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Man, is it WINDY here....40-50mph gusts are shaking the windows and rattling the building.

Tiki has decided that sleeping near the window is not for her ATM...heheh


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haven't had cable in 8 years. but it was on the food channel alot. my absolute favorite was iron chef. even though they over used caviar and goose liver, dudes could get shit done quick! Emeril was entertaining. Ming was on back then. Bobby flay? he was alright.

but grew up on graham. i understand julia's talent, but i couldn't hack watching her. i had a british aunt. she could cook up a storm. you didn't want to miss one of her spreads. never anything but a full on feast. and so much of it homemade. jams, relishes and pickled veggies. damn.
i worked in hotels and restaurants for 20 years. busy ones too, top 100. lots of banquets. but when i remember all the stuff she made, i don't think i could ever do what she did by herself. she did it all year long, holiday or not. i have to give her props in the kitchen. in fact, she almost scared me out of wanting to get in the business. i looked back at all the work she did and way! too hard!

You know PBS is on OTA broadcast? I get three channels of PBS here free.

My Mum shaped me too..classic dairyman's daughter during the Depression turned homemaker in the 50's.
Man, she could cook....I wish I had her copy of Betty Crocker with all of the annotations and recipes.

For me, The Joy of Cooking really was a blessing. Still have a tattered copy from about 35 years ago stuffed to the gills with stuff. :D

Now, the Internet makes it all too easy. Hell, has pretty much anything ever made by a home cook with video tuts and much more.


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Looks like there are a couple asshats over in that BF thread. I rarely venture out because of that. Yuck. Muth, you're right. Vendors really shouldn't do that. Ever.

Has anyone else been having problems with the discount codes today? I have twice now and it's pissing me off. The first time I just left the site but the second time it was only for 10% but it came out to .50 off a $32.00 order. WTF?
Thank you, glassgrl. I learned my lesson; I'm staying right here with my friends where I'm safe.


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Thank you, glassgrl. I learned my lesson; I'm staying right here with my friends where I'm safe.




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You know PBS is on OTA broadcast? I get three channels of PBS here free.

My Mum shaped me too..classic dairyman's daughter during the Depression turned homemaker in the 50's.
Man, she could cook....I wish I had her copy of Betty Crocker with all of the annotations and recipes.

For me, The Joy of Cooking really was a blessing. Still have a tattered copy from about 35 years ago stuffed to the gills with stuff. :D

Now, the Internet makes it all too easy. Hell, has pretty much anything ever made by a home cook with video tuts and much more.

no, but i prolly sholda. i have a roku box. :p

my mom could bake. really well. but meant and was from new foundland. irish roman catholic. her idea of cooking was to heat everything to 350 degrees. chew the meat? you coudn't barely cut it. i always told her i love meatloaf, which i did. at least you're supposed to cook that! if it was too dry, you know, grab the ketchup. but bake she could. mighta rubbed off. went to a vo-tech for a year. 2 of the teachers were awful. they might of helped some, but there was mutual disdain there. the baking guy, though. automatic a's. place was so messy, i'd go in each semester i had it, and strip it, clean it and organize it. the teacher loved it. food was the same, but organization is the key to baking. i didn't do it to get credit. just couldn't work in a place where shit was everywhere. ocd pays off in some areas. ;)

internet might make it easy, but people still can't cook. the people we knew were legends. lots of folks knew them, few can emulate them.


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Member For 5 Years
no, but i prolly sholda. i have a roku box. :p

my mom could bake. really well. but meant and was from new foundland. irish roman catholic. her idea of cooking was to heat everything to 350 degrees. chew the meat? you coudn't barely cut it. i always told her i love meatloaf, which i did. at least you're supposed to cook that! if it was too dry, you know, grab the ketchup. but bake she could. mighta rubbed off. went to a vo-tech for a year. 2 of the teachers were awful. they might of helped some, but there was mutual disdain there. the baking guy, though. automatic a's. place was so messy, i'd go in each semester i had it, and strip it, clean it and organize it. the teacher loved it. food was the same, but organization is the key to baking. i didn't do it to get credit. just couldn't work in a place where shit was everywhere. ocd pays off in some areas. ;)

internet might make it easy, but people still can't cook. the people we knew were legends. lots of folks knew them, few can emulate them.

Newfoundland, cool. ...literally. ;-)

Mum was from and still is in B.C., Dad was from Alberta and I was born in ONT. Go figure eh? :D
Ah, should make some of my mom's meatloaf. I have the memory of helping her make it seared into my childhood brain. Basic stuff, but mmmm.

Kinda sounds like my uncle. He went and did Culinary Arts in the 70's at a community college, but they basically taught Institutional cooking. To this day, he can't make a meal for one and so, he doesn't really cook. Too bad, he really helped shape me too. He learned me how to make Omelette's, flambe stuff, all the fun things. ;-)

BTW..I use this janky old Phillips HD Rabbit Ears and a DTV converter box to get about 14 channels Over The Air for free...nothing else needed. :)


My set is from like 2006...most newer ones can convert DTV signals internally though.


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Ugh I can't get this video onto my phone from Facebook

I want to show you guys a jiu jitsu match I won lol


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Lol we were that's a big deal in the jiu jitsu part of things...there are no's called hand fighting

We were going back and forth trying to get a dominant grip
I went back and forth for years.....then about the time I turned 18 I decided that I much prefer my right ha.........ehm.........this is about fighting????


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Man, it nearly looked he was gonna win that, but persistence paid off... :D

Seemed a bit tame for MMA though...more pure ju-jitsu type stuff?
Yes that was a straight up jiu jitsu competition


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Man, it nearly looked he was gonna win that, but persistence paid off... :D

Seemed a bit tame for MMA though...more pure ju-jitsu type stuff?
And I dominated that match lol the entire time I had him in a triangle choke...even though I was on my back I was on the offensive lol


Vapid Vapetress
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And I dominated that match lol the entire time I had him in a triangle choke...even though I was on my back I was on the offensive lol

glad you told me, cause for awhile i thought he was kickin' your ass. :p


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And I dominated that match lol the entire time I had him in a triangle choke...even though I was on my back I was on the offensive lol

Ya, I noticed that, but not knowing much about it, I'm like 'why didn't he smash ya when he picked you up'

Pretty cool. :)


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Ya, I noticed that, but not knowing much about it, I'm like 'why didn't he smash ya when he picked you up'

Pretty cool. :)
Yea in jiu jitsu that can't happen lol...ive been slammed in mma many times lol


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Must go way back.... ;)
I love when people say "oh, no people in older times were 'buff' like nowadays"...ORLY?


Léon Bonnat (French, 1833-1922) Jacob Wrestling the Angel, 1876

Pencil and black chalk on paper, 20 3/4 x 14 ½.
Collection of the Dahesh Museum of Art, New York (2003.30)

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Diamond Contributor
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Ok, as you all know, I already own two Wizard Modz wood boxes. I went to 510 tonight to buy some stuff and things....and they are having a Black Friday drawing for..............GUESS WHAT?
Is it vile and cheeky of me to have entered?


Platinum Contributor
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Ok, as you all know, I already own two Wizard Modz wood boxes. I went to 510 tonight to buy some stuff and things....and they are having a Black Friday drawing for..............GUESS WHAT?
Is it vile and cheeky of me to have entered?

Naw, because just like on most vape shows, you can always PIF it if you choose to. You're not actually taking it from's a drawing. :)

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