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Daily Check-In Thread


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Merry Christmas to All Here
Hope you all are havin a great one ;)



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Pretty quiet around here, thought I'd check in. Days are a bit warmer but nights are still cold, my sherpa blanket still lives with my recliner. Jessie appreciates the part of it that stays on the floor. She will knead on it for a while, then curl up on it.

My new love - crescent rolls. I roll them up around chicken, cheese, celery, etc mix and bake. So easy and great for snacks. Add hot soup and it's a meal. Yes, I saw it online, lol.

Off to make some coils,

Stay safe and healthy and warm :hug:

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It's a beautiful spring day here in Texas... 88°F, and the geese are flying back north. I just got back from picking up the eyeglasses for hubs and I we brought in to get replaced before the warrantees expired.

Typical springtime weather, warm and windy. The have us under extreme fire weather watch warnings for every county in the region. What happened to winter? Is it over?


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Still not much going on here, same old. At least we get lots of sunny days here, helps a lot. I think I'm going to rearrange a bit in the office today. Should probably sweep off the deck and steps, too. I'm a youtube junkie - I'm learning about egg substitutes, making my own butter, etc. Interesting stuff that keeps my mind occupied, lol.

Stay safe and healthy :hug:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Still not much going on here, same old. At least we get lots of sunny days here, helps a lot. I think I'm going to rearrange a bit in the office today. Should probably sweep off the deck and steps, too. I'm a youtube junkie - I'm learning about egg substitutes, making my own butter, etc. Interesting stuff that keeps my mind occupied, lol.

Stay safe and healthy :hug:
Plus, the more whole, real, homemade foods you eat, the much healthier you will be and they taste 100% better than regular grocery store offerings

Takes more effort and deffo more practical once you are retired

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I was looking at self defense tactical canes. The wooden and plastic ones cost like $50 and up. The aluminum ones cost $135 and up. I thought "nah, I can make my own for much less". All I need to do now is spray it down with primer, paint it, stick the rubber tip on, and I'm good to go. The only thing I need to buy is the primer. Oh, and this is lightweight steel.



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Jimi - your post was timely. I lost my big brother Tuesday, so glad I had talked to him on Monday. I always make sure to say I love you when I'm ending a phone call.

Weather is still too cold for me, my comfort range seems to be narrowing. At least I have sunshine most of the time. Jessie keeps me on my toes. She yells at me when it's time to get up in the morning, tells me when it's lunch and dinner time. She is such a comfort to me.

I'm going to make some yogurt, I have lots of flavoring choices! Wish me luck.

Stay safe and healthy


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Jimi - your post was timely. I lost my big brother Tuesday, so glad I had talked to him on Monday. I always make sure to say I love you when I'm ending a phone call.

Weather is still too cold for me, my comfort range seems to be narrowing. At least I have sunshine most of the time. Jessie keeps me on my toes. She yells at me when it's time to get up in the morning, tells me when it's lunch and dinner time. She is such a comfort to me.

I'm going to make some yogurt, I have lots of flavoring choices! Wish me luck.

Stay safe and healthy
I am so sorry to hear about your big brother, I lost mine a couple years ago so I know what you are goin through. I hope this might bring some comfort

It's hard for me to accept that you're gone
I'm trying not to think about it all wrong
I know that you're gone to a better place
But sometimes I just want to see your face
Knowing that you're never coming back
Making the whole idea of missing you seem so wack
I really can't explain what I'm trying to say
And why I'm thinking of you every day
Why won't these feelings just go away
You were more than my big brother, you were a friend
Someone who I thought would be there 'til the end
Just know that you can never be replaced
And I'm glad you won the race
But like the song says, it's so hard to say goodbye
I just really wish you didn't die

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yes, the cold weather hit Texas. No snow, but they shut down the schools, the post awful, city hall, and most stores. Up north, you could get 4 feet, and that would all be open except for the schools.

We got some freezing rain today, so I stayed in and worked on finalizing the fitting of the new halloween mask I finished up. Couldn't do anything outside in this weather.


By the way, that little sign says Warning: if you are smoking in here, you better be on fire.


Diamond Contributor
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Jimi - your post was timely. I lost my big brother Tuesday, so glad I had talked to him on Monday. I always make sure to say I love you when I'm ending a phone call.

Weather is still too cold for me, my comfort range seems to be narrowing. At least I have sunshine most of the time. Jessie keeps me on my toes. She yells at me when it's time to get up in the morning, tells me when it's lunch and dinner time. She is such a comfort to me.

I'm going to make some yogurt, I have lots of flavoring choices! Wish me luck.

Stay safe and healthy
I'm so sorry :hug:


! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


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Member For 5 Years

Brrr, weather won't make up it's mind. It was a good and bad day yesterday. Received a box of my brother's paperwork, going through that was pretty rough.
It's going to be awhile before I can get my nic back down again.

