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Alternate Universe


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Member For 4 Years
We are all just text upon a screen. Some bring it au naturel...some find a self that replaces the lack of self they may have IRL.....then some seek validation from others. At the base of it all, there is very little difference betwixt and between here and the outside world. I personally find it vexing how so many choose to replace personal interactions for chat online.
I'm the same Fish no matter what water I'm swimming in.
Just get to use a different platform when online.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yes I do very serious persona as sometimes deals are not so straight forward I am well known in that arena eveyrone likes me... And tries to get me to sell them things way to low and sometimes I do if its the right person but I talk to them on the Phone we chat I find out who they really are... :)
What kind of guitars? Now ur talking up my alley


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Did I do something wrong my friend as of late I am losing touch with this forum... have I been bad am I being good it just does not seem to matter anymore because if I had a avatar of a puppy and changed my name to Lovebug everyone would love me... I put up a scary avatar call my self a scary moniker and ohh god watch out hahahah its just so freaking hilarious to me
I have a feeling he was referring to @kelli's much more tantalizing post...


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Funny you say that. I was recently contacted on Facebook by some elementary school classmates ... people who used to come over for play dates 40+ years ago. I responded by giving them my phone number and an invitation to talk, catch up on old times, etc. Was met with dead silence. Very strange, but oh well.
They don't want to be seen


VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
you're a fuckin weirdo!
Funny fucking weirdo.
All split personality type shit.
Psychopathic much?!?!

Been taking notes from me or what?
You can't put a cat back in a bag.
Well, not the same cat.
You blew it man, you blew it!
Now we all know you're just some average joe and not really some strange creature behind the keyboard.
I'm never gonna look at you the same now.
Sorry, You're just too damn normal.

And of course I'm only playing with you so please don't come and burn my house down. :confused:
Well I know that you are playing to a certain extent but that is your true perception which is all good with me to be honest Ive been doing this so long I have seen and done it all... I like you though I would never burn your house down I would over a long period of time drive you insane.... wait you are insane


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We are all just text upon a screen. Some bring it au naturel...some find a self that replaces the lack of self they may have IRL.....then some seek validation from others. At the base of it all, there is very little difference betwixt and between here and the outside world. I personally find it vexing how so many choose to replace personal interactions for chat online.
I have to. I have no vaping friends


VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
You deal in high end electric guitars, too, right? Just curious, are you a member in such a forum, and if so, what is your persona like there?
Yes it is weird see I do not hide behind this computer even though my primary job is a Computer Engineer I will give any one of you my phone number or vice versa and chat right this second... and who are the crazy ones?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Hello beautiful!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well I know that you are playing to a certain extent but that is your true perception which is all good with me to be honest Ive been doing this so long I have seen and done it all... I like you though I would never burn your house down I would over a long period of time drive you insane.... wait you are insane
I like you too :)


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I love every human on the face of the earth.........I do not GET what some do on occasion.....but that notwithstanding...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Spent way too much time at Wal-Mart

Got some foodstuffs and a bunch of toiletries and household stuff I've been putting off buying and/or replacing.
Like, a toothbrush, wooden spoons/spatulas/ladles, a hairbrush, boxer briefs (when did they get so expensive?), and other boring shit.

But, I found a tasty Blue Moon seasonal beer assortment including a Cinnamon Horchata and some nifty Belgian fave. Only about $14 for six kinds of beer, two bottles of each.

Oh, and I found my Xmas Tree....then I eated it. NomNomNom. ('cuz it was Reeses)

(bigazz pic - otherwise ya can't read the text)


VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
Or in this case, heard. Anyway, why even bother contacting me then?
Yep same thing happened to me and still does its kinda crazy its like they want to know what you do or have some strange probably unknown reasoning but when you say hey want to chat ? Whats your phone they disapear. Its funny how the one thing I do take pride in my best friend that I met when we were 15 are still best friends... I guess that is one good thing... others very stand back do not get in my space ohh my god he may be a axe murdered...
OK this topic is making me sleepy.. gotta find Java


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Spent way too much time at Wal-Mart

Got some foodstuffs and a bunch of toiletries and household stuff I've been putting off buying and/or replacing.
Like, a toothbrush, wooden spoons/spatulas/ladles, a hairbrush, boxer briefs (when did they get so expensive?), and other boring shit.

