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Every time I hear of unicorn poop or unicorn blood I think of Charlie going to candy mountain to lose a kidney.

Damn interwebs!
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QUOTE="kelli, post: 104400, member: 4812"]hi[/QUOTE]
Just gonna leave it at that, huh?


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Good night you lovely people.
My first day working at
starts tomorrow.

I'm gonna handle the meat!!!:eek:

I haven't been around much the last few days, been nursing a cold. Congrats on the new job Fishee! Hope it works out well for you


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Good morning Moe and everyone. I have to go shopping today since I have jury duty starting Monday. There's a friggin dress code. No flip-flops, no shorts, no tank tops. No kidding. Wonder how a T-shirt with FFS would go over?


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Spicy Non-Moist Meat is Go!

Nice! What's your drying setup? We have a dehydrator that does a pretty good job with jerky, though it is a bit loud. I've been considering trying the Alton Brown style Jerky Box, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Have you tried making Biltong? A friend of mine at work introduced me to it a month or two ago. He brings in a small plate of it every Friday to enjoy with our happy (half)hour beer :)


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Morning - how has east coast weather been this Sept.?

We're still fairly boiling out here


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Good morning Moe and everyone. I have to go shopping today since I have jury duty starting Monday. There's a friggin dress code. No flip-flops, no shorts, no tank tops. No kidding. Wonder how a T-shirt with FFS would go over?
But you're not exactly complaining about having an excuse to go shopping :D :p


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Morning - how has east coast weather been this Sept.?

We're still fairly boiling out here

To be honest, its been a nice summer, hotter this year than the last 3, trend is cooling off now, no more 70's, at least until next year.


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Woke up with a crink in my neck. It's pretty much the worst shit ever, amirite?? I seriously wish I could just cut off my own head for the day to avoid this irritating pain shooting down my shoulder and up my stem every time I have to move even 1/4 inch.


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I think we have 3 of these threads going on ... not sure where to post any more: here, or "random thoughts, ftw," or "the parking lot"



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General question: would you rather be borderline something or completely something? Or have something that's considered on the borderline vs have something that's 100% "no doubt" that thing?


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Good morning Moe and everyone. I have to go shopping today since I have jury duty starting Monday. There's a friggin dress code. No flip-flops, no shorts, no tank tops. No kidding. Wonder how a T-shirt with FFS would go over?
Don't forget your stealth kit and technique.

Just Me

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Woke up with a crink in my neck. It's pretty much the worst shit ever, amirite?? I seriously wish I could just cut off my own head for the day to avoid this irritating pain shooting down my shoulder and up my stem every time I have to move even 1/4 inch.

Try Ice for 5 minutes then heat for 5 right after a couple neck stretches and shoulder rolls after that should help.


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Not sure how to answer that, that's why I will post a pug frightened of a ball


"Something" could mean anything negative in this case ... physical / mental condition, etc.


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I buy everything online lol

I usually do too but it's shoes. Gotta try those on first. I admit, shoe shopping is my kryptonite. Go in with every intention of getting a black flat or something and walk out with cute 4" wedges. Sigh.


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General question: would you rather be borderline something or completely something? Or have something that's considered on the borderline vs have something that's 100% "no doubt" that thing?

Borderline for most somethings.


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Borderline for most somethings.
Yeah, for certain type of diseases, I would definitely not want to have a full blown "something."

By the way, there is no right or wrong answer here.

I asked the question to get opinions that could possibly be of help to me. Thanks!


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I usually do too but it's shoes. Gotta try those on first. I admit, shoe shopping is my kryptonite. Go in with every intention of getting a black flat or something and walk out with cute 4" wedges. Sigh.
And why is it that a lot of good looking shoes are almost always the least comfortable? :mad:


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Good morning Moe and everyone. I have to go shopping today since I have jury duty starting Monday. There's a friggin dress code. No flip-flops, no shorts, no tank tops. No kidding. Wonder how a T-shirt with FFS would go over?
I feel for ya with that jury duty business!


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General question: would you rather be borderline something or completely something? Or have something that's considered on the borderline vs have something that's 100% "no doubt" that thing?
All of the above sound quite maddening! Seriously!


