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What do you think about the pre-sequel? A totally degenerate B2 addict/master wants to know. Me.

It's been taking some getting used to since they added the whole anti-gravity thing where you fly up in the air any time you jump, and having to seek out sources of oxygen every few minutes is kind of nerve wracking too, but I'm starting to get into it and I'm way early in the game. I'm a fanatic about doing all the side missions, so I haven't even touched the story yet. Other than that is Borderlands, shooting and looting, pretty much the same.


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It's been taking some getting used to since they added the whole anti-gravity thing where you fly up in the air any time you jump, and having to seek out sources of oxygen every few minutes is kind of nerve wracking too, but I'm starting to get into it and I'm way early in the game. I'm a fanatic about doing all the side missions, so I haven't even touched the story yet. Other than that is Borderlands, shooting and looting, pretty much the same.

Okay. Orientation day. Still to early to tell. ;)


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Okay. Orientation day. Still to early to tell. ;)
yeah check back with me in a few days once it starts picking up and I'll let you know. I'm hoping that the entire thing isn't going to take place on the moon because the flying through the air and having to find oxygen to survive really does subtract from the fighting strategy. At this point you could be aiming your sniper rifle when suddenly you realize your oxygen is low so you have to barge head first through a gang of baddies to the nearest oxygen supply just to survive. Although this does add a level of chaos to it, it's kind of nice to just be able to hide behind something for a while and collect your bearings and admire the scenery, which so far you really can't do because your oxygen supply is always rapidly depleting.


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yeah check back with me in a few days once it starts picking up and I'll let you know. I'm hoping that the entire thing isn't going to take place on the moon because the flying through the air and having to find oxygen to survive really does subtract from the fighting strategy. At this point you could be aiming your sniper rifle when suddenly you realize your oxygen is low so you have to barge head first through a gang of baddies to the nearest oxygen supply just to survive. Although this does add a level of chaos to it, it's kind of nice to just be able to hide behind something for a while and collect your bearings and admire the scenery, which so far you really can't do because your oxygen supply is always rapidly depleting.

I hear you but don't despair. Everyone says once you get up on the learning curve with skills, relics, etc. the whole early oxygen annoyance thing goes away and gets handled. Better times to come. :) Though you may have to advance the story to get the goods. Don't know firsthand. Trying to avoid returning to a game that stole a year of my life. :rolleyes:


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Oh goody! I need something to take me away from healthcare applications that don't work online. When they asked me for yet another password I wrote urapita2me (you are a pain in the ass to me).

Hey @muth. What's going in the lost continent of Aspire Atlantis? Anything?
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I hear you but don't despair. Everyone says once you get up on the learning curve with skills, relics, etc. the whole early oxygen annoyance thing goes away and gets handled. Better times to come. :) Though you may have to advance the story to get the goods. Don't know firsthand. Trying to avoid returning to a game that stole a year of my life. :rolleyes:
Been playing it for the last hour and already it's getting better. All the borderlands have been like that for me, the first few hours are really annoying as you have to learn all the different aspects of what you're doing, but once you do it becomes a blast.


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Oh goody! I need something to take me away from healthcare applications that don't work online. When they asked me for yet another password I wrote urapita2me (you are a pain in the ass to me).
Well Its not my kind of nice Avatar yet its coming along Im building it for you I am behind so it will come soon passed out due to sleep deprevation again and lost 4 hours thought I was in a submarine when I woke that was a weird feeling


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I posted pics of the new box over in the mods section.


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I posted pics of the new box over in the mods section.
that to much work you post again righcha hereza I just woke up so its time for crazy haha no there is not one yet of the Steely Dan but maybe I will make a batch and sell them for some silly price I could see where some would be vaping them from... hahaha


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Well Its not my kind of nice Avatar yet its coming along Im building it for you I am behind so it will come soon passed out due to sleep deprevation again and lost 4 hours thought I was in a submarine when I woke that was a weird feeling
I passed out as well. Just came to. Building an avatar 101. I wouldn't know where to begin! Can't wait, I'm flattered.


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could you possibly have more toys???!!!!
He wont tell me where to get one and I even invited him to stay at my house when he is in Chicago.. dear me
I have more toys then Franciscan maybe not in the Mod area but toys of all kinds ;) hehe


Vapid Vapetress
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this just in.....didn't win on mod envy. again. still. forevah.


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all my toys are in my bedside table. oops did i just say that?
Yes you did... So are we going to do lunch when I come up there or what Kelli? Im not asking you out you can bring a legion of body guards...


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this just in.....didn't win on mod envy. again. still. forevah.
Same I seriouslyt believe my name has come up and they just do not give it to me as they hate my guts.... Last week was my last time of going
its getting really bad I hate it now... Im done with that


Vapid Vapetress
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Yes you did... So are we going to do lunch when I come up there or what Kelli? Im not asking you out you can bring a legion of body guards...

if i said yes, i would indeed need a legion of body guards. you scare me a wee bit. scared-smiley.gif


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A bunch of shy-ass mofos in this here forum :D


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I talked to my source and he informed me that this is the only Bounty Hunter so far. There was some discussion about putting some of his designs here in the classifieds....I will keep everyone posted.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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geeze, dangle a bit of beef jerky in front of starving dogs....


