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ECF Refugee
Speaking of.......I need to clean up my Veritas and 454 Big Block so they can be PIF'd


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what sign are you I am Scorpio of course
Pisces and Scorpios are great together. ;)



I love you my dear Scorpio friend :)


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Sorry to hear you tank arrived all buggered!

Ya, me too. It sucks as I was really looking forward to it on my Orchid.
I must be charmed's the first broken thing I've ever gotten from FT since I started using them like a year+ ago.

Putting in the extra KF tube was an afterthought..a damn good one!


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<------- Leo on the cusp here.

I was born rather prematurely, so technically I'd haven been the later sign.


Diamond Contributor
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It matters not if I'm honest......according to the chart posted....I posses NO qualities that are listed for Taurus.


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THAT is a much more accurate depiction of me. I am not so much possessive as I am insistant that if one were to be with me.....then BE WITH ME. If not, I will send you on your way without a seconds thought....if only in that you are clearly not happy. As for material things....I part with possessions quite easily.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
THAT is a much more accurate depiction of me. I am not so much possessive as I am insistant that if one were to be with me.....then BE WITH ME. If not, I will send you on your way without a seconds thought....if only in that you are clearly not happy. As for material things....I part with possessions quite easily.
I thought so too.


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I don't put much stock into astrological signs.
But it does astonish me how accurately Pisces' profiles fit me.
For the record, I do not believe in astrology or any other superstitions.


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@CaFF yeah too bad the tank was a bust. But you did get some very nice new shiny stuffs!
Awesome :cool:

Yuppers..tore down the Erl and Veritas and they are soaking in their nice warm soapy bath.
Really good machining on those...can't see a thing wrong wit 'em. Excited to try them out. :)

That's all soaking and I gotta clean & re-wick the Orchid v4 before I put it together with the new tank section.
So, for now, trying to relax and having a nice Pale Moon Farmhouse Red. It's not special really, but it's 5.8% and it's beer. =)


Diamond Contributor
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Prefers to do things on their own..............well that is a given considering what I do.....but when one's self esteem is depleted, it just works out that way

Has a lot of self discipline.........oh absolutely!!

Holds back feelings........I would not, if anyone cared

Gives loyalty and will test yours.........I'm a Scot


Gold Contributor
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Yuppers..tore down the Erl and Veritas and they are soaking in their nice warm soapy bath.
Really good machining on those...can't see a thing wrong wit 'em. Excited to try them out. :)

That's all soaking and I gotta clean & re-wick the Orchid v4 before I put it together with the new tank section.
So, for now, trying to relax and having a nice Pale Moon Farmhouse Red. It's not special really, but it's 5.8% and it's beer. =)
I need to go on a little FT shopping spree of my own soon.
I need a new tank for my Orchid v1 that Just Me PIFted me. And a few other doodads and thingamajigs.

Every once in a wile a beer sounds delightful.
But I'm extremely grateful and proud of my more than 11 years dry.
I was not a nice drunk :(

I admire folks that can enjoy a refreshing relaxing drink.
I never learned how to do that myself.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I need to go on a little FT shopping spree of my own soon.
I need a new tank for my Orchid v1 that Just Me PIFted me. And a few other doodads and thingamajigs.

Every once in a wile a beer sounds delightful.
But I'm extremely grateful and proud of my more than 11 years dry.
I was not a nice drunk :(

I admire folks that can enjoy a refreshing relaxing drink.
I never learned how to do that myself.
I simply do not miss it....and I refuse to enter a bar. This is mainly because I have no tolerance for the inebriated....nor do I enjoy being hunted by loose females looking to get laid.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I need to go on a little FT shopping spree of my own soon.
I need a new tank for my Orchid v1 that Just Me PIFted me. And a few other doodads and thingamajigs.

Every once in a wile a beer sounds delightful.
But I'm extremely grateful and proud of my more than 11 years dry.
I was not a nice drunk :(

I admire folks that can enjoy a refreshing relaxing drink.
I never learned how to do that myself.

For me, it's a matter of never going to bars and a little willpower.
Just me at home, I rarely have a big's when I'm around others and lose track that it gets OTT.

Still have 4 bottles left in the 12-pack I'd bought a week ago...that never used to


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Ok I have done gone postal after my last fight...I'm 208 pounds!!!I mm supposed to walk around no higher than 200...time to start eating clean again...bye bye was fun while it lasted


Gold Contributor
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I simply do not miss it....and I refuse to enter a bar. This is mainly because I have no tolerance for the inebriated....nor do I enjoy being hunted by loose females looking to get laid.
I have no problem with horny hunting females pursuing me. Just don't like the loose ones.
But....there are no horny huntresses seeking my affection so therefore it is a moot point. :confused:
I can handled the inebriated rather well. I know how they think and although they are very unpredictable I have a way with words when it comes to those who are all fuckered up ;)


Gold Contributor
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For me, it's a matter of never going to bars and a little willpower.
Just me at home, I rarely have a big's when I'm around others and lose track that it gets OTT.

Still have 4 bottles left in the 12-pack I'd bought a week ago...that never used to
Yeah I'm right there with you and friar. No bars no way no how.
That's just a huge train wreck waiting to happen!


Diamond Contributor
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I had a woman recently deliver an opening line that was basically "I want to fuck you quite badly".............BAD MOVE! That turns me off faster than anything.


Platinum Contributor
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I had a woman recently deliver an opening line that was basically "I want to fuck you quite badly".............BAD MOVE! That turns me off faster than anything.

Yes, "I want to fuck you good and proper" is much more appealing. :D;)

Then again..I had a gal just say: "wanna fuck?"

What man does not want to fuck? That's just

We ended up dating for like two years...argh...

Then there are the ones who just don't say anything....and show how they feel....


Diamond Contributor
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Yes, "I want to fuck you good and proper" is much more appealing. :D;)

Then again..I had a gal just say: "wanna fuck?"

What man does not want to fuck? That's just

We ended up dating for like two years...argh...
Truthfully, I do not!! Every relationship I've been in has begun horizontally and only led to many other poor life MARRIAGE!


Diamond Contributor
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I hear that Gene Loves Jezebel


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Truthfully, I do not!! Every relationship I've been in has begun horizontally and only led to many other poor life MARRIAGE!

Well, I've never been married and never will. What is the point?

I can't have/don't want kids and I'm on SSI...GLWT... ;-)


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I strongly believe in marriage................I strongly believe that I picked the wrong women to whom I married.

Ya, I picked the wrong women to be engaged to...only three times

I have a beautiful Tiki-kitteh for company and I've already done about everything with a female I'd care seen all the porn on the Internet. Literally.

Don't need 'em. I like my life the way *I* want it to be, I don't want to share. :p


Diamond Contributor
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I keep telling myself...ONE MORE TIME, but this will only happen after a VERY LONG friendship followed by proper courting.

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