Curious your appeal to it over the shell? And others it seems for that matter. For me, and I could be totally wrong, but I see pulling the deck no bonus at all. Once I had how to build and wick the shell down, all good every time. I don't ever need to access the deck until it is time to rewick and build, in which case I can stretch it until empty, or just dump a ml or 2. I also see being in it's own "boro" as no bonus, if you have a BB, you have at least a boro, probably more. I would think I prefer to slide the glass down to fill vs that plug. I know I do using the Dot RBA. I'm not downing it, and honestly want to try one, just wondering.
The vapesnail fixed some of the things I didn’t like about boro+whatever.
Being able to just remove the bottom without losing a majority of juice or having to buy that stupid rod was a major QoL improvement to me.
Next the snail aesthetically was much more appealing than the factory white boro, then if you wanted a black boro and not buy the clone... it’s $ that point you’re nearly to the snails price point.
The seal on the factory boro is the bane of this type of device, the snail with its larger more robust bottom seal eliminates the stretch one can get when having to rewick... and you can easily over stretch the factory one... plus slide friction is greater at stretching than pulling out as the snail does.
The customization to fine tune is a step forward even over the shell and it’s multitude of airflow pins(more with the chimney inserts)
I’ve more than once pinched the seal upon sliding the glass back up after a refill... and once in a blue moon, you think you put it all the way up, looks like it’s all the way up, but really wasn’t and you get a leak... hard to do with the snail and it’s lil fill tab/port flailing about to remind you to pop it back in.
It just had many QoL improvements over conventional boro/atty combos to give it in short.
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