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Cool, :)
I mixed some 20pg/80vg for my co worker and got him a Kanger ts3 and it's been working great for him.
I have been moving a fair amount of juice around my little town for the last couple months and all at very high VG ratios. No one has claimed any problems from it so far.

Hey, good on ya for doing that....congrats!



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Hey, good on ya for doing that....congrats!

I love it. It been awesome helping folks out!
Plus I haven't had to pay for my own e-liquid stuffs for a while now.
It all pays for itself.
I even have a partner. a brand name, logo, and (LOL) company name!
I've just been being pretty secretive about it all.
Still trying to get things going ya know.
I'm passionate about it and I love helping people in my area make the switch!


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Hey Whis, howzit going?

I had my energy appointment at like 0745 yesterday...had to get up at about 0530 to get ready/get there though. Still feeling tired after 7hrs of sleep.

Might just take Tiki's stance on the matter and hava nap. :D

I just had a nap, I never do that, but no sleep is not good


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I am planning on making some juice for a co-worker. She is just starting to vape and has bought a "starter kit".
She is having problems with coughing so I want to make her some max VG juice to try.

My question is does anyone know how high I can go with VG ratio that will not cause problems wicking in a clearo?
You can also add 5-10% distilled water to the vg and it makes it flow wonderfully as well as brighten some of the flavor.


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@jensy hey sis!!! Happy Birthday @InMyImage I hope the cookies arrive today unscathed, I just found out my son forgot to put the packing peanuts in so the wouldnt get all shaken up GRRRRR going to kill him.

After packing all my Christmas Tins (16) I still have some left for home LOL kids should be happy I wouldn't let them have any til I was done
Hey right back at you sista !


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You can also add 5-10% distilled water to the vg and it makes it flow wonderfully as well as brighten some of the flavor.
I have yet to try water in any e-liquid.
But I think I would like to try it.
Does it decrease cloud production?o_O


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You can also add 5-10% distilled water to the vg and it makes it flow wonderfully as well as brighten some of the flavor.

LMAO, that reminds me of when I started vaping...

My Mom called them my "steam cigs". :rolleyes:


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You can also add 5-10% distilled water to the vg and it makes it flow wonderfully as well as brighten some of the flavor.
True and probably will add some depending on how much flavor I go with. It won't be 100% VG but I wasn't sure how high I could go before she had problems with wicking. I don't want to trade one problem for another and hope this works for her. Thanks for all the input.


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I have yet to try water in any e-liquid.
But I think I would like to try it.
Does it decrease cloud production?o_O
No not at all , clouds I think a little better. I use 45 VG 45PG and 10% distilled water for myself. Make sure you use distilled water though.


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I have yet to try water in any e-liquid.
But I think I would like to try it.
Does it decrease cloud production?o_O

I don't think it does but others may see it differently.
I usually add some to my regular mixes but have not compared side by side to actually see.


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I don't think it does but others may see it differently.
I usually add some to my regular mixes but have not compared side by side to actually see.
I'm gonna give it a try.
It was jensy's comment that it may "brighten" some of the flavor that peeked my interest.
If there is a difference in cloudage I'm sure I'll notice immediately.
I like clouds:D


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ECF Refugee
Massive post on religion in the other thread.
Shake weights never cease to hilariate me!


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ECF Refugee to Vigil back in an hour'ish.


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Ok...back till 10pm Night Mass


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Ok...back till 10pm Night Mass
Hey how are you this evening? I'm just chilling. I won't be getting together with my family until later this week so this is kind of just another night for me.


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@jensy hey sis!!! Happy Birthday @InMyImage I hope the cookies arrive today unscathed, I just found out my son forgot to put the packing peanuts in so the wouldnt get all shaken up GRRRRR going to kill him.

