sorry to hear that, IMI. are you using an atty?
i was fortunate, though i'd say something else, not being agnostic.
can you have your case transferred? i lived in king county, but drew the spokane office for my examiner. as soon as i got my examiner's number, i called her and laid out my case 2 ways. i made sure she understood everything and gave her doctor notes that supported my claim. i walked her through the process, correcting her when needed and dug out some very old hospital files, when that hospital didn't respond. she got my case near the end of january and had completed her report one month later, though she should've been done sooner. i had to coax her along. 3 times she told me she would have it finished and she didn't. i'm not a total idiot, close though, so i just pressed her to get it done. i made sure that she covered both examples and she did.
the doctors approved me that day they got my file.
you have to pretend that your examiner is a jury and lay out your case. being younger doesn't help, cuz they think retraining before paying. if your examiner is on board, it's hard to lose. but they are crusty and hardened public servants. the more you talk to them, the more you get a feel for what they are thinking. you need to make it personal. it's easy to dismiss a case number, but hard to dismiss a living person.
and if you are like me, they'll dread talking to you, cuz you can make them feel like they are in the wrong, if they don't help. lawyers don't really give a crap, either. just another case to them.
most folks don't even know they can go over the case with the examiners. do some research, find out what you need and make sure the examiner gets it. if they really understand your case, they have to live with turning you down. if they don't understand it, then, in their eyes, you're just another person trying to get ssdi. you have to stand out from those people. don't rely on anyone else! find out what standards are used in your case and make sure that your examiner knows them, too. i did that and it paid off in spades. an atty would have just been in the way.
if i can help with any brainstorming, let me know.
i'm not just another pretty face!