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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Sadly the docs are right about Ibuprofen. It is a great pain reliever but it is also well known to eat thru the stomach lining and causing ulcers. I dont care tho, if the arthritis in my neck kicks in I can be in tears soon and the only thing that touches it is ibuprofen.

A couple weeks ago when I was having those GODAWFUL headaches, I was eating ibuprofen like fucking M&Ms -- and fucking paid for it, too -- one night, I barely slept from the nausea, stomach irritation from so damn many ibuprofens! Next day, I got some generic tylenol! But I know how hard those are on the liver, if you overdo it, so I was taking like 1 ibuprofen w/ 1 500mg tylenol.... it was pretty effective on those killer headaches, without messing with my stomach. That's really the first time I've had a problem with OTC ibuprofen, despite taking them for DECADES... but I remember the 800mg Advils could be pretty nasty to the stomach, especially on an empty stomach. Alleve can be too, if you're stupid enough to take 2 at once -- I won't be doing THAT again! However, I find that if I take 1 Alleve about 90 mins before bed, then take another (both with plenty of water!) right before bed, they'[re as effective as prescription naproxen, and don't mess with your stomach. I do that sometimes if my right shoulder is being particularly annoying, so it doesn't hurt so much when I wake up.



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I feel for you! My arthritis is confined to my hands and hips down to my feet. My knees elbows and shoulders are all ok. I am careful with the ibuprofin. And I only take it maybe once every couple of weeks. Don't dare do a daily regimen of it.

Sadly I was a real dumb ass when I was younger. Had a crick in my neck one morning when I was in 12th grade and a buddy of mine said he has been to a chiropractor and knew how to pop a neck, so I let him. Neck has been fucked ever since. Not too long ago I was a lead mechanic at work with anywhere from a dozen to over 20 helicopters I was in charge of and a bunch of mechanics that worked under me. Daily I was stressed out and ate ibuprofen like it was candy. Since then I took a step down and am just a line mechanic now with very little worries so the stress dont mess with my arthritis too much anymore.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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The first booze I ever stole as a kid was a bottle of Boons Farm Strawberry at a big picnic. I remember a bunch of us kids trying it out and dumping it in with dixie cups of kool aid. That shit was RANK
Man I remember the time I stole 25 gallons of Everclear on steroids, tomorrow, it's going to seem like just yesterday.


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Man, some of those fucking nurses think they are doctors. Don't get me started on pain management and nurses in hospitals - and anyone who goes into the hospital in pain or for surgery must have an advocate to deal with those demagogues.
My wife is a nurse and I have to occasionally remind her that just because she's a nurse, doesn't make her a doctor.


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If I am in a hospital bed I am going to be getting the good shit or I am leaving. Last year I spent a lot of time in a hospital bed and had a run in with one of the nurses over that. She accused me of calling for dilaudid every 2 hours just because I liked the buzz and she was right, I did like it but it wasnt her call. She wanted me to take an over the counter pain med and I demanded she called my doctor (it was like 1 am). She didnt want to do that but argue instead so told her ok, grabbed my cell phone and started googling the docs home info. She went and got my shot :D

Diladid only lasts 2 hours.


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Man, some of those fucking nurses think they are doctors. Don't get me started on pain management and nurses in hospitals - and anyone who goes into the hospital in pain or for surgery must have an advocate to deal with those demagogues.
You got that right Lucy...last time I had an operation I was screaming for morphine... they gave me something to shut me up, not sure what is was, but it wasn't tylenol....:)

It took the edge off the slice from my navel to my rib cage....80 mg of Oxy wouldn't even begin to help.


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Man, some of those fucking nurses think they are doctors. Don't get me started on pain management and nurses in hospitals - and anyone who goes into the hospital in pain or for surgery must have an advocate to deal with those demagogues.
I went in for a routine abdominal hernia operation and the doc cut my intestines and missed it. That ended up being a total of 8 trips to the operating table and I lost count after 50 days in a hospital bed. Now I am suing the hell out of the doc. He cut my intestines, knew i had a high white cell count and sent me home any ways. Can anyone say malpractice. :)


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You got that right Lucy...last time I had an operation I was screaming for morphine... they gave me something to shut me up, not sure what is was, but it wasn't tylenol....:)

It took the edge off the slice from my navel to my rib cage....80 mg of Oxy wouldn't even begin to help.