After packing all my Christmas Tins (16) I still have some left for home LOL kids should be happy I wouldn't let them have any til I was done
He's probably in cahoots with the mailman because they haven't arrived as yet :(


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ECF Refugee
Hey how are you this evening? I'm just chilling. I won't be getting together with my family until later this week so this is kind of just another night for me.
I am on top of the world this evening!!!! If I were any better...Hello Kittys would start flying out of my bum!


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Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. It has been a good day today. I've only had about 5 hours of sleep since Sunday morning so my wife and kids let me get about 5 undistrubed hours of sleep this afternoon.

I woke up to find one of my best presents though. A member of the VU family has been having a difficult year like so many of us. He is out of work and dealing with health issues and he and his wife were forgoing gifts for themselves in order to scrape up anything they could for their kids.

About a month ago, I took some money that I got for my birthday from my parents and placed an order directly with Tobeco and had purchased 2 Dark Horses and 2 Apollo mech mods. Once I saw the Dark Horses I knew that I'd never like the airflow and I had seen a post from this fellow vaper about how he had broken his mech and was limping by with an old battery. I had been planning to sell the Dark Horses and 1 of the Apollos to try and get some of my birthday money back to spend on something else, but after everything that I have received from the community, including the gift of fellowship and friendship, I couldn't stand seeing him and his wife go without this year and after telling him that I needed his address for a gift and that I wouldn't take no for an answer to sending him one, he and his wife received a Dark Horse each and an Apollo mod to replace his broken mod.

He and his wife are blowing clouds as I type this and sharing some Xmas cheer, and I'm feeling the joy of the holiday with one of best birthday presents that I've given myself in a long time.

I plan on spending most of the night spending time with my family, but I wish everyone a great holiday filled with good time spent with friends and family. Hope you all have as good of a Christmas as mine is turning out to be.


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Son #2 Saga continues...the airline wouldn't honor his return ticket. If there's a no-show on the outgoing flight, the whole itinerary is automatically cancelled. No open seats for the morning flight. So the last I hear- he's bummed and lonely but staying home. BUT I overhear #1 son talking to him a little while ago and saying something about Maryland. blinkblink I ask #1 when he's off the phone, but he says #2 said he was turning around due to traffic. blinkblink I'm getting more gray hair here and remain without a clue, but I think they're in cahoots.

IMI, that's a wonderful story! Happy Birthday!


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Hi @kelli, I hope you have a great day tomorrow :)

@franciscan, I hope that you have a deeply moving and spiritual day tomorrow. I'm not sure if satisfaction is an appropriate word for all of your devotionals over the next couple of days, but I hope that they move you to the point of happiness.

@glassgrl I hope that your sons don't drive you nuts. As one, I know that I take every opportunity to do so to my mom :D


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Hi @kelli, I hope you have a great day tomorrow :)

@franciscan, I hope that you have a deeply moving and spiritual day tomorrow. I'm not sure if satisfaction is an appropriate word for all of your devotionals over the next couple of days, but I hope that they move you to the point of happiness.

@glassgrl I hope that your sons don't drive you nuts. As one, I know that I take every opportunity to do so to my mom :D
Thank you....they often move me to fits of ecstasy! And I hope that love, justice, peace come unto you like a warm and gentle wave on a pristine tropical beach.


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Way too many vape stores down here. Some purchases from good vapes and dart vapor


Aspire bdc


Black jelly bean


Kentucky Derby, a mint julep juice



I also got an evod & some coils for my mom.

This is my setup I'm borrowing while I'm here

All I brought was an ego :(
Last edited:


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Way too many vape stores down here. Some purchases from good vapes and dart vapor


Aspire bdc


Black jelly bean


Kentucky Derby, a mint julep juice



I also got an evod & some coils for my mom.

This is my setup I'm borrowing while I'm here

All I brought was an ego :(
Where is the DOUBLE like button. ;<))


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I do not celebrate Christmas, but the lovely lady of the house just forced me to order a subtank a hour or so ago. Then went to the mail box and my drip tip I won from gallery tips was in it. Switching faiths? No. Thinking there was a little Christmas MAJIK? Possibly. ;-)

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