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Just Thomas
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Today is my granddaughter's first birthday.:D
So hard to believe it's already been a whole year. And hard to believe I have a one year old granddaughter.
So awesome!
Too bad they live in Indiana. That's not very close to Colorado :(

It's my grumpy women's birthday fact I am busy making her special request for dinner :) Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!

Donald Bickers

EBay made my day. Trying to figure out the disaster I call my bank account I was charged 21.57. I got charged for panty hose. I have been pretty baked in my time, but not enough to wear panty hose. After a short email they refunded my cash. Rode my motorcycle in my BVD's once, but that's another story.
The first step Saddletramp1200 is admitting,,,,,we are all family here and will be behind you brother:cool:

No Ash More Cash

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What does a penny and a policeman have in common?

Dirty copper.

The police in most areas are no better or some times worse than the thugs they arrest.
And they wonder why more and more of the public don't like or trust them....In this age of everyone having a cam it's showing there true colors where before the public would have no knowledge of what they are doing and the cop would call the witness a lier


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Me too, G'night!



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But it makes no sense... With your explanation (which is correct in that the DNA20/30 does not 'step down'), her DNA would be the one vaping 'hot', not her iStick. The real reason is that the iStick uses a different algorithm to determine voltage. That algorithm uses the 'mean' measurement, which can be off by a volt or more too high, thus the iStick vapes 'hotter' than what is set on the display.
I'm no mathematician but that makes sense because I have to boost the power on my DNA higher than my iStick to get the same vape result.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today is my granddaughter's first birthday.:D
So hard to believe it's already been a whole year. And hard to believe I have a one year old granddaughter.
So awesome!
Too bad they live in Indiana. That's not very close to Colorado :(
That is sweet, Fishee! I'm surprised to hear you're a grandpa, too. You have a very, very young, avant garde mind.


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Today is my granddaughter's first birthday.:D
So hard to believe it's already been a whole year. And hard to believe I have a one year old granddaughter.
So awesome!
Too bad they live in Indiana. That's not very close to Colorado :(
Wow I always pictured you as in your late 20's in my mind. How old were you when you became a father?


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That video lol. My son is five. He is still working on some of his speech sounds and what not. He replaces his Vs with Rs. Yes that's right. He says vape, it comes out rape. So he will always try to talk about me vaping. He seen a lady on the way into the store and says to her. My dad is a raper, he rapes all day and all night. Raping is better than smoking. Do you like raping too? My dad has all kinds of stuff he rapes with. My woman and I were 20 kinds of embarrassed. The woman had this look of disgust on her face. We went into the store to shop, I'm glad she was on her way out or it would have been really awkward shopping. And yes you guessed it he calls me a rapist too. I quit smoking for my health and my son I going to get me thrown in jail because of his speech issues.


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Member For 4 Years
Wow I always pictured you as in your late 20's in my mind. How old were you when you became a father?
That's okay, cause in my mind I'm still in my 20's. ;)
I was 17 when my first was born.:eek:
She's 19 now. :).
The other daughter is 18. :)
the boy is 12 soon to be 13. :)

I'm still just a pup really. Only 36. Well at least for another three months. :D
Then I'll be all ancient and shit at 37. WTF?!?!?:confused:


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That's okay, cause in my mind I'm still in my 20's. ;)
I was 17 when my first was born.:eek:
She's 19 now. :).
The other daughter is 18. :)
the boy is 12 soon to be 13. :)

I'm still just a pup really. Only 36. Well at least for another three months. :D
Then I'll be all ancient and shit at 37. WTF?!?!?:confused:

Wow. Great grandfather next. Pretty cool for the school of fool fish. Mazel tov! :)


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Good morning, coffee crowd!

"You cannot change people. The only person you can change is yourself. People will do as they want, feel as they want, and think as they want. People will only change when they are ready to change (which may be never). It doesnt matter if they're wrong and you're right, it doesn't matter if they're hurting themselves, it doesn't matter that you could help them if they'd only listen. Its sometimes hard to accept, but it's true. When you let go of expecting others to change, great changes arise in you."


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Good morning, coffee crowd!

"You cannot change people. The only person you can change is yourself. People will do as they want, feel as they want, and think as they want. People will only change when they are ready to change (which may be never). It doesnt matter if they're wrong and you're right, it doesn't matter if they're hurting themselves, it doesn't matter that you could help them if they'd only listen. Its sometimes hard to accept, but it's true. When you let go of expecting others to change, great changes arise in you."
I find the Serenity prayer frustrating sometimes because it's fucking true too much of the time.


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Good morning.

Is it wrong to make fun of mouth breathers?
I had a real nasty sinus infection recently and I had no choice but to mouth breathe and was incredibly self-conscious as a result.


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Member For 4 Years
I had a real nasty sinus infection recently and I had no choice but to mouth breathe and was incredibly self-conscious as a result.
I think that because I know that many mouth breathers actually seem to have no choice but to be mouth breathers is why I almost feel bad or question myself when it comes to poking fun at it.

But the ones who are physically and mentally capable of actually not being a mouth breather and continue to be mouth breathers are the ones that (I'm sorry just being honest) really get under my skin and make me want to get as far away from them as possible because my skin is crawling off my bones because your mouth breathing the same general air that I'm breathing and I'm going to lose my mind if you don't shut that fucking fly trap of yours.

yeah, I'm probably a dick.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think that because I know that many mouth breathers actually seem to have no choice but to be mouth breathers is why I almost feel bad or question myself when it comes to poking fun at it.

But the ones who are physically and mentally capable of actually not being a mouth breather and continue to be mouth breathers are the ones that (I'm sorry just being honest) really get under my skin and make me want to get as far away from them as possible because my skin is crawling off my bones because your mouth breathing the same general air that I'm breathing and I'm going to lose my mind if you don't shut that fucking fly trap of yours.

yeah, I'm probably a dick.

I'm sure they feel the same way about us nose breathers... ;)


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I had to google it to remember. I use to think that AA authored that. I was wrong; they adopted it. "The wisdom to know the difference" is the real catch:confused:!
Yeah, I wasn't quite familiar with it either before I started coming around to the rooms, but now I feel like its permeated my being to an annoying extent.


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I keep waking up and the pain from my back is traveling all the way down my legs to my heels I'm not sure what exactly is going on but I had to cancel my endocrinologist appointment and I guess I have to reschedule that because I cannot get out of bed


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Member For 5 Years
I keep waking up and the pain from my back is traveling all the way down my legs to my heels I'm not sure what exactly is going on but I had to cancel my endocrinologist appointment and I guess I have to reschedule that because I cannot get out of bed

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