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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Goon (RDA, that is...) afficionados... do you prefer single or dual coil builds on that beastie?

I dunno if I count as an aficionado but I'm currently sporting dual SS fused claptons. 8 wrap 3-ish mm id reading about .28 ohms. I dig it but I'll prob recoil with vertebraid in a few days. Definitely still dual. Roxy may have ruined me for single coils forever since I got the boreas. So far I'm loving the goon, but I'm curious to see if the petri I have on the way will be any better.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I hear @Moueix is on prescription Mycocksalackin
he might use the generic - midorxafloppin
Oh I see how it is, I get busy on a job and my friends turn on me when I'm most vulnerable, my pants down around my ankles. Go ahead, engorge yourselves while you have me over this figurative barrel, laugh and have a ball!

Your flaccid pharmalogical humor is a bitter pill, but I wil8l remain upright and erect.

I'm no stranger to strife and ridicule. Born of immigrant parents, raised on the Mean Streets of Detroit, freakishly endowed and a self-admitted poly heterosexual. I know the young ladies talked about me behind my back, I was a frequent victim of their oral assaults and pubescent blows.

But you two doing me this way! It would be easy in a lughtly moderated setting like this one to just come up with a couple of choice words for you. Just a simple two word retort. If I were to do that though, it would frankly be, below me.


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Oh I see how it is, I get busy on a job and my friends turn on me when I'm most vulnerable, my pants down around my ankles. Go ahead, engorge yourselves while you have me over this figurative barrel, laugh and have a ball!

Your flaccid pharmalogical humor is a bitter pill, but I wil8l remain upright and erect.

I'm no stranger to strife and ridicule. Born of immigrant parents, raised on the Mean Streets of Detroit, freakishly endowed and a self-admitted poly heterosexual. I know the young ladies talked about me behind my back, I was a frequent victim of their oral assaults and pubescent blows.

But you two doing me this way! It would be easy in a lughtly moderated setting like this one to just come up with a couple of choice words for you. Just a simple two word retort. If I were to do that though, it would frankly be, below me.
Good job! You took the upper hand. Don't worry I saw the boots you and I know what's up.


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ECF Refugee
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* lumbers in slowly in his pj pants, stands staring in the direction of his hammock, lumbers slowly toward it as his torso sways with the sluggish movement, hi seyes vacant and glassy he growls in passing *

um gfye, message leave ... * lumbers to his hammock, standing there swaying and staring at and beyond it, his body obviously swaying with the listing it feels but he remains standing in one spot as his hammock eludes him cleverly ...*

Hank F. Spankman

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Oh I see how it is, I get busy on a job and my friends turn on me when I'm most vulnerable, my pants down around my ankles. Go ahead, engorge yourselves while you have me over this figurative barrel, laugh and have a ball!

Your flaccid pharmalogical humor is a bitter pill, but I wil8l remain upright and erect.

I'm no stranger to strife and ridicule. Born of immigrant parents, raised on the Mean Streets of Detroit, freakishly endowed and a self-admitted poly heterosexual. I know the young ladies talked about me behind my back, I was a frequent victim of their oral assaults and pubescent blows.

But you two doing me this way! It would be easy in a lughtly moderated setting like this one to just come up with a couple of choice words for you. Just a simple two word retort. If I were to do that though, it would frankly be, below me.

Hank F. Spankman

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I dunno if I count as an aficionado but I'm currently sporting dual SS fused claptons. 8 wrap 3-ish mm id reading about .28 ohms. I dig it but I'll prob recoil with vertebraid in a few days. Definitely still dual. Roxy may have ruined me for single coils forever since I got the boreas. So far I'm loving the goon, but I'm curious to see if the petri I have on the way will be any better.
Honestly, I don't think it is


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Oh I see how it is, I get busy on a job and my friends turn on me when I'm most vulnerable, my pants down around my ankles. Go ahead, engorge yourselves while you have me over this figurative barrel, laugh and have a ball!

Your flaccid pharmalogical humor is a bitter pill, but I wil8l remain upright and erect.

I'm no stranger to strife and ridicule. Born of immigrant parents, raised on the Mean Streets of Detroit, freakishly endowed and a self-admitted poly heterosexual. I know the young ladies talked about me behind my back, I was a frequent victim of their oral assaults and pubescent blows.

But you two doing me this way! It would be easy in a lughtly moderated setting like this one to just come up with a couple of choice words for you. Just a simple two word retort. If I were to do that though, it would frankly be, below me.
EPIC! and good morning, brother!


