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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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I haven't missed it for awhile now. There were so many things that always rubbed me the wrong way: favortism, the moderation, the division between those with means and those without, and the flagrant discrimination against the Chinese people. I once set a PM to Robino to thank her for deleting a predjudicial post because the mods ignore, and I feel actually encourage the discrimination. Asian members come and go quickly, and I don't blame them one bit!

I thought I missed some people, but I've learned a lot about some of them lately, and honestly, good riddance!


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I seen on the one ECF thread where SJ attempted to address the issue and explain what they did including not close your account after you told them to. Seems to me he ignored a couple valid questions and created more problems while solving none there.

I keep wondering why SJ cant just come out and admit that ECF fucked up, own it and deal with the problem like a man instead of all this wishy washy shit. SJ knows his traffic is way down and they also know exactly what we are talking about here. Why not just take responsibility, admit that they have some moderator problems, deal with it and move on. He could of diffused this situation weeks ago if he would of just man'd the fuck up!

He's british -- doesn't that say it all? British people never make mistakes, they're perfect, donchaknow! A nation who goes around for hundreds of years colonizing the rest of the world because everyone but them are heathens.... :giggle: Surely the most arrogant humans who've ever lived.



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Well, one of my best friends is British. We talk everyday. She's one of the kindest and most honorable people I've been blessed to know. So I can't say they're all that way :) Bear in mind we have a troll here saying a bunch of nonsense about "all Americans".


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A lot of good did come from ECF's fuck up. Many of us knew about VU, and even had accounts here but seldom came here or used our accounts. I use to come browse the DIY section because I always admired HIC's mixing but seldom posted. Now look at us, we feel right at home here and enjoy far more freedom posting here without worrying about how to word our post or if what we say might get us in trouble. A few people I wish would come over here that wont but I am making new friends and having a lot better time here than I did on ECF.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I haven't missed it for awhile now. There were so many things that always rubbed me the wrong way: favortism, the moderation, the division between those with means and those without, and the flagrant discrimination against the Chinese people. I once set a PM to Robino to thank her for deleting a predjudicial post because the mods ignore, and I feel actually encourage the discrimination. Asian members come and go quickly, and I don't blame them one bit!

I thought I missed some people, but I've learned a lot about some of them lately, and honestly, good riddance!

Man, I could go on and on about what I don't miss, and I was only on there since December, 2015.

The elitism is definitely at the top of the list.

Dumb political comments constantly being interwoven into threads used to annoy the hell out of me too.

"My boss won't let us vape in the building anymore, that why I'm voting for Trump" kind of nonsense are constantly found in posts. WTF???

I see a lot less of those kinds of ridiculous posts here.

At the time, I didn't fully understand that the "removed by moderator" posts were legitimate posts some mod just didn't like or was removed because of a unreasonable complaint by some spoiled brat.

Oh, and GFY sleepy heads...


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He's british -- doesn't that say it all? British people never make mistakes, they're perfect, donchaknow! A nation who goes around for hundreds of years colonizing the rest of the world because everyone but them are heathens.... :giggle: Surely the most arrogant humans who've ever lived.

I cant agree Andria. Look at Rixsta and Em's. They are british and some of the most friendliest peeps on ECF. SJ flat out fucked up and refuses to admit it and it is costing him.


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A lot of good did come from ECF's fuck up. Many of us knew about VU, and even had accounts here but seldom came here or used our accounts. I use to come browse the DIY section because I always admired HIC's mixing but seldom posted. Now look at us, we feel right at home here and enjoy far more freedom posting here without worrying about how to word our post or if what we say might get us in trouble. A few people I wish would come over here that wont but I am making new friends and having a lot better time here than I did on ECF.

Same here. I was lurking in the DIY area, which is far superior.

I feel fairly confident I can't possibly get in trouble here, lol! 15 years of forums...never expected to get tossed from one.


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Man, I could go on and on about what I don't miss, and I was only on there since December, 2015.

The elitism is definitely at the top of the list.

Dumb political comments constantly being interwoven into threads used to annoy the hell out of me too.

"My boss won't let us vape in the building anymore, that why I'm voting for Trump" kind of nonsense are constantly found in posts. WTF???

