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That one is really tempting @Sambuca. Would be a great combo with the 20.5mm dia. Erlkonigin Mini for a very pocketable rig.

erl mini.png


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Hey Ben. Not much just trying to keep my eyes open today . What about you ?
Ha I know how that feels... I've had to be at work at 5am the last two days and haven't gotten to sleep but like 4 hours both nights... other than that I am doing great... I get off work in 12 or so minutes!


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Why did you get mad at it? That one is nice. Where did you find it @Whiskey?


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Well... Th-th-th-that's all folks! For now anyways... time for me to finally get off work and head home... Have to replace a wheel bearing on my truck tonight so prolly won't be that active for the next 16 or so hours... Don't miss me too much!


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Bed and bath, it's a make-up holder....the other one just didn't hold much stuff and the new one holds my tanks better
I was just there yesterday with a 20% off coupon. Didn't buy a thing. I thought they would have mugs, holiday mugs, whatever. They had about 6 beachy ones and that's it.


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@Whiskey take care and make sure you have something to keep you occupied. Sat through too many surgeries in my time and the waiting game sucks. Glad that I was the under for the 6 I've had!


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So I hate it when I read a post and realize that I have no context and have to reread like 5 pages of posts because I don't remember them :(

Forgot my daughter's best friend's name yesterday when I tried to tell my daughter that I was glad her friend got into the same school she is transferring to in the spring so she will have a roomie that she knows she gets along with. Just hope it doesn't ruin their friendship.


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I plan on bringing one of the dogs and do some therapy visits while I am there, that will help pass some of the time.
That sounds like a great way to keep occupied and brighten the day of others at the same time. I imagine that your job is very satisfying seeing the impact that a simple visit with a therapy animal brings to those who just need some unconditional love every now and again.


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It's funny. I stopped clicking on the little flag for alearts a day or so ago and it finally gave up at about 600 and reset itself. I think this thread broke the flag LOL

Just Me

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Well... Th-th-th-that's all folks! For now anyways... time for me to finally get off work and head home... Have to replace a wheel bearing on my truck tonight so prolly won't be that active for the next 16 or so hours... Don't miss me too much!
what are we to do without you??


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Missed my afternoon coffee, now its too late to have some...............argggggggggggggggggggggg!!!


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Im drinking some now gotta wake back up passed out for 2 hours jesus haha luckily nobody messaged me at work
I love a good nap as much as anyone. But only when I want to, not when I need to. That's among the reasons why I recently changed jobs.


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I know what you mean but not everyone felt that way ... I missed seeing you around and I know I wasn't the only one by a long shot. :)

Thank You, I like it here, seems like a great bunch of folks!
Not me, I stink on ice. Regardless, welcome! :D :D :D


Vapid Vapetress
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I know what you mean but not everyone felt that way ... I missed seeing you around and I know I wasn't the only one by a long shot. :)

Thank You, I like it here, seems like a great bunch of folks!

oh that's very sweet. i still stop in over there on occasion but i have severely limited my involvement. at least i am not banned! (yet)

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