own and maintain my own Vehicle.


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Death metal sucks haha

Lucky octopus


Roger Schaeffer

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Guess what pic I like the best? Stating seeing my Physiologist again last week Had a Several day drinking ah episode and then bronchitis on top. Mood Swings need some therapy again


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No snow here but they said it's going to get coooold. My evil plan is to head to FL to visit a friend towards the end of the week. Sadly only a few days. Probably still be cold when I get back.


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Fun football day today. :)

Before that, I decided to use up the last half-dozen potatoes in the a large amount of brekky happened.

Cut the sprouts and stuff off the 'tators, cut them into halves and boiled them right in the skins. Better for ya and afterwards, the skins just slip off.
First, I broke up a frozen hamburger patty and fried it up with a sliced-up smoked sausage and some New Orleans style seasonings. While that was going on, I chopped up several sweet peppers, a big onion, the potatoes and 3 cloves of garlic.

Piled it all in with the browned meat, adding 1 Tbls. of butter, some Italian spice blend, a sprinkle of smoked hot paprika, a dash of Habanero sauce, a dash of Oyster sauce and S&P.

After a bunch of stir frying, this was the result:

Delish stuff. But, it'll be even yummier breakfast material tomorrow, when I buy more eggs. :)
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It's just good hearty foodstuffs with a lot of uses: could be made into a soup, a brekky burrito, or eaten just as-is.

I like really this stuff with an egg over-medium and topped with cheese.. :D
Oh ya.. double over medium eggs on top..

Or, my favorite, a country fried steak with gravy, THEN the eggs on top.. MMmmm



Platinum Contributor
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Oh ya.. double over medium eggs on top..

Or, my favorite, a country fried steak with gravy, THEN the eggs on top.. MMmmm


Now we're talking....YUM! That would feed me for like three days

I started making these things after Denny's brought out their Breakfast Skillets like a decade or two ago. Love those things, but I can't afford eating out, so I make my own variations.

Oh, they don't have all my chiles either. ;)


Vapid Vapetress
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No snow here but they said it's going to get coooold. My evil plan is to head to FL to visit a friend towards the end of the week. Sadly only a few days. Probably still be cold when I get back.

yeah....unless you stay like 5 months. ugh....5 months. :(

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