I see a lot less of those kinds of ridiculous posts here.

At the time, I didn't fully understand that the "removed by moderator" posts were legitimate posts some mod just didn't like or was removed because of a unreasonable complaint by some spoiled brat.

Oh, and GFY sleepy heads...

I always found it to be the other side of the spectrum with peeps going on like "how dare ECF support a conservative, so what if the liberal guy is anti vaping, ECF has no right to support a republican." and peeps would get to frothing at the mouth over it.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I was just using one I always remember because it was especially numbskull in my opinion, lol.

Vaping is legitimately a political issue for sure - but so much of the commentary was fucking ignorant rather than food for thought, if you know what I mean.


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Same here. I was lurking in the DIY area, which is far superior.

I feel fairly confident I can't possibly get in trouble here, lol! 15 years of forums...never expected to get tossed from one.

Danny45 and a few other peeps taught me a lot on DIYing over on ECF and I will forever be grateful to them, but there was a few peeps over there who also acted superior and try to make you feel like a dumb ass for asking basic questions. In a way I can understand their attitude because you get real tired of answering the same thing over and over again, but they should of taken a break instead of developing an attitude over it.


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I always found it to be the other side of the spectrum with peeps going on like "how dare ECF support a conservative, so what if the liberal guy is anti vaping, ECF has no right to support a republican." and peeps would get to frothing at the mouth over it.

I thought it was dished out pretty equally from both sides of the political fence. It's tough to avoid discussing politics on a vaping forum because it has become a political issue, unfortunately. And I have a personal policy not to discuss religion or politics with anyone but those I'm closest to, and not all of them either :D People get riled up enough to throw personal relationships down the drain in a heartbeat.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Danny45 and a few other peeps taught me a lot on DIYing over on ECF and I will forever be grateful to them, but there was a few peeps over there who also acted superior and try to make you feel like a dumb ass for asking basic questions. In a way I can understand their attitude because you get real tired of answering the same thing over and over again, but they should of taken a break instead of developing an attitude over it.

How about this: if I don't like a question I don't answer it. If the god damn internet for Pete's sake. Instead of being a dick, just ignore that thread or post.

So simple.

I'm knee deep in a hobby with over 30 years experience and used to mod a forum.

You do get tired of the same old questions but from noobs - especially when there are literally hundreds of other threads addressing one common issue that has only a few solutions.

I used to keep a word document on my desktop to copy and paste info (I see some did that on ECF also) to direct people to good information.
Last edited:


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I cant agree Andria. Look at Rixsta and Em's. They are british and some of the most friendliest peeps on ECF. SJ flat out fucked up and refuses to admit it and it is costing him.

I'm sure there are plenty of wonderful British people... but as a *group*, and when they get into positions of power... arrogance. I'm pretty sure it was the English who coined the odious phrase "white man's burden" -- they felt it was their burden to "civilize" the rest of the world, and they were perfectly fine with sending settlers and colonists over here, I mean after all, there were no *actual* people here, just savages. Heathens.



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I was just using one I always remember because it was especially numbskull in my opinion, lol.

Vaping is legitimately a political issue for sure - but so much of the commentary was fucking ignorant rather than food for thought, if you know what I mean.

They often are.

One that always gets me is hearing (usually) young women saying a Republican president is going to stop abortion. That was a Supreme Court decision. Uh, hello?

I don't want to debate abortion though ;) To me, that is a very personal topic and we each are entitled to our beliefs.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Roxy, was checking out your Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble Custard recipe earlier. Gonna have to try that one this week :)

Let me know what you think. I haven't had much feedback on any of my recipes, and I'm curious. You're allowed to tell me it sucks, too :)

Several weeks ago I did send a juice to two people. One said it was the best thing he ever vaped, and the other said it was the worst, lol! I guess that one inspires strong reactions, lol!


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Let me know what you think. I haven't had much feedback on any of my recipes, and I'm curious. You're allowed to tell me it sucks, too :)

Several weeks ago I did send a juice to two people. One said it was the best thing he ever vaped, and the other said it was the worst, lol! I guess that one inspires strong reactions, lol!

If you like blueberry vapes, I took that cutspy Unicorn Milk clone recipe and substituted Caps Blueberry in place of the Strawberry. Its very good.

