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Morning Trip & Caff:)

Good morning!


It's frickin'


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We have 50's here while last week it didn't get out of the 30's, such a wide swing these dayz, rain and then they say wicked drop back in the 30's. Mother nature is not sure what she wants to hand us, Caff.....LOL


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We have 50's here while last week it didn't get out of the 30's, such a wide swing these dayz, rain and then they say wicked drop back in the 30's. Mother nature is not sure what she wants to hand us, Caff.....LOL

Well, 30's will be our high temps..soon...not today. ;)

It's 17.5F right now..

Check this out:



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Looks like next week you got a mixed bag coming....Looks like our forecast. That is when these trips out to the property will be getting crazy.


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I am seriously going to tag and bag my fuckin laptop if it continues misbehaving. Chrome doesn't work...FireFox is failing...all other browsers and programs installed fail cause of the motherboard/ram complication. I am starting to believe that my laptop is infected with a worm since I have done and used so many av/malware programs and clean bill of health. I can't afford another laptop till April of 2015, FUCK!

G'night folks!
I'm so sick of PC problems. I decided to get a Chromebook for a couple hundred bucks for my social media, online shopping needs and I couldn't be happier. Google servers do everything for me; updates, viral, malware scans, etc.


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I am seriously going to tag and bag my fuckin laptop if it continues misbehaving. Chrome doesn't work...FireFox is failing...all other browsers and programs installed fail cause of the motherboard/ram complication. I am starting to believe that my laptop is infected with a worm since I have done and used so many av/malware programs and clean bill of health. I can't afford another laptop till April of 2015, FUCK!

G'night folks!
What is the RAM complication? I have a couple of different sticks that have been lying around here. If you have a bad chip or two let me know what you need and I can see if I have a couple that will work for you.

Can't help on the MB side though.


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And you thought your morning was bad...........

I have someone change a lane on me last second for a broken down car in the road like the truck in one of the segments, so not cool!

And I love the karma of the guy in the big truck flipping off the guys in the car and then having an accident. LOL


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@cherrycakes sorry to hear that the sleeping is going bad. I finally reached a point recently where I decided that I just have to lie in the bed in the most comfortable position I can muster and at least try to get some rest... I have been cheating some and playing a little sudoku though ;)


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AMEN!!! And that's saying a lot since I'm agnostic, which is not to be confused with being an atheist...

you're good man IMI. :D

thanks for all the help on the computer. :)

agnostic is a misunderstood word. just means i don't know, which is one of the most honest and correct answers to many questions.

when i was a kid, there was huge board posted at the end of our apt. it listed all the registered voters of our district and their party affiliation. it would probably be illegal today. one guy did not have his party listed. it said agnostic, next to his name. the town was primarily Catholic and Greek Orthodox. it just seemed like a pretty drastic tag.

and "i don't know" fits politics, for sure!

in later years, i'm wonder if it was a big misunderstanding and that he had registered as an independent. :p


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Yep @Sambuca a lot of people thinks that it means you don't believe. But instead it really means that I don't believe in organized religion and I personally think that pretty all the entities worshipped by varying cultures are simply manifestations of the same force explained in their own terms and lore.

YW with the computer, I assume that it is behaving itself now ;)

And on the public voter info, I've actually got a letter before the election in 2010 listing all of my neighbors voting habits. I was pissed because I couldn't believe that they were publically sharing whether or not people voted in elections in an effort to shame them into voting if they hadn't. I mean sometimes a person exercises their right to vote by not voting. I personally didn't vote for president last time around because I thought that neither was better than the other based on their history and past decisions. I was damned close to voting for McCain but then he went off and chose Palin as a running mate in a lame attempt to capture the female vote which I personally found offensive because it made the assumption that women would vote for him simply because a woman was on his ticket. Now if he had picked an woman who had a clue what it meant to actually run America I would have felt different, but no way I'm gonna have Palin next in line for the Oval office.


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Yep @Sambuca a lot of people thinks that it means you don't believe. But instead it really means that I don't believe in organized religion and I personally think that pretty all the entities worshipped by varying cultures are simply manifestations of the same force explained in their own terms and lore.

