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Brophmantooth is Mechanical King and a Thief


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You know, we can be an ornery group here. Y'all know that? I wish I had that little emoji Huck uses of the little guy with his head down, smacking the table with his hand. Like a ROTFLMFAO, sorta.

She told me where to find it, and now I can't find where she told me where to find it. Sigh.

and he lives here. http://yoursmiles.org/m-fun.php?page=2


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Brophmantooth was around a year or so ago and wickedly screwed a bunch of people over(myself, included). He was banned after a series of bad deals and such. (With plenty of warnings).

He came back as Mechanical King a month ago.

I figured it out through getting his address for a deal we were making.
Great detective work here!


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Where they say Ohm Men?
those who join are members of the resistance...
I wanted to clarify here that I'm not disparaging people who love high end equipment and can afford it. I'm talking about a hypothetical person who can't afford it, but has some mental quirk whereby they'd be willing to steal to get it.

to me there is thief everywhere from selling clones as authentic's. Take one design element and claiming it as your own nothing wrong with copying it just dont say it belongs to you.

then how about all those fan boys who say if your not using this juice or this device your just not doing it right. i am all about paying a person for there time and materials but when mods have to cost 400 for mechanical pipes there is an issue. how about the juice company's who are all selling the same juice with there logo on it and all at different prices again i am all ok with support company's yet why is there so much need to claim this juice as yours when in fact is belongs to some lab or some other company... i know for a fact in one case a local B@M sells a house juice that is bottled by another vendor.. they were honest with me so i give them the business when a second company does the same yet lies also cost more.


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I wanted to clarify here that I'm not disparaging people who love high end equipment and can afford it. I'm talking about a hypothetical person who can't afford it, but has some mental quirk whereby they'd be willing to steal to get it.

Yes, this did start out by outing Mechanical King as a thief. I liked what you said about being able to find good deals if you look around. You don’t have to be a rip off. No one *needs* high end gear.
This m f’er was selling stuff elsewhere from trades he didn’t complete. After crying poverty, etc. Uncool.


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This m f’er was selling stuff elsewhere from trades he didn’t complete. After crying poverty, etc. Uncool.
Yes, that is a standard setting display of uncoolness. And an affront to the decent citizens of the community.


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Yes, that is a standard setting display of uncoolness. And an affront to the decent citizens of the community.

Yes, a lot of people are broke every so often, but they don’t beg other members here for gear. Especially not if a person has enough of what they need to keep vaping!
There are also plenty of people on VU who served in the military and aren’t trying to use being a vet to get stuff for free, either. He tried to profit from the “support the troops” attitude here.


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Is it doxxing if the only info posted is city and state?
i would say yes Defined : Doxing or doxxing is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifying information about an individual or organization. The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites, hacking, and social engineering


The Sky has Fallen. the End is Here.
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Social engineering... An interesting term...
thats a classic catch all term for convincing others to give you the information using and medium


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One way to think about it is that we do stand for freedom of speech and freedom if action(only exception being derogatory statements and threats of true violence). Normally we as a staff DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN SALES OR TRADES IN ANY WAY. The only reason anything was done in this case was the information gathered by members(you guys) showed us clearly that this was in fact a former member whom was banned for the documented actions herein.
It would be hypocritical and a disservice for VU to freely distribute a former members private information to prevent an action that may not happen nor should happen. Rather, I would say: now that several members are aware of the information; as they are the ones who turned it over, I would rest easy knowing that your community as a whole has your back. - probably my favorite thing about VU, our nature of being a self policing environment works.
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