I been wanting a good recipe for the Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble and yours sounds yummy. Will let ya know how it comes out.


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If you like blueberry vapes, I took that cutspy Unicorn Milk clone recipe and substituted Caps Blueberry in place of the Strawberry. Its very good.

I been wanting a good recipe for the Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble and yours sounds yummy. Will let ya know how it comes out.

I'll give that a try. I'm trying to explore blueberries and some other fruits besides strawberry. When I bought vendor juice I could never find a good blueberry, and yet I have 3 DIY ones now that I like.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Man i wish you was a mod over there when I was a noob mixer :)

Snobbery sucks and everyone was a noob once upon a time.

Especially, their search function on the site really sucks and a lot of times the info that comes up is very dated or inconclusive.

I used to get frustrated on ECF because I'd try to post a legitimate noob question in the appropriate place and either no one would answer because they were too busy trying to one up each other with their awesome acumen or the answer would be so unnecessarily technical it was hard for me to wrap my brain around it.

You can be awesome and technical without being a dick.


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Well guys I hate to jet out of here but I have an old fart cat throwing a massive tantrum because I am not on the couch where she can warm her tootsies and tush on my ribs. She is 22 years old but still lots of fire in that old girl so I better go before she whips my pit bulls ass on general meanness!

A happy GFY yall and be backs laters after I perform my duty!


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Well guys I hate to jet out of here but I have an old fart cat throwing a massive tantrum because I am not on the couch where she can warm her tootsies and tush on my ribs. She is 22 years old but still lots of fire in that old girl so I better go before she whips my pit bulls ass on general meanness!

A happy GFY yall and be backs laters after I perform my duty!

Nite :)

I'll be attempting to sleep soon as well.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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The search function is terrible. When I saw noobs getting flamed, I would reach out to them in a PM. Hate when people would tell them, "you aren't ready for a mech", or whatever. Teach them!

Teach them! Yes, that is why most people join a forum in the first place.

Yeah, the mech example is a good one, discouraging people from growing. Or you have too many know-it-alls getting people in over their heads very quickly.

Q from John Q Noob: Should I get the ego twist or the new blu starter kit?

A You need to get a new 200W mod and a sub ohm RDA, so you can start mixing your own juice!


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I seen on the one ECF thread where SJ attempted to address the issue and explain what they did including not close your account after you told them to. Seems to me he ignored a couple valid questions and created more problems while solving none there.

I keep wondering why SJ cant just come out and admit that ECF fucked up, own it and deal with the problem like a man instead of all this wishy washy shit. SJ knows his traffic is way down and they also know exactly what we are talking about here. Why not just take responsibility, admit that they have some moderator problems, deal with it and move on. He could of diffused this situation weeks ago if he would of just man'd the fuck up!
This. I responded with a few different questions and got spoken to like a 5 year old. "Pipe down little one, you don't understand, this is for the grown ups to decide" wtf?! So I made another comment and he blew his lid. Not once did he actually address anything.

Hank F. Spankman

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Good Morning Peoples
Good morning peeps! gotta go get ready for the last adulting day this week! You guys are killing me! Took me an hour & a half this am & I'm still not caught up! Maybe tonight & this weekend I'll actually be able to respond to current posts! GFYs & have a great day!:blowkiss::shades:


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Good morning and GFY yall :D

Enjoying the first cup of coffee and the boreas. Thinking of a plain jane 24 ga dual Kanthal build in it this morning. The clapton coils are giving amazing flavor and clouds in it but I am just getting over a spring time cold and still have a slight bit of congestions so need to tone it down a bit.

Speaking of colds, that another example of how vaping is far better than smoking. When I smoked I dreaded any kind of sniffle because it always went into the chest. I have had pneumonia 4 times because of smoking and I cant say how many times I had bronchitis. During the last two weeks with this spring cold, I had a couple days when I was choking up green shit, then it cleared up. Then a couple days with green shit from the sinuses and that cleared up. As a smoker I would still be sick as shit and would of had to come home early from work because of it. I love vaping!!! The only reason I know I have any congestion now is because the Boreas produces such thick flavorful beautiful clouds that I get a bit of a cough with it.
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