But, I found a tasty Blue Moon seasonal beer assortment including a Cinnamon Horchata and some nifty Belgian fave. Only about $14 for six kinds of beer, two bottles of each.

Oh, and I found my Xmas Tree....then I eated it. NomNomNom. ('cuz it was Reeses)

(bigazz pic - otherwise ya can't read the text)
View attachment 9890
(when did they get so expensive?) How long has it been?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Spent way too much time at Wal-Mart

Got some foodstuffs and a bunch of toiletries and household stuff I've been putting off buying and/or replacing.
Like, a toothbrush, wooden spoons/spatulas/ladles, a hairbrush, boxer briefs (when did they get so expensive?), and other boring shit.

But, I found a tasty Blue Moon seasonal beer assortment including a Cinnamon Horchata and some nifty Belgian fave. Only about $14 for six kinds of beer, two bottles of each.

Oh, and I found my Xmas Tree....then I eated it. NomNomNom. ('cuz it was Reeses)

(bigazz pic - otherwise ya can't read the text)
View attachment 9890
Underwear are expensive!
And that's not a very bigazz pico_O


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I never quite understood the need for males to wear knickers. Females of course...and there are certain health reasons why they would be prudent...but beyond The only time I wear them is whilst kilted.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yes I do very serious persona as sometimes deals are not so straight forward I am well known in that arena eveyrone likes me... And tries to get me to sell them things way to low and sometimes I do if its the right person but I talk to them on the Phone we chat I find out who they really are... :)
How do u spend so much time on all these forums and still ahve time to open a vape shop? I curse myself for all the time I spend here!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
(when did they get so expensive?) How long has it been?

Well, other than random finds at thrift, it's been about a decade since I bought a pack of undies at a store. I rarely shop retail and I take care of my clothes so they last.

Underwear are expensive!
And that's not a very bigazz pico_O

Yah, I hate paying retail prices for anything..<grumbles>

That pic, it's a thumbnail, did you click it? Should be 1,440 x 882 pixels full-sized.

Unless you want the full 12MP


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well, other than random finds at thrift, it's been about a decade since I bought a pack of undies at a store. I rarely shop retail and I take care of my clothes so they last.

Yah, I hate paying retail prices for anything..<grumbles>

That pic, it's a thumbnail, did you click it? Should be 1,440 x 882 pixels full-sized.

Unless you want the full 12MP
u bought undies at a thrift? U wearing somebody else's undies! yow yow


VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How do u spend so much time on all these forums and still ahve time to open a vape shop? I curse myself for all the time I spend here!
I am on the forums most of the day since I work for a modern company that allows us to work remottely I multi-task if I am out and I have posted something I will respond via tapatalk on the phone .. Opening a vape shop thats easy getting it to be sucessful will be the hard part I have alot of work ahead of me to see if it will work in that market alot of number crunching .I come and go on other forums most of my forums I never check I just get emails then log in to give an answer etc ... Here I do spend more time to remind myself that I will never go back to smoking no matter how bad I feel or how depressed I get 30 years 2.5 to 3 packs a day.., :)


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
u bought undies at a thrift? U wearing somebody else's undies! yow yow

Laundry, you know it? ;-)

Only a few pairs of nicer boxers...never briefs or such.

Men and women differ greatly in underthings...if I were a female, no I wouldn't.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
"Fruit Loops" by GNS Vapor.........where hae ye been all muh life?


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
speakin of undies, Have u seen the ones on cigabuy? I finally checked that place out and they sell mods and men's sexy underwear. ladies? Is there such thing as a gay vape shop? Hee hehe


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I am on the forums most of the day since I work for a modern company that allows us to work remottely I multi-task if I am out and I have posted something I will respond via tapatalk on the phone .. Opening a vape shop thats easy getting it to be sucessful will be the hard part I have alot of work ahead of me to see if it will work in that market alot of number crunching .I come and go on other forums most of my forums I never check I just get emails then log in to give an answer etc ... Here I do spend more time to remind myself that I will never go back to smoking no matter how bad I feel or how depressed I get 30 years 2.5 to 3 packs a day.., :)
Congrats on that! My dad was a heavy smoker. Throat cancer took him

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