The good part was that I received and early delivery last evening - I'm now the owner of an Instant Pot! It's hard to cook for one, right? Today I'm going to start playing with it. I've been watching you tubes, gathering recipes. Hey, it keeps me occupied.

Jessie is playing couch potato, lazy furball. Out of all her toys, she's decided that she likes clothes pins! She's a bit special, lol.

And I hit my 9 year vapeversary, yay!

Stay safe and healthy :hug:


Lady Sarah

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Member For 5 Years
We had gone to an estate sale on Friday and got a few things. Among them were CDs of some good old music such as Black Sabbath, Iron Butterfly, and Steppenwolf. Today, I took the opportunity to rip those discs, and put all of it on the thumb drive hubby puts in his vehicles stereo. Of course, I put just the Sabbath, 3 Steppenwolf songs, and IN-A-GADDA-DA-VIDA on the thumb drive for my truck. Being 17 minutes long, I can listen to that one song all the way to the next town over.


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I'm holding my breath, supposed to get up to 75* today! If it does, my doors will be wide open getting fresh air in here. Jessie loves having the doors open to watch the birds better.

I'm really liking my Instant Pot. Today's menu will be pot roast and veges, dessert is cheesecake. I'm feeding my son-in-law, lol. He's going to see if he can unlock brothers cell phones, re-hang the blinds that fell down in my bedroom, and a few tall person chores for me. He's 6'2", I'm 4'11", and he's told me to stay off of my step stool, lol.

There's bad weather coming towards some of you, please be careful!

Stay safe and healthy :inlove::hug::hug:

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
With such gorgeous weather lately, I decided to pull the rebar arch my step-dad made, and attach it to the one I put together. Today was painting day. I also added the metal cactus flowers I had made. I used high gloss paint with the hopes it lasts longer than the stuff my step-dad used back when he last painted it 12 years ago. The plastic doves on top are in memory of my mother. They have been up there for the last 12 years as well.



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Member For 5 Years

So quiet here! With all of the extreme weather happening, we need to keep in better touch with each other.

Not too much going on here. I washed all of those glass bottles, now I need to figure out what to do with them. I've assigned myself one Spring cleaning chore per day, along with the daily chores. It's not so overwhelming that way and I have a better chance of getting them done.

Stay safe and healthy :hug::inlove:

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Went to see my migraine doc today. Appointment went OK. Meds did not change. Tried to call drug store on the way back home. Cell phone would not call. I found out my carrier cancelled my service without notice. I was using TracFone. I called them when I got home. They claimed all the verification methods were incorrect except the last 4 digits of the debit card I used to pay for service, and then claimed I didn't pay for service.

I gave the representative an earful. She told me "this will be your first warning. You can't use that type of language when talking to our representatives". I gave her another earful and hung up. I will be getting another provider, and probably another phone, if that new TracFone can't be unlocked. It's only 3 months old.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Every so often, we get a form of entertainment by our local heroes. Unfortunately, that often comes at someone else's expense. Take today, for instance. While cooking dinner, I heard and felt what seemed like a bomb going off not far away. Of course, that is not ever likely. I went outside to find my neighbors were also looking to see what happened.

Apparently some jackass was doing at least 80 in a 40mph zone and T-boned a semi truck in an intersection in a construction zone. No idea if jackass or possible passengers survived. The car did not. The truck was able to be parked.

Our local heroes were on scene in mere minutes.


Y'all be safe out there, and watch out for the assholes that don't give a shit enough to look out for anyone else.


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Another Monday, another week. I had son-in-law over on Saturday, made a pot roast in the Instant Pot. It turned out so good! Very tender, veges and potatoes were good. Added hot biscuits and we pigged out. It was a very good afternoon.

I finally received brother's death certificate, now I have to figure out how to close bank accounts and car titles, between states. It will be a big relief to get this stuff finished.

The weather is supposed to start warming up again in a few days, will feel good! I'm ready for t-shirt weather.

Prayers and hugs for everyone in disaster areas.

Stay safe and healthy :hug:

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It's been weird lately in a way with my little truck. Apparently, the weights came off one of the wheels, throwing it off balance, and making the front quarter shake violently. We put the spare there, and it went flat, due to dry rot. So, we put the unbalanced wheel on the back, and a balanced wheel on the front.

Since they were not even the right size wheels for the truck, we went and bought a set of the right size, with new tires, spare included. Hubby paid for most of it himself. I sold the old wheels on FB today, and gave hubby a good chunk of that money.

Now, I have to save up to replace the AC compressor.


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Howdy, all!

With the state of things right now, a lot of people may not be ok. People are losing employment, being asked to stay home(sometimes alone) and do some fairly big sacrificing. And it’s not gonna be a two week thing.....