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so you say :p
Well I am opening a vape shop up there so you can go in there then when Im not around and hang out... Jeez
if you actually thing seriously that I act like this in RL you would have a rude awakening I am way to nice in RL
The Internet to me is a toy it started that way whenI was in College eons ago and I have a persona for every forum I am on,,
Its good acting experience but then again that was my first major in College and then I switched for example every forum I am on I have a different name.. See on the car forums I am very meek cause those guys are hard hard core dealing with big money they dont mess around here we talk about mods in the 200 and under range so. ya get my drift girly pooh ")


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geeze, dangle a bit of beef jerky in front of starving dogs....
Did I do something wrong my friend as of late I am losing touch with this forum... have I been bad am I being good it just does not seem to matter anymore because if I had a avatar of a puppy and changed my name to Lovebug everyone would love me... I put up a scary avatar call my self a scary moniker and ohh god watch out hahahah its just so freaking hilarious to me


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I talked to my source and he informed me that this is the only Bounty Hunter so far. There was some discussion about putting some of his designs here in the classifieds....I will keep everyone posted.
whatever friar


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Well I am opening a vape shop up there so you can go in there then when Im not around and hang out... Jeez
if you actually thing seriously that I act like this in RL you would have a rude awakening I am way to nice in RL
The Internet to me is a toy it started that way whenI was in College eons ago and I have a persona for every forum I am on,,
Its good acting experience but then again that was my first major in College and then I switched for example every forum I am on I have a different name.. See on the car forums I am very meek cause those guys are hard hard core dealing with big money they dont mess around here we talk about mods in the 200 and under range so. ya get my drift girly pooh ")
You deal in high end electric guitars, too, right? Just curious, are you a member in such a forum, and if so, what is your persona like there?


VU Donator
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You deal in high end electric guitars, too, right? Just curious, are you a member in such a forum, and if so, what is your persona like there?
Yes I do very serious persona as sometimes deals are not so straight forward I am well known in that arena eveyrone likes me... And tries to get me to sell them things way to low and sometimes I do if its the right person but I talk to them on the Phone we chat I find out who they really are... :)


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I will ame
Yes I do very serious persona as sometimes deals are not so straight forward I am well known in that arena eveyrone likes me... And tries to get me to sell them things way to low and sometimes I do if its the right person but I talk to them on the Phone we chat I find out who they really are... :)
I will make my point and show you guys how INTERNET perceptions are warped... you will be shocked just wait


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Well I am opening a vape shop up there so you can go in there then when Im not around and hang out... Jeez
if you actually thing seriously that I act like this in RL you would have a rude awakening I am way to nice in RL
The Internet to me is a toy it started that way whenI was in College eons ago and I have a persona for every forum I am on,,
Its good acting experience but then again that was my first major in College and then I switched for example every forum I am on I have a different name.. See on the car forums I am very meek cause those guys are hard hard core dealing with big money they dont mess around here we talk about mods in the 200 and under range so. ya get my drift girly pooh ")
you're a fuckin weirdo!
Funny fucking weirdo.
All split personality type shit.
Psychopathic much?!?!

Been taking notes from me or what?
You can't put a cat back in a bag.
Well, not the same cat.
You blew it man, you blew it!
Now we all know you're just some average joe and not really some strange creature behind the keyboard.
I'm never gonna look at you the same now.
Sorry, You're just too damn normal.

And of course I'm only playing with you so please don't come and burn my house down. :confused:


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See, with me I do not endeavour to get a "read" on people...and when it comes naturally I just take note and move along. I am not terribly concerned about how I am perceived, nor do I take offense when I am not received just how I like. People have their tastes...likes and dislikes and such. This is what makes the world interesting in my view.


Diamond Contributor
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you're a fuckin weirdo!
Funny fucking weirdo.
All split personality type shit.
Psychopathic much?!?!

Been taking notes from me or what?
You can't put a cat back in a bag.
Well, not the same cat.
You blew it man, you blew it!
Now we all know you're just some average joe and not really some strange creature behind the keyboard.
I'm never gonna look at you the same now.
Sorry, You're just too damn normal.

And of course I'm only playing with you so please don't come and burn my house down. :confused:
We are all just text upon a screen. Some bring it au naturel...some find a self that replaces the lack of self they may have IRL.....then some seek validation from others. At the base of it all, there is very little difference betwixt and between here and the outside world. I personally find it vexing how so many choose to replace personal interactions for chat online.


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We are all just text upon a screen. Some bring it au naturel...some find a self that replaces the lack of self they may have IRL.....then some seek validation from others. At the base of it all, there is very little difference betwixt and between here and the outside world. I personally find it vexing how so many choose to replace personal interactions for chat online.
Funny you say that. I was recently contacted on Facebook by some elementary school classmates ... people who used to come over for play dates 40+ years ago. I responded by giving them my phone number and an invitation to talk, catch up on old times, etc. Was met with dead silence. Very strange, but oh well.

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