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orrrr, put on the suit, jump off a cliff, and learn on the way down.

Many have done just that and never lived to perform it again.

Learning how to manipulate wind and etc is life or death.

These suits have to be tailored to the t, otherwise...death.

I lol'd nonetheless!


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6-8 inches of snow here in Central Minn by tomorrow nite. Glad I take the Bus or my Sister has a SUV. When I was still driving myself I had A Izusu Trooper 4 wheel drive and loved driving in the snow. Can no longer afford to own and maintain my own Vehicle.
I hear ya on that one. Sold my Jeep Grand Cherokee about 3 yrs ago


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Fun football day today. :)

Before that, I decided to use up the last half-dozen potatoes in the a large amount of brekky happened.

Cut the sprouts and stuff off the 'tators, cut them into halves and boiled them right in the skins. Better for ya and afterwards, the skins just slip off.
First, I broke up a frozen hamburger patty and fried it up with a sliced-up smoked sausage and some New Orleans style seasonings. While that was going on, I chopped up several sweet peppers, a big onion, the potatoes and 3 cloves of garlic.

Piled it all in with the browned meat, adding 1 Tbls. of butter, some Italian spice blend, a sprinkle of smoked hot paprika, a dash of Habanero sauce, a dash of Oyster sauce and S&P.

After a bunch of stir frying, this was the result:

Delish stuff. But, it'll be even yummier breakfast material tomorrow, when I buy more eggs. :)
You must stop these pictures. I'm drooling in my bed!


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@franciscan, I've noticed that my Orchid is a juice beast, too, no matter what resistance. Do you think there's anyway of getting around that? Hey, how did you make out at that comp yesterday?


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@franciscan, I've noticed that my Orchid is a juice beast, too, no matter what resistance. Do you think there's anyway of getting around that? Hey, how did you make out at that comp yesterday?
I did not get past the first round. Four juice channels plus dual airflow basically makes the Orchid a dripper with a tank...and it drinks like one. When you draw, you increase the vacuum, and subsequently the flow at over 2.5X a KFL+.


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Squirrel delivery.


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How do you know all those numbers? Are you a math geek?
KFL+ - 2 juice channels
Orchid - 4 juice channels
Orchid - Twice as much airflow

Using simple Bernouli Principle physics...that would be a total of double the vacuum acting against twice the juice flow which comes to 2X....add the second coil for the .5 .


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Mail Squirrel can not defeat POSH MOUSE!

Complete pain finding a config app for this (Linux)


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Roccat Kone XTD. Is that a good one? Did I get a good deal? And yes, I did find source tarballs for it and it compiled without incident...altho the PPA is rubbish.


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I like the Roccat keyboards as well....but my DeathStalker is far from dead.


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LOL,she isn't really fat, but she's pretty buff for a cat. I don't heat the living room, so she's more fluffed up too.

here is another can see the primordial belly pouch here...when she lies down flat, it poofs out.


Summertime..lying on the cool floor....precisely blocking the kitchen

A " picturz" pic...


Dat Face...

She's a real beauty. I was only goofing about her butt. So sweet that you defended her figure!


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@CaFF. Great news! I was able to rescue the gray tabby today. I work with Charles River Alley Cats. They do TNR work with ferals and rescue work with all the others. A no kill organization. This guy is a love. Don't know why someone would abandon him. People are so cruel. Cold weather is coming by the end of the week, too. So happy he'll be someplace warm and get medical attention.


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I did not get past the first round. Four juice channels plus dual airflow basically makes the Orchid a dripper with a tank...and it drinks like one. When you draw, you increase the vacuum, and subsequently the flow at over 2.5X a KFL+.
Just ordered one of these from eBay. Everyone has talked it up enough that I'm jumping in!


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My alarm goes off at 5:30am. "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bugs bite. If they bite, squeeze 'em tight and kill them in the morn"
Night, night


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Just put my Siggy and God Box up for sale


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KFL+ - 2 juice channels
Orchid - 4 juice channels
Orchid - Twice as much airflow

Using simple Bernouli Principle physics...that would be a total of double the vacuum acting against twice the juice flow which comes to 2X....add the second coil for the .5 .
Except you need to use PI...


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I agree, I am use to the chip....I am tempted with the god mod just not sure if I would really use that much power, I don't go higher than 20 watts
Power that you use....more power that you might use someday


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I'm over those now. Collecting the impossible to get wooden ones now.
I understand. Those you've posted pics of look spectacular, so you're off to a great start there.


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I agree, I am use to the chip....I am tempted with the god mod just not sure if I would really use that much power, I don't go higher than 20 watts
The other way to look at it, you can run at low power and the batteries will last for days before needing a recharge. I have a siggy box and don't really go over 40 watts much so the batts last me all day

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