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Took my Subaru out for a spin. God i love that car, drifting in snow @ 40-60mph, powdery snow flying everywhere and girlfriend absolutely terrified riding shotgun. Winter is my favorite time of the year.


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Joyeux Noël à vous tous.



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Well, McCall wasn't really said to be CIA like Jack was, but "the Company" is a dead givaway... ;-)

Jack was pretty unhinged in that book though...hehehe. Good stuff.

Ever read any of Robert Ludlum's books?
Bourne :D


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Dilemma: I'm hungry now, but the fam's "dinner" is in three hours....

Trying to think of something that won't make me too full. I'm not used to eating actual meals.
What I call a meal, they'd call a snack...which is why they are all obese or have health


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Hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas

Video is blocked but if you click "watch on youtube" on it after the snow screen appears it should open in another window
Last edited:


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So, I usually fill my Orchid via the fill-port. Tried doing a top fill this time for giggles and when I went to take a vape, this:

How in the blazes, did one of Tiki's hairs get into the tank in the 30 or so seconds that I had it open???



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ECF Refugee
So, I usually fill my Orchid via the fill-port. Tried doing a top fill this time for giggles and when I went to take a vape, this:

How in the blazes, did one of Tiki's hairs get into the tank in the 30 or so seconds that I had it open???

Cat hair = slightly stronger throat hit


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Hmm, it's about noon. I should probably get dressed, toast some pecans and prepare for making the cookies...


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Hmm, I have most all of Clancy's books....but haven't read them in years. I think it was "Without Remorse".

Irony: Denzel was also in Crimson Tide which was another adaptation of TC's books. ;)
I like Lecarre, Tinker,Tailor, Soldier, Spy is one of my favorites.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Dilemma: I'm hungry now, but the fam's "dinner" is in three hours....

Trying to think of something that won't make me too full. I'm not used to eating actual meals.
What I call a meal, they'd call a snack...which is why they are all obese or have health

PB on toast...


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Get the book! It's a whole lot better IMHO...

I also got the series: I, Claudius by Robert Graves. Good books, and the multi-part TV series (Have it on DVD) is really good.


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Lots of funeral talk today:(
Make it work FOR you Fishee. Remember....funeral planning is no different than planning a cruise of a lifetime for a loved one" We look forward to the day when we get to holiday where they are going!


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Diablo Mods makes exclusively high-end devices, have never owned one cause im broke all the time. But that may be worth the investment.


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Well, I'd best get my butt in gear...fam is unpredictable.
That 2:30-3:00PM timetable could change to "Hi, wer'e here, come on down"....They live in their own universe I think.


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Link? I shall buy immediately. :)

Finnish company, so you might be in for a bit of a wait. But its most likely going to be a small batch, so theres that. I know thats a plus for you :D

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