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I usually do too but it's shoes. Gotta try those on first. I admit, shoe shopping is my kryptonite. Go in with every intention of getting a black flat or something and walk out with cute 4" wedges. Sigh.
haha same here


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Try Ice for 5 minutes then heat for 5 right after a couple neck stretches and shoulder rolls after that should help.

m3rma1d, I get a cricked neck sometimes too so I know it can get real painful. This ^^^ is some great advice. The other thing I've found over the years is that I can massage my own neck. Put right hand on left elbow for support and massage neck area with left hand. Work over to right shoulder. Then reverse to get the left side. Repeat as required.


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All of the above sound quite maddening! Seriously!
I think you're right :)

Where I'm personally coming from with the question: general feelings of malaise that ebb and flow (work, family, etc.). Good thing is that something usually positive happens that can brighten my spirits. For example, coming to VU to hang out, vent, etc. Bad thing is that the itch you can't scratch ("why can't thing be better?") finds a way to creep back. Only scratching the surface with this, but probably enough for now.

Skip to the end: I think I fall in to being a borderline "something" or having borderline "somethings." And as @Huckleberried said, it can be a bitch to figure out! :D


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I think you're right :)

Where I'm personally coming from with the question: general feelings of malaise that ebb and flow (work, family, etc.). Good thing is that something usually positive happens that can brighten my spirits. For example, coming to VU to hang out, vent, etc. Bad thing is that the itch you can't scratch ("why can't thing be better?") finds a way to creep back. Only scratching the surface with this, but probably enough for now.

Skip to the end: I think I fall in to being a borderline "something" or having borderline "somethings." And as @Huckleberried said, it can be a bitch to figure out! :D

have you been treated for depression?
I often have bouts of feeling hopeless, dissatisfied, etc.
Anti-depressants help but it gets a lot worse in the winter.
I have this sunlamp thing which seems to help.


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I think you're right :)

Where I'm personally coming from with the question: general feelings of malaise that ebb and flow (work, family, etc.). Good thing is that something usually positive happens that can brighten my spirits. For example, coming to VU to hang out, vent, etc. Bad thing is that the itch you can't scratch ("why can't thing be better?") finds a way to creep back. Only scratching the surface with this, but probably enough for now.

Skip to the end: I think I fall in to being a borderline "something" or having borderline "somethings." And as @Huckleberried said, it can be a bitch to figure out! :D
Aw Moe. Yeah, that's a hard feeling to shake sometimes. When you do feel that way, it makes it tough to see where you truly are and appreciate the life you have. I frequently tell myself that things could ALWAYS be worse. Sometimes I just wanna bitch and moan, throw a tantrum, want someone to feel sorry for me.... they usually laugh and tell me I have high class problems, lol. Venting certainly helps! The trick is figuring out, sometimes the ONE thing, that I'm not seeing. And sometimes that one thing is Zoloft.


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have you been treated for depression?
I often have bouts of feeling hopeless, dissatisfied, etc.
Anti-depressants help but it gets a lot worse in the winter.
I have this sunlamp thing which seems to help.
No I haven't ... I've read posts in the "light at the end of the tunnel" topic, but in my opinion my path has never been that dark. Of course, that doesn't mean I shouldn't talk to a professional. I basically live by the mantra "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." It's gotten me by so far.

I'm also pretty sure that I think about too many things at once and probably need to get better at concentrating on - at most - a few things at a time.


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a lot of times people are depressed and don't realize it
I'm not saying anti-depressants are the answer- they are for some people
but even having someone to talk to sometimes helps

of course there is a difference between feeling that way SOME of the time
and feeling that way MOST of the time.

gah I need to do some actual work :(


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No I haven't ... I've read posts in the "light at the end of the tunnel" topic, but in my opinion my path has never been that dark. Of course, that doesn't mean I shouldn't talk to a professional. I basically live by the mantra "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." It's gotten me by so far.

I'm also pretty sure that I think about too many things at once and probably need to get better at concentrating on - at most - a few things at a time.
You don't have to be one of the ones affected by that darkness there, ya know? There are some great "tools" for life in that thread. I mean that in the constructive sense of "tool", not the slang, lol.

Sometimes focusing on more than one thing at a time can be a chore for me. That's when my mind will race ahead of my present.

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