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I never handle guys like that very well.
I just go strait to being a mean foul mouthed asshole:)
So I very rarely engage in those debates.
I'm only patient with my own stupid:p
At first I just thought he sounded similar to the guy I had the same argument with over at Egg Corn Farm but after a while I realized it was the same fucking person. It was then I knew there was no getting through to the little prick. It was like deja vu.


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"Wee fish ewe mare egrets moose, wee fish ewe mare egrets moose, wee fish ewe mare egrets moose....and a hippo gnu deer!"
I had that, with pics of the animals, on a mug


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Merry Christmas to All !!!!



Vapid Vapetress
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Full day of "I don't know what the hell I'm going to do" with my in-laws. Wife better have something planned.

so sorry hon.


Vapid Vapetress
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ok christmas is officially over for me. gonna ditch this stupid santa claus hat avatar.


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Just a quick drive by posting here in between Christmas plans. Just thought I'd stop by and tell everyone Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays if other). I'd also like to share the tie I wore last night. We'll actually "ties." It's two ties tied together using an Eldredge knot. Anyways, love y'all and have a good day!


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Thx and Hells yeah!

Wow, so cool to wake up to a sweet present on Christmas!!! :D
I LOOOVE the Orchid v4, even more so when I mod it with a KF tank. ;-)

Cold morning here, fam stuff isn't until 2-3:00 PM so I'm chillin'. Tiki wanted to peek out the window, but got a shock when she jumped up there and it was an icy
Merry Christmas Caff!


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BTW - Did you see Predestination, Transcendence, and The Equalizer yet? All 3 very good movies :D


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BTW - Did you see Predestination, Transcendence, and The Equalizer yet? All 3 very good movies :D

I saw and liked the first two. But, no desire to see a terribly miscast and "updated" movie version of a classic TV show I enjoyed. Why do they gotta ruin everything?

Robert McCall is not Black, drove a Jag and he's English, cultured and suave. Think of Bond after retirement. ;)

The char also tried not to kill anyone if he could help it as he was atoning for his sins from life in the Intelligence biz. Not some action movie hero derp.



I hate this PC ethnic updating crap...leave the characters alone.

Like this: I opened my new box of Lotus Biscoff cookies for my coffee, and they are different.

Darker, smaller and they taste almost burnt compared to the lusciousness of the old ones. DaFuQ?

Worst thing is, I gave Dad the idea to buy me more for my stocking.....SMH.
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I saw and liked the first two. But, no desire to see a terribly miscast and "updated" movie version of a classic TV show I enjoyed. Why do they gotta ruin everything?

Robert McCall is not Black...and he's English.


I hate this PC ethnic updating crap...leave characters alone.

Like this: I opened my new box of Lotus Biscoff cookies for my coffee, and they are different.

Darker, smaller and they taste almost burnt compared to the lusciousness of the old ones. DaFuQ?

Worst thing is, I gave Dad the idea to buy me more for my stocking.....SMH.
Ya, I loved the original series. But this movie isnt that bad. Its more of a 'prequel' than a anything and brings more insight into McCall. It does make him a little darker though.. no pun intended.


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Ya, I loved the original series. But this movie isnt that bad. Its more of a 'prequel' than a anything and brings more insight into McCall. It does make him a little darker though.. no pun intended.

Yeah, I just hate it when they do that though. What is next, The Rock as James Bond?? Casablanca with Eddie Murphy?

If that makes me an old man and racist, so be it.
They completely changed the demographic and style of the series to fit "modern" audiences.


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Soooooo Caff, how's ya Christmas going?

Heya, Merry Christmas!!

It's not going anywhere just yet.

Fam stuff isn't until this afternoon, I'm bringing Mexican Wedding Cookies that take like 40min to make, so I'm just drinking my coffee and relaxing.

Oh, I did win a new Orchid v4 this morning though in Cigabuy's contest. That rocks, I love that atty. :D


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Aw now.. Most of the shows and movies written now-a-days are such junk, I think its cool that some of these old stories, books, and movies are updated and retold to a new generation that have never had the pleasure of hearing or seeing them.

Speaking of which, the actual plot of the movie is based on a Tom Clancy novel I read as a teenager about John Clark after he retired and what brought him back into the world.. Really good, if not graphic, book. EDIT! Heres the book:


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edited above: Wow.. I guess it was a little after my teenage years.. I was getting out of the Navy then :facepalm:

The years fly by I tell ya.. just fly.


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Aw now.. Most of the shows and movies written now-a-days are such junk, I think its cool that some of these old stories, books, and movies are updated and retold to a new generation that have never had the pleasure of hearing or seeing them.

Speaking of which, the actual plot of the movie is based on a Tom Clancy novel I read as a teenager about Jack Ryan after he retired and what brought him back into the world.. Really good, if not graphic, book. However, I, for the life of me, CANNOT REMEMBER the name of the book!

Hmm, I have most all of Clancy's books....but haven't read them in years. I think it was "Without Remorse".

Irony: Denzel was also in Crimson Tide which was another adaptation of TC's books. ;)


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Hmm, I have most all of Clancy's books....but haven't read them in years. I think it was "Without Remorse".

Irony: Denzel was also in Crimson Tide which was another adaptation of TC's books. ;)
Ya. .I edited :D.. Another good movie.. I loved Tom Clancy.. Great books.


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They changed a couple of things, but, that book Without Remorse, is the plot and character of the The Equalizer. Maybe they should have just called the movie what it was - An adaptation of Without Remorse.

If you see it, I think you will agree.


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They changed a couple of things, but, that book Without Remorse, is the plot and character of the The Equalizer. Maybe they should have just called the movie what it was - An adaptation of Without Remorse.

If you see it, I think you will agree.

Yeah, I may have to try it..just hard to re-imagine it that way.

BTW....Bettie Paige...Mmmm.



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They changed a couple of things, but, that book Without Remorse, is the plot and character of the The Equalizer. Maybe they should have just called the movie what it was - An adaptation of Without Remorse.

If you see it, I think you will agree.

Well, McCall wasn't really said to be CIA like Jack was, but "the Company" is a dead givaway... ;-)

Jack was pretty unhinged in that book though...hehehe. Good stuff.

Ever read any of Robert Ludlum's books?

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