So here’s a check-in thread to make sure people know that they’re not alone. That they have people that care about them and maybe can even help. We can be there for each other in a time of uncertainty.

Tell us how you’re doing. Let us all know if you’re ok.....or if you’re not.

We’re here. Your big, dysfunctional vaping family.

good post. it is hard sometimes to look on the bright side. yesterday gave me a reality check. a young guy called Mathew, he would be around 7-9 years old, all he said was " come on Brian, smile, you look a bit down"

mathew steers his wheel chair with his chain, he has no arms.

thank you Mathew.


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Another Monday, another week. I had son-in-law over on Saturday, made a pot roast in the Instant Pot. It turned out so good! Very tender, veges and potatoes were good. Added hot biscuits and we pigged out. It was a very good afternoon.

I finally received brother's death certificate, now I have to figure out how to close bank accounts and car titles, between states. It will be a big relief to get this stuff finished.

The weather is supposed to start warming up again in a few days, will feel good! I'm ready for t-shirt weather.

Prayers and hugs for everyone in disaster areas.

Stay safe and healthy :hug:
so sorry for your family loss. it does tend to put weather ,jobs, etc onto the back shelf. try to remember all the good and amusing things about your brother, believe me, he will still be around you.


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It's warming up here, up to the 80's! Not much of a Spring this year.

Jessie is spending lots of time on the deck, it's covered and gets a bit of breeze. She's been shedding like crazy. I brush her twice a week and the fur flies. She was mad at me yesterday, lol. My SIL is on a trip, so I went over to check on his cats, fill water and food dishes. Of course I came home with cat hair and cat smells on me. Jessie was not amused.

I guess I'd better go do my taxes, pretty late at it this year.

Stay safe and healthy :hug:

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One month of spring cleaning is done. My truck bed is packed with stuff for Goodwill. My next project will be building a smoker for my neighbor. He has an old store-bought POS that is rusted out and falling apart. Him and his wife work at the hospital, and are wonderful neighbors. They deserve something decent.


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One month of spring cleaning is done. My truck bed is packed with stuff for Goodwill. My next project will be building a smoker for my neighbor. He has an old store-bought POS that is rusted out and falling apart. Him and his wife work at the hospital, and are wonderful neighbors. They deserve something decent.
well done, you are a kind person.

Lady Sarah

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Member For 5 Years
Making good progress on the smoker for the neighbor. Got the firebox in place, and the door made today. The picture shows one week worth of progress. Not shown in the picture is the end of the firebox with the vent, which I made from 11 guage steel. The end is of the same diamond plate as the end of the cooking chamber.


Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today was a scorcher with a high of 102°F. It was a good day to relax, but it didn't turn out that day.

Hubby got a message saying he needed to call them back. When he did, he needed to call his sister, which he does not get along with. The witch failed to let him know his adoptive mother passed away this past Wednesday. She also does not want him to attend the funeral, or any family events at all. Even if he is in the will, she does not want him at the reading.

He hit our front door hard enough that he broke his hand. I took him to the hospital and x-rays were done verifying it. We will be at the funeral. We will be at the reading of the will if he is in it. I don't care about that witches feelings one bit. I care about my husband.


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Today was a scorcher with a high of 102°F. It was a good day to relax, but it didn't turn out that day.

Hubby got a message saying he needed to call them back. When he did, he needed to call his sister, which he does not get along with. The witch failed to let him know his adoptive mother passed away this past Wednesday. She also does not want him to attend the funeral, or any family events at all. Even if he is in the will, she does not want him at the reading.

He hit our front door hard enough that he broke his hand. I took him to the hospital and x-rays were done verifying it. We will be at the funeral. We will be at the reading of the will if he is in it. I don't care about that witches feelings one bit. I care about my husband.
so sorry to hear that, stay strong xx


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Today was a scorcher with a high of 102°F. It was a good day to relax, but it didn't turn out that day.

Hubby got a message saying he needed to call them back. When he did, he needed to call his sister, which he does not get along with. The witch failed to let him know his adoptive mother passed away this past Wednesday. She also does not want him to attend the funeral, or any family events at all. Even if he is in the will, she does not want him at the reading.

He hit our front door hard enough that he broke his hand. I took him to the hospital and x-rays were done verifying it. We will be at the funeral. We will be at the reading of the will if he is in it. I don't care about that witches feelings one bit. I care about my husband.

People can be such assholes.

I found out on the Internet that my biological dad had passed away. They couldn't be bothered to let me know. Please give your husband my condolences. I know how hurt he must be.


Cranky Old Fart
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Nice work there @Lady Sarah! I love smoked critters and I would love to get a stick burner. Convincing the wife I need another smoker is a different story. :D

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