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I do not celebrate Christmas, but the lovely lady of the house just forced me to order a subtank a hour or so ago. Then went to the mail box and my drip tip I won from gallery tips was in it. Switching faiths? No. Thinking there was a little Christmas MAJIK? Possibly. ;-)
What a coinkidink. The drip tip I won from Ninja Mods arrived today as wel..

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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I was raised in a Christian/Catholic house, I love reading the bible and exploring the stories and lessons I learned as a child. It is amazing to see how many of them relate to the stories and lessons from different religions and cultures from around the world and throughout all time. The covers on the books are different, the language they are written in differs greatly, the stories however, are timeless. I find that modern Catholic roots can be traced back to a lot of Celtic mythology. As a Polytheist/Ancient Astronomer believer, I try to keep my mind open, in order to find truth, where it had once been hidden.


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I was raised in a Christian/Catholic house, I love reading the bible and exploring the stories and lessons I learned as a child. It is amazing to see how many of them relate to the stories and lessons from different religions and cultures from around the world and throughout all time. The covers on the books are different, the language they are written in differs greatly, the stories however, are timeless. I find that modern Catholic roots can be traced back to a lot of Celtic mythology. As a Polytheist/Ancient Astronomer believer, I try to keep my mind open, in order to find truth, where it had once been hidden.
I was raised in a Catholic school / church as well. I'm not a practicing Catholic nor do I belief much in "religion" but I do think there is definitely something out there that I've made contact with several times in my life and has rescued me more than a few times.


Vapid Vapetress
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I was raised in a Christian/Catholic house, I love reading the bible and exploring the stories and lessons I learned as a child. It is amazing to see how many of them relate to the stories and lessons from different religions and cultures from around the world and throughout all time. The covers on the books are different, the language they are written in differs greatly, the stories however, are timeless. I find that modern Catholic roots can be traced back to a lot of Celtic mythology. As a Polytheist/Ancient Astronomer believer, I try to keep my mind open, in order to find truth, where it had once been hidden.
hi mr. fog. thanks for visiting the AU.


Vapid Vapetress
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I was raised in a Catholic school / church as well. I'm not a practicing Catholic nor do I belief much in "religion" but I do think there is definitely something out there that I've made contact with several times in my life and has rescued me more than a few times.

same here, except for the rescue part. if there is something out there, i tend to think it's jacking with me more than rescuing. just sayin'....


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same here, except for the rescue part. if there is something out there, i tend to think it's jacking with me more than rescuing. just sayin'....
Sometimes it jacks with me too. I guess in my way of looking at it, having "faith" is just not concerning yourself with whatever the hell it is doing or why and just going with the flow trusting that everything is going to end up okay in the long run. That seems to work well for me.

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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I have a tattoo across my chest that say, "Life is nothing more than trials and tribulation" but the shit we go through, if it does not kill us, makes us who we are....and I happen to think you are ONE HELL of a person. I imagine you are like me and I like you, a lot stronger than most might think and leagues above who we once were.


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I was raised in a Catholic school / church as well. I'm not a practicing Catholic nor do I belief much in "religion" but I do think there is definitely something out there that I've made contact with several times in my life and has rescued me more than a few times.
I wrote a lengthy piece called "Religion Vs Faith" in my might find it intriguing.


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Ok...back to Church for Mass back in an hour'ish.


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I think I found out the cause of hold up



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OK going to watch it, The Interview. I'm sure it's dumb and all this North Korea stuff was just a publicity stunt to get a bunch of people to watch a dumb movie but here we go.

Rin Vapes

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I'm not religious either. I consider myself spiritual. I believe in a higher power, not necessarily a "god" but I'm open minded and don't shun other people's beliefs as long as they respect mine. I have had contact with something as well.
If people would only concentrate on the things we have in common with one another (religion included) the world would be a much happier place.
Happy Holidays everyone.
I was raised in a Catholic school / church as well. I'm not a practicing Catholic nor do I belief much in "religion" but I do think there is definitely something out there that I've made contact with several times in my life and has rescued me more than a few times.


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I'm not religious either. I consider myself spiritual. I believe in a higher power, not necessarily a "god" but I'm open minded and don't shun other people's beliefs as long as they respect mine. I have had contact with something as well.
If people would only concentrate on the things we have in common with one another (religion included) the world would be a much happier place.
Happy Holidays everyone.
Well said, Rin. At least I think so:)

Rin Vapes

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I'm broke so not really... The only thing I bought recently was more flavorings which I got today. About to mix some more stuff up.
Anybody else treat themselves to a Christmas gift? I decided to buy some juice from the Holy Land. Thought it was appropriate.


Just Thomas
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I am doing pretty good...tired...having the parents over so I will be very busy tomorrow...but I am sure fun. "Happy Holidays all if I don't make it to the group tomorrow. Right now I am filling and hanging stockings on the fire place...helping Santa :)


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Yeah my mom wrote me from Arkansas to tell me that the gift I sent her arrived tonight. That's cool, it was like the postman was Santa bringing her something right in time. I'm off now to watch The Interview, I'll let you know what I think about it.


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I consider my thirty dollar purchase of some batteries and a charger a self-gift.

I gave myself a gift...sorta. ;)

Fear the Forehead of Doom....


Yup, I just whacked it off myself as it was getting annoying, don't feel like paying $10-20 for getting it chopped off, I own a 25 y.o. Oster clipper set, and I felt like it. :p

Is it perfect? Nope. Don't matter as nobody will care anyways. But, I'm more comfy and Tiki can't chew on my hair now..:D

I'll have to have Mom even up the back a wee bit as I can't reach it properly, but it feels better. :)
(the neckbeard shaving I'll do tomorrow too..had enough with grooming for a night)
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OK I'm only fifteen minutes into this The Interview and it's honestly as funny as all shit. Not exaggerating. I'll keep reporting. LOL


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BS.. Movie's stoopid. Hate BS 12yo comedies..


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Think I'll go

I gave myself a self-gift...sorta. ;)

Fear the Forehead of Doom....


Yup, I just whacked the hair off myself as it was getting annoying, not feeling like paying $10-20 for getting it chopped off, I own a 25 y.o. Oster clipper set, and I felt like it. :p

Is it perfect? Nope. Don't matter as nobody will care anyways. But, I'm more comfy and Tiki can't chew on my hair now..:D

I'll have to have Mom even up the back a wee bit as I can't reach it properly, but it feels better. :)
(the neckbeard shaving I'll do tomorrow too..had enough with grooming for a night)
You should have seen the last haircut I gave myself!:eek: upload_2014-12-25_0-5-20.jpeg


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Oh, I can believe it. I suck with using scissors in that way. Beard trims are no worries, but actual hair....nope.

Beats doing this though:

Hah ha ha ha ha! You got guts, my friend. I like that about you:D


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Christmas Eve kinda blows.

There is ziltch on TV and while I feel like cooking something, it's too soon to make stuffing and cookies...better when warm and fresh. :)


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There's some good vids on how to cut your own hair using scissors and clippers.

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