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Brophmantooth is Mechanical King and a Thief


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Auto forwards to ECF?
With all due respect to you and to all members here you all spend far too much time and energy on ECF.

If you want them to fade to oblivion stop talking about them or finding ways to bring them in to just about every thread.
If little Johnny was taking this many shots at little Susie everyone would chalk it up to Johnny just likes Susie but doesn't want to admit it.

This is the only forum I've been a member of that's vape related. I don't need to know what it's like at ECF. If I wanted to know I'd either check out one of the dedicated threads here or I'd go there and check it out.

Just my two cents


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Yeah, I hoped that, myself. That would be about the lowest.
So true about text conveying tone.

Not feeling bad, just disappointed. I really thought he was a good guy. Dishonesty will always come back to bite. It takes so much effort to be dishonest.
Everything done in dark, will eventually come into the light.

I did not mean to quote. My phone is sketchy at best. Sorry.
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The Cromwell

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With all due respect to you and to all members here you all spend far too much time and energy on ECF.

If you want them to fade to oblivion stop talking about them or finding ways to bring them in to just about every thread.
If little Johnny was taking this many shots at little Susie everyone would chalk it up to Johnny just likes Susie but doesn't want to admit it.

This is the only forum I've been a member of that's vape related. I don't need to know what it's like at ECF. If I wanted to know I'd either check out one of the dedicated threads here or I'd go there and check it out.

Just my two cents
I think you may have me confused with someone else.
I may be mistaken but I think that was the first time I had mentioned ECF in quite a while.
Not sure though I may have responded to someone elses ECF related post...
I neither fixate on them nor pointedly ignore them. But will poke some fun from time to time.


Vaping whilst slaying dragons in the land of Tyria
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With all due respect to you and to all members here you all spend far too much time and energy on ECF.

If you want them to fade to oblivion stop talking about them or finding ways to bring them in to just about every thread.
If little Johnny was taking this many shots at little Susie everyone would chalk it up to Johnny just likes Susie but doesn't want to admit it.

This is the only forum I've been a member of that's vape related. I don't need to know what it's like at ECF. If I wanted to know I'd either check out one of the dedicated threads here or I'd go there and check it out.

Just my two cents
Well goodness, who pooped in your cheerios this morning? I only brought up ECF as I thought it might be a good idea to alert someone there that they have a thief in their midst. Then yes a few of us had a little fun with it. How is that a bad thing exactly? Granted I don't view all the many threads here but I do not see ECF mentioned all that often. Have a vape, relax and enjoy your Sunday. I say live and let live and let others talk about what they wish.


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@The Cromwell

I'm not attempting to bash you nor do I think I'm being a party pooper.

Bringing up notifying another forum he's a thief is a great idea I have no issues with that.

I was bringing up in my opinion that another in a long line of ECF jokes was being made.

Once that happens threads seem to dissolve from that point on and I'm hoping this one doesn't go that way.

@theCromwell I quoted you specifically because I asked a question and you're the one who responded with the ECF joke. It's not bashing you personally but it was the perfect example. I also specified it was not a dig against you but something I see quite often from the members here.


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No, I'm not going to try and alert them as I got into a pissing match years ago with one of the mods. They are not going to listen to anything I say :) I just wanted to bring it to light is all. If in the event anyone here has friends there and see's a possible scam starting, they can choose if they want to alert that person.
I just did a little recon over there. There’s definitely quite a bit of overlap in members. I recognized quite a few in just five minutes. @Letitia9 @IcepickMaker84 @Rossum keep an eye on a new member named Mechanical King......

The Cromwell

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@The Cromwell

I'm not attempting to bash you nor do I think I'm being a party pooper.

Bringing up notifying another forum he's a thief is a great idea I have no issues with that.

I was bringing up in my opinion that another in a long line of ECF jokes was being made.

Once that happens threads seem to dissolve from that point on and I'm hoping this one doesn't go that way.

@theCromwell I quoted you specifically because I asked a question and you're the one who responded with the ECF joke. It's not bashing you personally but it was the perfect example. I also specified it was not a dig against you but something I see quite often from the members here.
Oh well a few of us think that ECF is somewhat of a joke. Even though I waste little time speaking of it any more.
Heck even Vaping with Vic even talked about it in his last Watts Up episode.

We are all entitled to our opinions at least on VU we are.


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I just did a little recon over there. There’s definitely quite a bit of overlap in members. I recognized quite a few in just five minutes. @Letitia9 @IcepickMaker84 @Rossum keep an eye on a new member named Mechanical King......
There's some knowledgeable members over there and I do post, but there's also no doubt that they are mighty quick to crack the whip on what people say.

I made some totally innocuous tongue in cheek remark a couple weeks ago and one of the mods gave me a warning. I seriously would never in a million years have dreamed that what I said could be a problem.


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Don't let this stop you from teading with new members. We were all new once. Having never been a member at any other vape forum I couldn't simply tell people to verify who I was elsewhere.

But you can protect yourself.
New member? Sorry but you need to ship first.

Really good idea. It’s a great way to verify things.
I suppose I’m still considered a member at ECF and a supporter, but what does that really prove?

The Cromwell

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As long as I am thinking about it for CJ and those who may not know.
ECF will always hold a special place in my heart.
I was on chat boards before the internet was a thing. first dialup and then the net. Since I worked in Telecom I had access to it before it was even called the internet.
And ECF has the the distinction of being the only chat board I was ever banned from.
Actually I worked hard to get banned and left before they actually took the action.
Probably me telling a certain mod to consume excrement and expire had something to do with it.
No regrets from here on that either.


