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Soooooooooo xmas is so hairy because I am trying to see everyone and make it to xmas parties but you can only go to so many, right. O.k so this year I said I will throw a big party at the acerage for everyone and sent out invites on my personal email I just hit send to all. Ha ha FACK I just tallied up from my replies this morn and have 128 people coming so far and still have the rest of this week for remaining replies. Chit called up the caterers and upped everything again. OH MY GAWD I am tired already just planning this thing. (head desk)
Um... I didnt get that email.. WTF? :mad:


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Well...... you kinda hit a sore spot. My mate said why don't we just get married because everyone will be there and I laughed. Turns out he was serious :( I did not mean to hurt his feelings but I have been with this man for 15 years and have said no since the beginning so I really thought he understood and had given up on the idea. Guess not . I just don't see the point after this long.
Men can be just as stubborn a creature as women lol;)

sounds like you have your hands full.

That's maybe gonna be a big ass party.:)

Just Me

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Soooooooooo xmas is so hairy because I am trying to see everyone and make it to xmas parties but you can only go to so many, right. O.k so this year I said I will throw a big party at the acerage for everyone and sent out invites on my personal email I just hit send to all. Ha ha FACK I just tallied up from my replies this morn and have 128 people coming so far and still have the rest of this week for remaining replies. Chit called up the caterers and upped everything again. OH MY GAWD I am tired already just planning this thing. (head desk)
lol did you get my rsvp??


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Men can be just as stubborn a creature as women lol;)

sounds like you have your hands full.

That's maybe gonna be a big ass party.:)
I would have brought popcorn :D :D


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Well...... you kinda hit a sore spot. My mate said why don't we just get married because everyone will be there and I laughed. Turns out he was serious :( I did not mean to hurt his feelings but I have been with this man for 15 years and have said no since the beginning so I really thought he understood and had given up on the idea. Guess not . I just don't see the point after this long.
My brother and his, now, wife lived together for 26yrs before finally tying the knot 2 years ago.. Its never too late :)


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Men can be just as stubborn a creature as women lol;)

sounds like you have your hands full.

That's maybe gonna be a big ass party.:)
Yes it is sure turning out that way. I really didn't think everyone would be able to make it. :eek: Have a band coming too so it should be a blast.


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There is something peacefully satisfying about watching vapour lazily drift from the airflow holes on an atomizer after you have had a giant pull off of it. The way it "pools up" beside the atty and snakes it's way down the side of the mod.


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I love a good GIF that I can just sit and watch over and over and continue to laugh at.

As long as there are these type of folks I will continue to love my fellow man.





WTF @ the 4th one????


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I love a good GIF that I can just sit and watch over and over and continue to laugh at.

As long as there are these type of folks I will continue to love my fellow man.





What would Isaac Newton say?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I have a dumb text-speak question. I get texts from MCV about current sales and it always says 'stop2end' at the end of the texts. Since I don't really buy vendor juice anymore, do I text just 'stop' or the whole 'stop2end'? Told you it was dumb. lol

Just reply stop to the txt. It's part of a fed law, CAN-SPAM act. The vendor has to stop sending you txt's if you reply STOP.

Just Me

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Hey, now there's a thought maybe. I think the two of us together could be very, very dangerous. But ohhhhhhhh so much fun :D
LOL ya, my sisters don't like when I drink they seem to think I am trouble enough,


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The Lord works in mysterious ways. Was just sitting here bummed out wondering why I can't sell any books and I sort of shook my fist at the sky and told whatever's up there that I deserve to sell some books and blammo I get a email notification that I sold 200 books (poetry books, not vape related). What do you think of those apples. LOL :):):):):):):):):):):)

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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Hey.....its ten days till Christmas..whooot whoooooot. Keep it Foggy!!


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ECF Refugee
Hello one and all......just purchased a Squape R...........not terribly unhappy with it.

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