I remember in the operating recovery room they gave me Fentanyl. That shit is potent. It didnt matter how bad I was hurting, I kept telling them I needed something for the pain and they would keep giving me little doses until i was pretty well wasted. Then i would float to my room :D


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I remember in the operating recovery room they gave me Fentanyl. That shit is potent. It didnt matter how bad I was hurting, I kept telling them I needed something for the pain and they would keep giving me little doses until i was pretty well wasted. Then i would float to my room :D

That doesn't even touch my pain.


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Not so much for me anymore :(

Years ago after a different surgery I had to wear a wound vac for a while and a home health nurse would come out and change the foam out in the wound three times a week. Pulling that foam out was like pulling my soul out and after the first time i called the surgeon and told him either give me something to knock this pain out or bring me in three times a week and sedate me for it. He gave me dilauded pills then. The nurse would then call me when she was ike 20 minutes away and tell me to take my happy pill. It didnt stop the initial pain but within seconds it smoothed it out where it didnt hurt anymore


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It sure is. I'll come back around 4 when you all start eating dinner :p

Why, you gonna cut our meat up for us?




Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Had morphine drip few times surrounding an operation. Damn thats good shit. But I can see how one can become totally addicted to it.

I had that, in the ER when I had the appendicitis.... but I can't say it really "buzzed" me or anything; I was so freaking exhausted after a full 24 hrs of pain and stomach upset and no sleep, I just nodded right out, so happy not to be in such agony. Slept about 2 hrs, and when I woke, I was still not in terrible pain, but still didn't really feel buzzed, just kinda sleepy. Which is good I guess; I don't really care for the lightheaded feeling of narcotics anymore -- 23+ yrs since I quit drinking -- but thank god for that shit when the pain is terrible.



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Yep, and isn't it wonderful that we survived smoking long enough to have aches and pains and discover vaping? :D

It's funny. 40 years of smoking and never had a problem. Been cigarette free for over 2 years and had more shit happen to me during that time. I guess my body is just rebelling at not having that poison in my system anymore.

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It's funny. 40 years of smoking and never had a problem. Been cigarette free for over 2 years and had more shit happen to me during that time. I guess my body is just rebelling at not having that poison in my system anymore.

Sent from my HTC Desire Eye using Tapatalk

I've experienced something similar -- the swollen legs and feet: WTF is this? I never had this when I smoked! The appendix: 4 months smoke-free and my appendix blows a gasket? A bacterial sinus infection so severe, I needed 10 days of antibuiotics? WTF IS THIS SHIT???? Oh, and the asthma being worse, which makes about ZERO sense; all the other asthmatic vapers seem to have experienced an almost total absence of symptoms since they quit smoking and started vaping. I really don't get it. Maybe my body is just trying to make sure I REALLY mean it -- throwing all this weird shit at me to see if I makes me go back to smoking! And actually I did have a relapse after the appendectomy, though I was back to smoke-free after a month of dual-use. Then 15 months of WTA and I'm FINALLY free of that shit. I'm hoping that soon my body will wake the fuck up and realize how much better off it is!!!



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Anti-vapes are tallying all this & claiming see - vaping is unhealthy for you.
Yeah, they are, even though our issues have nothing to do with vaping. I think that cigarettes masked problems and do so until it's a full blown situation. I never had sinus infections, just typical allergy issues, but I have not had a cold, bronchitis, or a flu since I quit. I used to be good for a couple of those ailments yearly when I smoked. Plus, I can take a deep breath again without that chest rattle. I'm sure our problems just stem from so many years of poisoning ourselves and have abruptly taken that stuff away. And, just because we quit, I'm sure we'll be held to answer to problems down the road still.

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Light seeker

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Yeah, they are, even though our issues have nothing to do with vaping. I think that cigarettes masked problems and do so until it's a full blown situation. I never had sinus infections, just typical allergy issues, but I have not had a cold, bronchitis, or a flu since I quit. I used to be good for a couple of those ailments yearly when I smoked. Plus, I can take a deep breath again without that chest rattle. I'm sure our problems just stem from so many years of poisoning ourselves and have abruptly taken that stuff away. And, just because we quit, I'm sure we'll be held to answer to problems down the road still.