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There's some knowledgeable members over there and I do post, but there's also no doubt that they are mighty quick to crack the whip on what people say.

I made some totally innocuous tongue in cheek remark a couple weeks ago and one of the mods gave me a warning. I seriously would never in a million years have dreamed that what I said could be a problem.

Sorry, but that made me laugh a bit. I’m not surprised most of my posts there disappeared, but without any warning.


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As long as I am thinking about it for CJ and those who may not know.
ECF will always hold a special place in my heart.
I was on chat boards before the internet was a thing. first dialup and then the net. Since I worked in Telecom I had access to it before it was even called the internet.
And ECF has the the distinction of being the only chat board I was ever banned from.
Actually I worked hard to get banned and left before they actually took the action.
Probably me telling a certain mod to consume excrement and expire had something to do with it.
No regrets from here on that either.

They have a great library filled with stuff from @Rolygate. I learned a lot reading there for hours. But, the cliquey atmosphere is a big turnoff. But it was like doing Basic Training there in a lot of ways.


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Ya know what kills me about a guy like this? i really don't have a lot of money, but with some smart shopping and patience you can get your hands on some perty dern good gear. Unless you have some neurotic obsession with high end expensive stuff, there is no reason to rip people off in order to have everything you need and much of what you want. It's almost like online kleptomania or something.

EDIT: Although I guess he was also taking people for money too.


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Ya know what kills me about a guy like this? i really don't have a lot of money, but with some smart shopping and patience you can get your hands on some perty dern good gear. Unless you have some neurotic obsession with high end expensive stuff, there is no reason to rip people off in order to have everything you need and much of what you want. It's almost like online kleptomania or something.

EDIT: Although I guess he was also taking people for money too.

As their emoji says: WINNER!

The Cromwell

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There's some knowledgeable members over there and I do post, but there's also no doubt that they are mighty quick to crack the whip on what people say.

I made some totally innocuous tongue in cheek remark a couple weeks ago and one of the mods gave me a warning. I seriously would never in a million years have dreamed that what I said could be a problem.
What started my downhill slide over there was posting a youtube clip of a car commercial in a non vaping forum.the commercial was shown on national TV..
It got deleted as inappropriate.
with no notice or explanation.
Then I got into trouble for questioning why they had deleted it and it went down hill from there.

Jesus CJ now you dredged up traumatic memories and I will have to go for counsleing :)


The Sky has Fallen. the End is Here.
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So you did warn them? I went back and forth on whether I should, but like I say. I have no standing there to speak of. Especially not after having to be warned myself about how I speak.
i would not be surprised to find out that his ban there was the direct result of this thread and maybe some behind the scenes things over there. i can confirm that they do ban for things said outside of there. one of the biggest reason i have never gone back besides forgetting the password. well my old one actually worked...

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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i would not be surprised to find out that his ban there was the direct result of this thread and maybe some behind the scenes things over there. i can confirm that they do ban for things said outside of there. one of the biggest reason i have never gone back besides forgetting the password. well my old one actually worked...
LOL I changed my pwd to a random string of numbers and letters that I could not remember to remove any temptation of going back and then thay finally got around to banning me. I guess they finally understood what my insult meant?
I also changed my email to something very insulting to the the offending mod so they could not email me either.
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The Sky has Fallen. the End is Here.
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i always used to log in ever so often just to see if it worked i think back then i actually requested my whole account be removed but they ignored it the account is still there post count and all but there new layout is just not for me


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You know, we can be an ornery group here. Y'all know that? I wish I had that little emoji Huck uses of the little guy with his head down, smacking the table with his hand. Like a ROTFLMFAO, sorta.

She told me where to find it, and now I can't find where she told me where to find it. Sigh.


The Cromwell

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i always used to log in ever so often just to see if it worked i think back then i actually requested my whole account be removed but they ignored it the account is still there post count and all but there new layout is just not for me
They have a new layout?
Only thing I go back for is Mooch's blog and I have it bookmarked so I go straight there.


The Sky has Fallen. the End is Here.
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They have a new layout?
Only thing I go back for is Mooch's blog and I have it bookmarked so I go straight there.
your talking to someone who before today was last there 2014 ish somewhere around May Looks under user name oh the 18th then maybe a random point a year later


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Ok.. posted in where i wanted to post..again. sorry guys

Sent from a very cloudy room

The Cromwell

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I actually chatted with Mooch about setting up a mirror of his blog over here. No luck. too much work for him and I agree.


The Sky has Fallen. the End is Here.
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I actually chatted with Mooch about setting up a mirror of his blog over here. No luck. too much work for him and I agree.
to bad we could auto mirror from his own site like the vubot does but i think he just post at ecf and other mirror to reddit

The Cromwell

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You know, we can be an ornery group here. Y'all know that? I wish I had that little emoji Huck uses of the little guy with his head down, smacking the table with his hand. Like a ROTFLMFAO, sorta.

She told me where to find it, and now I can't find where she told me where to find it. Sigh.



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to bad we could auto mirror from his own site like the vubot does but i think he just post at ecf and other mirror to reddit
He posts on tasteyourjuice.com also


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They have a new layout?
Only thing I go back for is Mooch's blog and I have it bookmarked so I go straight there.

At least you’re not flagged there as an unfriendly VU person. Isn’t Mooch’s stuff uploaded anywhere else?

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