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My mother had a stroke 3 years ago has been unable to work and they still won't accept her claim. She can't drive she can't remember what happened yesterday. ridiculous

that is what pisses me off. these govt employees are pencil pushers. i know too many people who can't get their ssdi.

everyone thinks it is clear cut. it isn't. it's supposed to be. why isn't it? it's the people involved. that's why i took at shot at doing it myself. i was well versed in "making a case", and i made it each time i spoke with my examiner. i learned, when dealing with insurance companies, i was on a trust that hired and fired them, that my calls were taken care of. the agents were told that i would call and call, until they did the right thing. i was calling on behalf of others and they decided it was cheaper to just pay the claim, then let me take up all of their time hounding them. they wre just told, "if that's sambuca, just pay it. even if you have doubts. just do it."

starwood did they same thing with fmla. i knew it backwards, forwards and sideways. of course, i have joe breslin, of the portland lumberjacks trust to thank for that. but starwood gave up. they said the same thing, "if sambuca says it's fmla, it's fmla." they didn't have a lawyer on the planet that could beat me on it.

sometimes, it pays to be a pain in the ass. :)

it pays to be informed, too. ;)


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I can't sleep but when I don't sleep I get all mentally fucked up ,thinking about killing myself, crying all day etc. Add constant pain on top of that its no wonder I'm pissing off my husband , I can't even stand myself I can see myself veering off into crazyland and unable to stop it

just so you know, it's sometimes easier to get disability for mental health reasons. back in washington state, drug use can get you almost automatic disability. it's not worth being on methadone, though.

you're working, so you can do something. you might get better results pursuing "reasonable accommodations".
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We are the island of misfit toys


Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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Im attempting my first forced patina right now!!! Wish me luuuuuck! Ill post pics of my work tonight or tomorrow, going to add some paint and such too, custom looking Vanilla.....yay!


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My post was not aimed at anyone or anything. Just random. Dont know of anyone is angry,
I actually skip the posts about medical stuff. Enough bad medical stuff has happened in my family, id rather avoid the subject. It doesn't bother me I just choose not to read it.
Liked it, but hope this discussion isn't coming off as angry. I'm certainly not angry, and I apologize if I haven't noticed that anyone else might be, especially if I made them angry... It's happened before... :D


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Speaking of Kitty.... :D

I have been keeping the blinds closed to keep the 19F cold on the outside, especially since the baseboard is under the damn window.
But, when Tiki started pawing at the blinds, I had to give her a brief peek out.


She's been staring intently out there for like ten minutes. It's all good though...she'll go to sleep, then I'll close it again. ;-)


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Vintage ALL dolls are creepy (and especially clowns).
Fixed that for ya. :)
Ended up not stopping at the vape store today. Just have to deal with what I have. It's not the gear anyway really. Last time I made some DIY I decided it would be good with a little sumpinsumpin in it. It's not...not for a mechanical anyway.

Just Me

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My post was not aimed at anyone or anything. Just random. Dont know of anyone is angry,
I actually skip the posts about medical stuff. Enough bad medical stuff has happened in my family, id rather avoid the subject. It doesn't bother me I just choose not to read it.
ACE!! I missed you !!!!


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it may be clearly written, but i know of just as many folks on disability, that don't deserve it, as i do folks that do, but can't get it. that's why i said you need to view your case examiner like a jury. they view many different cases and they get bogged down. you have to make them confident that you are not only qualified, but worth the extra effort to push your file to the top. i built my case for her, so she could present it, as if she majored in heart failure, and she could sum up my case in a paragraph. i had done that with nlrb agents. i also had to call her and keep her working on it. she told me she would be done on feb 14. she wasn't.

i remember that day, cuz Kelli got a banned at ecf, that afternoon. despite spending 3 hours on the phone with the owner of a vape store in colorado, i still made sure to call and check on my case. she wasn't done, the next 3 times i called, either. i kept at it. she kept talking about priorities. i did my best to make her feel that my case was a priority. i provided any relevant documents that she needed.

i had my decision letter within 2 1/2 months of applying. shoulda been 2, but i won't quibble with that! i pretty much set my case up, so that any appeal would be easy. all of the evidence was in.

age was an important factor. i was 55. too old to have to go through retraining.
While there may be people on SSI who you or I wouldnt think deserve it, that is not the norm at all for SSDI. Many people are confused between the two programs.


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that is what pisses me off. these govt employees are pencil pushers. i know too many people who can't get their ssdi.

everyone thinks it is clear cut. it isn't. it's supposed to be. why isn't it? it's the people involved. that's why i took at shot at doing it myself. i was well versed in "making a case", and i made it each time i spoke with my examiner. i learned, when dealing with insurance companies, i was on a trust that hired and fired them, that my calls were taken care of. the agents were told that i would call and call, until they did the right thing. i was calling on behalf of others and they decided it was cheaper to just pay the claim, then let me take up all of their time hounding them. they wre just told, "if that's sambuca, just pay it. even if you have doubts. just do it."

starwood did they same thing with fmla. i knew it backwards, forwards and sideways. of course, i have joe breslin, of the portland lumberjacks trust to thank for that. but starwood gave up. they said the same thing, "if sambuca says it's fmla, it's fmla." they didn't have a lawyer on the planet that could beat me on it.

sometimes, it pays to be a pain in the ass. :)

it pays to be informed, too. ;)
I'm telling ya, you calling and pestering and 'telling your story' didnt have anything to do with it.. You meeting the criteria did.. The problem is that most people who apply think they meet the criteria when they dont, or, do meet it but dont have the evidence.
The rules and criteria are clearly set out, line by line, check mark by check mark. Meet all of them, you are good to go. Dont, and you will get denied. Now, since they are not totally heartless, there is an appeals process where a Judge gets to look at it and weigh in on the 'could be either way' cases, but you still must meet the criteria as laid down in the law.