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Can't agree more.
Use to go to the doctor twice a year with bronchitis & upper respiratory issues. No more.
But I've noted all my allergies & hay fever have returned big time. Last I seen it was a kid. Then started smoking, went away. Welcome back my old friend


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Well, just got some very welcome news; this year's application for GSK's Bridges to Access program (free medication for my asthma) was approved. I was a little worried, my husband made so much more last year, but since I still qualify for the Fed exemption on health coverage, I was hopeful that it would go thru. It did! WHEW!



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Can't agree more.
Use to go to the doctor twice a year with bronchitis & upper respiratory issues. No more.
But I've noted all my allergies & hay fever have returned big time. Last I seen it was a kid. Then started smoking, went away. Welcome back my old friend
The allergy part down here in Texas is brutal. I'm trying to take Claritin every day just to help out a little. I think the allergies got worse as of late, but maybe all the gunk in cigarettes killed off the allergens and didn't hit us too hard. I'll just deal with them. Better by far than smoking!

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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The allergy part down here in Texas is brutal. I'm trying to take Claritin every day just to help out a little. I think the allergies got worse as of late, but maybe all the gunk in cigarettes killed off the allergens and didn't hit us too hard. I'll just deal with them. Better by far than smoking!

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I'm just thankful as all hell that I don't seem to be allergic to tree pollen at all, because our springs are just covered up in that shit. My worst allergy (other than cats!) comes later, mid-May to mid-June; I think it's grass pollen. When everybody and their brother is out cutting the grass, I stay INDOORS!!! If I have to drive thru someone's exhausted cloud of grass clippings, it just takes my breath away. I take a Zyrtec daily because we have a cat, but even with that, grass still bothers me; the Zyrtec keeps it from bothering my eyes and nose, but it still bothers my breathing. And I haven't dared to sit down on grass since I was in single digits.



a touch oɟɟ
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The allergy part down here in Texas is brutal. I'm trying to take Claritin every day just to help out a little. I think the allergies got worse as of late, but maybe all the gunk in cigarettes killed off the allergens and didn't hit us too hard. I'll just deal with them. Better by far than smoking!

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My sister just bailed from Austin, to Colorado, due to being highly allergic to one of the most populous tree's there that was costing her $1400 a month to make life bearable.


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My sister just bailed from Austin, to Colorado, due to being highly allergic to one of the most populous tree's there that was costing her $1400 a month to make life bearable.
Must be the cedar tree, or the oak. Both are everywhere, and a whole lot of folks are allergic to cedar pollen.

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It's funny. 40 years of smoking and never had a problem. Been cigarette free for over 2 years and had more shit happen to me during that time. I guess my body is just rebelling at not having that poison in my system anymore.

Sent from my HTC Desire Eye using Tapatalk

I had lots of chest problems but that was about it. I had bad hayfever as a kid and I think smoking burned it out of me. Now that I dont smoke it seems the hay fever is a tad worse than normal. Usually I only suffer a little bit in the spring.

I've experienced something similar -- the swollen legs and feet: WTF is this? I never had this when I smoked! The appendix: 4 months smoke-free and my appendix blows a gasket? A bacterial sinus infection so severe, I needed 10 days of antibuiotics? WTF IS THIS SHIT???? Oh, and the asthma being worse, which makes about ZERO sense; all the other asthmatic vapers seem to have experienced an almost total absence of symptoms since they quit smoking and started vaping. I really don't get it. Maybe my body is just trying to make sure I REALLY mean it -- throwing all this weird shit at me to see if I makes me go back to smoking! And actually I did have a relapse after the appendectomy, though I was back to smoke-free after a month of dual-use. Then 15 months of WTA and I'm FINALLY free of that shit. I'm hoping that soon my body will wake the fuck up and realize how much better off it is!!!


It could be the asthma was there but muted from the smoking. You still had it but it was disguised in part with your smokers hack where you choke up a lung and spit it out daily.

We are all better off not smoking and I know I can breath a lot easier now, do a lot of shit that use to have me panting from the exertion. A lot of the ailments we use to have we contributed to smoking and never paid it any attention. Now we have them and know its not from smoking so we are more concerned about them, yall know.
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