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Ah, I only meant the height. :)

Such a dapper rougue. I feel scruffy now...well, I am kinda .lol

I know, I'll blame obviously causes it. ;-)


Accurate..I'm using Mint and do fit between 'Buntu and Deb.
Do you do system administration for a living?

Donald Bickers

Went to rewick my kayfun ,, started tasting burnt ,,,gonna dryburn it and the poly tank part broke,,,,Fuckin Bummer


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Nope. I've been on SSI since about 2000.

I've dabbled in *nix since about 1995 and have done tech support and run a few domains in the past, but not really an IT guy.

I'm just a geek. ;-)
Ah, I've been working as a unix admin for the last 5ish years, but I recently left the industry to pursue a new field that I feel I'll be a lot happier in.


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Went to rewick my kayfun ,, started tasting burnt ,,,gonna dryburn it and the poly tank part broke,,,,Fuckin Bummer

That sucks....I know they are cheap to replace though, I just bought a PMMA one for like $1 on FT and the Pyrex ones aren't much more.
I got a whole Kayfun Quartz tank setup for under $5 from FT to use on my Orchid.

If ya need me to search in the US for some, lemme know. :)


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Well its starting to look like it may be a staph infection they did an ultrasound to check for Endocarditis and a broncoscopy. May have been caused by the tubes they put in about a year ago for the plasmapheresis. Those are now coming out. I really hate the waiting game but atleast they are working quickly to figure it all out.
Need to get it taken care of quickly...

Donald Bickers

That sucks....I know they are cheap to replace though, I just bought a PPMA one for like $1 on FT and the Pyrex ones aren't much more.
I got a whole Kayfun Quartz tank setup for under $5 from FT to use on my Orchid.

If ya need me to search in the US for some, lemme know. :)
hey I appreciate it ,ill get one somewhere,they are cheap enough,,,appreciate it CaFF
ill just start a thread,,,,any body got a kayfun tank,,,,,ha


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I got it from angels,,,,just the kayfun lite,,,,,do you know which one that would be,cause im not sure

This one?

Here is the smaller OEM size tank too:

I've never owned a Kayfun, but I'm sure some others here have had that one and would know for sure if it would fit. I've bought replacement tanks for my AC Aqua's on FT and Ebay, so I know they do exist for ya. :)
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Donald Bickers

This one?

Here is the smaller OEM size tank too:

I've never owned a Kayfun, but I'm sure some others here have had that one and would know for sure if it would fit. I've bought replacement tanks for my AC Aqua's on FT and Ebay, so I know they do exist for ya. :)
that's the one,,,i just didn't know if you knew who the maker was
this is no emergency thing as I have 2 more kayfuns,and several other tanks,,,,,just don't want to order something that don't fit
I just like all my gear complete,,,im kinda funny like that


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Member For 5 Years
that's the one,,,i just didn't know if you knew who the maker was
this is no emergency thing as I have 2 more kayfuns,and several other tanks,,,,,just don't want to order something that don't fit
I just like all my gear complete,,,im kinda funny like that

I can't say for 100% certain as things change from batch to batch, but I believe most of their stuff is made by Ivogo.


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Standard Kayfun tank (KFL, 3.1, etc.) has a total height of 34mm, whether one piece or three. Unless its a Nano (26mm) or Extra Long (55mm) application, you're gonna be good.
I shouldn't butt in @Donald Bickers @CaFF. Didn't realize you were looking for a center section. If that's all you need, I have extras if you want one. Pick a color. :)
I've got a couple of clear spares if you need one. I like to keep a few on hand as I've busted more than one by dropping my mod and having it hit the floor drip tip first.

By all means, join in...I shouldn't even be replying except I just like to help and sometimes can find stuff pretty well. ;)
You guys obviously know the Kayfun better than I do...which is good. Also, pretty awesome of you guys to volunteer parts.



Donald Bickers

I've got a couple of clear spares if you need one. I like to keep a few on hand as I've busted more than one by dropping my mod and having it hit the floor drip tip first.
I appreciate the offer,im not lookin for a freebie,,,,a little info may be,,,whats the cheapest ,shipping and all here in the states,,,im thinkin ebay

Donald Bickers

I shouldn't butt in @Donald Bickers @CaFF. Didn't realize you were looking for a center section. If that's all you need, I have extras if you want one. Pick a color. :)
I've got a couple of clear spares if you need one. I like to keep a few on hand as I've busted more than one by dropping my mod and having it hit the floor drip tip first.
im not lookin for freebies guys,,,,if somebody wants to send one,how could I refuse,,,,send me a pm if you have a spare,i will do some trades


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Other than using FT or similar, Ebay has the short tank section in colors or clear for around $4-5 shipped free.

$3.99, or buy two get one free.


Here from VaporRange for $4.25 shipped free USPS w/ tracking

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Lol that's my second job...but I broke a 36 inch water main on wed. I just got home


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ECF Refugee
I had a layover in Chicago a few hours ago....I did not enjoy it


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One can not judge a book by its airports.

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