YW with the computer, I assume that it is behaving itself now ;)

And on the public voter info, I've actually got a letter before the election in 2010 listing all of my neighbors voting habits. I was pissed because I couldn't believe that they were publically sharing whether or not people voted in elections in an effort to shame them into voting if they hadn't. I mean sometimes a person exercises their right to vote by not voting. I personally didn't vote for president last time around because I thought that neither was better than the other based on their history and past decisions. I was damned close to voting for McCain but then he went off and chose Palin as a running mate in a lame attempt to capture the female vote which I personally found offensive because it made the assumption that women would vote for him simply because a woman was on his ticket. Now if he had picked an woman who had a clue what it meant to actually run America I would have felt different, but no way I'm gonna have Palin next in line for the Oval office.

i did disc recovery and most everything seems to be working. if not, i'll just do a clean install. in the long run, that would be the quickest way, esp now that all the other discs i need a right here now. btw, i think win8 is some sort of hidden update. the "restart" tab says restart and update alot.

i vote with my "pocketbook". if no one purchased a monsanto product, they wouldn't exist. the presidential thingy is usually decided long before election day. peer pressure is just used to maintain the herd.

it was obvious that the powers that be wanted Obama. how else do the republicans end up picking a McCain for their ticket. Palin was just insurance to lose, without trying to make it obvious. they don't really run the country anyway. the presidents job is just to make the decisions of the corporations more palatable. so the peoples can focus on sports and entertainment.


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i did disc recovery and most everything seems to be working. if not, i'll just do a clean install. in the long run, that would be the quickest way, esp now that all the other discs i need a right here now. btw, i think win8 is some sort of hidden update. the "restart" tab says restart and update alot.

i vote with my "pocketbook". if no one purchased a monsanto product, they wouldn't exist. the presidential thingy is usually decided long before election day. peer pressure is just used to maintain the herd.

it was obvious that the powers that be wanted Obama. how else do the republicans end up picking a McCain for their ticket. Palin was just insurance to lose, without trying to make it obvious. they don't really run the country anyway. the presidents job is just to make the decisions of the corporations more palatable. so the peoples can focus on sports and entertainment.
That being said, I'd like to see Ret Gen Colin Powell take a run for office. He is a moderate republican with some good social views and I'd venture a guess that he knows how to handle some foreign policy better... or at least more efficiently...


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@Ace Tis but a scratch. Love that movie!
Good morning everyone! Does anyone know the name of a's like a VTR but better looking and kind of shorter? I want to pick up another travel mod, a bit stealth.
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Just Me

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This one time while I was biking from Minneapolis to Duluth, I saw...well thought I saw an Alien Spacecraft (UFO term is redundant) and it turned out to be my seat soaring above me as I tumble down an dreams and lower region were crushed once I came to the realization that I turned left when I was to turn right.

Still waiting to be abducted and toyed with!

Have you not seen American Horror Story 2 LOL


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That being said, I'd like to see Ret Gen Colin Powell take a run for office. He is a moderate republican with some good social views and I'd venture a guess that he knows how to handle some foreign policy better... or at least more efficiently...
It's too bad he'll never do it. I'd bet he'd win by a huge margin.


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It's too bad he'll never do it. I'd bet he'd win by a huge margin.
Don't know about that... speculation is brewing because he has been hitting the talk circuit and doing interviews a lot more recently talking about his social policy views... And damn, I hope I'm that robust and healthy looking when in another 30 years!


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So does anyone else watch Blacklist?? I found it on netflix last weekend and kinda like it
Any show where I can figure out the main character's hidden backstory in the first couple of minutes tends to get on my blacklist...


Bronze Contributor
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Don't know about that... speculation is brewing because he has been hitting the talk circuit and doing interviews a lot more recently talking about his social policy views... And damn, I hope I'm that robust and healthy looking when in another 30 years!
Good to know. IIRC, he said he wasn't interested in running for office back when he retired. I hope he's changed his mind.


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And while looking for the Howard Wolowitz meme, I stumbled across this, and thought DAMN!


And then I wondered if @Just Me has that outfit? The one of the left that is... o_O


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What do you think?? I really like it makes you wonder

Yeah, I dig the cloak 'n dagger stuff. It's getting a tad convoluted now, but still pretty interesting.
A lot of the story is unrealistic, of course, but it's better than average for network TV. ;-)


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@Ace Tis but a scratch. Love that movie!
Good morning everyone! Does anyone know the name of a's like a VTR but better looking and kind of shorter? I want to pick up another travel mod, a bit stealth.
@glassgrl ... the Eleaf iStick is the most stealth I've seen, even though your tank would go on top and not off to the side.


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Thanks M-cat. I have errands today, going to stop at the vape shop and see what I can see. @Just Me That one is cute, I was thinking that same thing with leggings since my mini dress days are over. lol But I got a couple of their super sale tops and they were VERY thin fabric, didn't like them at all.

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