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They will go back to the day you last worked IF that day is determined to be your Disability date. They will use your Filling Date if no disability date can be nailed down prior to the filling date. Shit, they can even use a date AFTER your filling date if its determined that you were disabled AFTER filling. This happens, say, if for some reason you dont get to the doctors for that crucial Functional Capacity test until after filing and the Judge uses that test to determine eligibility (The examiners cannot use it, because they are only there to determine that you were disabled at, or prior to, the date of filing)... Then, they subtract one year and that is the date you start your payments. (Note, they cannot go back farther than the last day you worked because, well, you working means you are not disabled.) Also, eligibility for Medicare is 2yrs from your Disability date (or filing date if no Disability date can be determined) So, lets say you stopped working June 1st 2012 and you were found to be disabled on that day also (remember, it cant go farther even if you were disabled sooner) and finally get approval through the Admin Judge say, Feb 1 2015. Your date to start payments would be retroactive to June 2nd 2013. Your eligibility for Medicare would be July 1st 2014 since you must be eligible for SSDI for 2yrs before you get Medicare.

Also, if you are disabled for MORE than a year before you file, they can only pay you up to the Filing date as they are not allowed to go back more than one year prior to the filing date. IE: You were disabled, not working, and found to be disabled June 1st 2012, but for some reason decided not to file until June 1st 2014, they can only start the clock going back to June 2nd 2013. Take away the the first year for payments, and you would start to get paid beginning June 2nd 2014 and not be eligible for Medicare until June 1st 2015..

Any of this make sense? And yes, I have been through it and I use to help out other Vets go through it (see my link in my sig)
I had to read the last half of the first paragraph twice but I follow what you are saying. It's just different than what my understanding was so it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. It actually will work better for me if the take away that full year because anything that goes in my son's name because of the family max is all going to have to go into a special needs trust that it is going to be a major headache because my lawyer is going to have to convince the ins company that they shouldn't be able to count that against us because we can't actually use most of that money and it's required to go into the trust because of his medicaid benefits.

Sometimes getting back pay is a pain in the ass when you don't actually need it.


Vapid Vapetress
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i need to eat but i don't know what. maybe cereal.


Vapid Vapetress
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ok btw, if anyone is handy soldering things or whatever, i have a dead istick which i dropped. the thing you plug the usb charging cord into fell down inside. i got the bottom plate off and it was just loose in there, and fell out when i turned it right side up. so i tried supergluing it to the bottom plate and putting it back together. that didn't work. now it won't even come on. (it did before i fucked with it). i should never attempt to fix anything. i only make it worse. anyway, if anyone wants the thing, it's yours. free. shipping included. let me know.


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ok btw, if anyone is handy soldering things or whatever, i have a dead istick which i dropped. the thing you plug the usb charging cord into fell down inside. i got the bottom plate off and it was just loose in there, and fell out when i turned it right side up. so i tried supergluing it to the bottom plate and putting it back together. that didn't work. now it won't even come on. (it did before i fucked with it). i should never attempt to fix anything. i only make it worse. anyway, if anyone wants the thing, it's yours. free. shipping included. let me know.

Hey Kelli, tell ya what...I'd take it. If I can fix it, I'll send it back to ya. :)


Vapid Vapetress
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Hey Kelli, tell ya what...I'd take it. If I can fix it, I'll send it back to ya. :)

thanks but no....if you take it, it's yours. i have another one and two more on the way.


Vapid Vapetress
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Ah, well in that case...idk, I don't really need one?
If midnight can use it, he's free to have it. =)



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I used to know a guy named CerealKiller...a grumpy old hacker dood... lol

(it was a play of words on the old Capt'n Crunch phreaking stuff....)

ahhh... phreaking... those were the days. felt sorry for anybody who tried it after Hackers came out though cause they could catch you fast by then


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ahhh... phreaking... those were the days. felt sorry for anybody who tried it after Hackers came out though cause they could catch you fast by then

Still exists.... ;-)
This'll take ya back...

I wonder if DaVinci still makes those awesome gfx like he did for da Phrozen Crew...

I got into PShop and gfx because of him. I talked to him a few times, pretty amazing guy..ya know his vocation was as an engraver? He did amazing work.
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Diamond Contributor
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The way I fig, I just got a chana30 I'm enjoying, and I don't really NEED more stuff.

But, I'd be happy to fix it for ya. Soldering isn't that hard really, and it may not even need it - more likely it was press-fit and/or hotglued into place and just fell out.
Lets see a picture of that bad boy

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