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Happy Holiday to all the Alternates!!!


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ECF Refugee :)

Finnish company, so you might be in for a bit of a wait. But its most likely going to be a small batch, so theres that. I know thats a plus for you :D
The timing on that should work out perfectly.


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You're actually getting one? :D cool. If they dont offer international shipping im sure you can work something out with the owner if you just send him an email. Search Fulgoris on youtube, should be a video of it.


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ECF Refugee
You're actually getting one? :D cool. If they dont offer international shipping im sure you can work something out with the owner if you just send him an email. Search Fulgoris on youtube, should be a video of it.
Aye, I will put myself on the pre-order list. Fortunately I am exceedingly patient. I ordered and paid for my Alum box two months ago, and look forward to vaping on it.


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Well, hope you are able to get one! While you're at it, check out the One hybrid. It's a killer genny.


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ECF Refugee
That will be a nice compliment to my Governor box.
Wait.....idea killed! Seems that the only way for my Orchids and SquapeR's to breathe is through those two slots. The odds of a perfect alignment are hit and miss. Aye, that pretty much kills it for me. On my Governor, there is a more than adequate space in the event that the air hole happens to align towards the battery compartment. Two of my Orchids are fine...but the air hole on both of my SquapeR's are hidden...but they are not choked off by it.


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Wait.....idea killed! Seems that the only way for my Orchids and SquapeR's to breathe is through those two slots. The odds of a perfect alignment are hit and miss. Aye, that pretty much kills it for me. On my Governor, there is a more than adequate space in the event that the air hole happens to align towards the battery compartment. Two of my Orchids are fine...but the air hole on both of my SquapeR's are hidden...but they are not choked off by it.
Theres still some space in the sides, so attys should not choke even if the holes are not perfectly aligned. Was worried about the same thing and asked.


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More holiday visiting tomorrow, then things settle back down, I hope everyone enjoyed the festivities:)


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ECF Refugee
Isn't that called Shiny New Thing Syndrome?
Indeed. I keep very little of what I buy....but the visit is always nice. I'm great for the economy. Someday I will have someone to spend it on...but in the meantime...VAPE THINGS!


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ECF Refugee
I saw it somewhere, I don't even remember who wrote it or what it was about in text, but it stuck with me , you know???....the words???
When I remember that wisdom....I tend to forget that I own a lethal quantity of insulin...and put the syringes back in their box.


Vapid Vapetress
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take care and have a good night, tina


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Yeah, I just hate it when they do that though. What is next, The Rock as James Bond?? Casablanca with Eddie Murphy?

If that makes me an old man and racist, so be it.
They completely changed the demographic and style of the series to fit "modern" audiences.

... one word ... Annie

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