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* toddles as he shuffles his feet to turn round, lumbers off toward something going gurgle, gurgle, hiss ... sees :coffee2: and his eyes reflect :coffee2: ... is stopped halfway there for some unknown reason, looks down to his feet as if to glare them into moving, grumbles under his breath, sighs ... keeps glaring his feet down and swaying in place ... stretches his right arm forward hand cupped fingers ready to grip something ... grumbling softly at his feet in various languages cussing them out *


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* toddles as he shuffles his feet to turn round, lumbers off toward something going gurgle, gurgle, hiss ... sees :coffee2: and his eyes reflect :coffee2: ... is stopped halfway there for some unknown reason, looks down to his feet as if to glare them into moving, grumbles under his breath, sighs ... keeps glaring his feet down and swaying in place ... stretches his right arm forward hand cupped fingers ready to grip something ... grumbling softly at his feet in various languages cussing them out *
WOOT! I love this story!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
WOOT! I love this story!

* reaches over to a nearby shelf, finds a paperback book and another, and another ... begins lobbing books ineffectively at passing strangers, pointing to his feet, then to the gurgle, gurgle, hiss machine ...eyes now still vacant but tears nearly rolling from them as his feet remain stuck ... lobs more books, cusses feet *


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ECF Refugee
* reaches over to a nearby shelf, finds a paperback book and another, and another ... begins lobbing books ineffectively at passing strangers, pointing to his feet, then to the gurgle, gurgle, hiss machine ...eyes now still vacant but tears nearly rolling from them as his feet remain stuck ... lobs more books, cusses feet *
* fills da mug next to the gurgle, gurgle hiss machine wif da glorious bean juice... cautiously hands it to the Mist along with freshly charged batteries for da vape and slides a chair over... "fuck dem feets," he chuckles, indicating that the Mist should grab some sit down and enjoy the delectable bean juice...*


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* runs out of books in his reach, stands shaking, sighs as he starts gradually feeling the tingles of thoughts starting to go into his kidney, pieces things together in little steps ... remembers his cat talking to him via ESPN, his cat mentioned something about switching the magnets, recalls telling the cat no effing way ... also recalls what happens when he tells cats that ... sighs, grumbles more *

* sees bean blood wafting in mug in his hand, slowly rocks self down to sit on the floor and enjoy the magically drink .... sips, lulls his kidney bucket back, blinks, eyes gain light behind them ...*

MM thank you repair bot. Thought I would remain stuck, now, I might figure this out with kidney function back.


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ROFL - okay it censored something - is that a sign of the apocalypse (given that in the context of 'maine' and 'cat' the word in question is not a slur...
That's awesome. We had a Maine **** named Artie - he was 21 when he died. He only had three legs left and a few teeth. But he was great. And really big. Our second one was named John Thomas, he only lived to about 12 or 13, but he was humongous and a total love.
censorship of the maine **** love for the gentle giant...bizzare
What are you guys slow? There is no censorship here if you know your way around it! Mainecoon, Mainecoon, Mainecoon! If you guys really loved kiddens you would be watching the love cats thread & know that! Good morning all & GFY! TGIF for me! Last day of work until Monday for me! Not doing anything special! Just gonna stay home & listen to English for a few days in a row! I am a minority at work because I don't speak Spanish! I just believe that a person should at least be able to speak & understand the primary language of the country they choose to live in! That being said I want to make sure it's understood that I have the utmost respect for the PEOPLE at work who will spend 8-12 hrs a day in a weld booth for basically minimum wage because most American born People won't! I just wish I could easily tell them what a good job they're doing without a translator! Enough of my rant! Love y'all! Have a muthafuckin' wonderful day!:shades:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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* sees feet freed of magnetic reverse polarity, counts his toes ... is glad, sighs in relief will finishes mug of bean blood, get his daily yucks in, go feed critters, will wait for wife to wake so he can do laundry ... hears little voice in his kidney bucket chanting "mo to vate" ... wonders if said little voice is lonely, chuckles at said little voice still feeling all fuzzy *


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
What are you guys slow? There is no censorship here if you know your way around it! Mainecoon, Mainecoon, Mainecoon! If you guys really loved kiddens you would be watching the love cats thread & know that! Good morning all & GFY! TGIF for me! Last day of work until Monday for me! Not doing anything special! Just gonna stay home & listen to English for a few days in a row! I am a minority at work because I don't speak Spanish! I just believe that a person should at least be able to speak & understand the primary language of the country they choose to live in! That being said I want to make sure it's understood that I have the utmost respect for the PEOPLE at work who will spend 8-12 hrs a day in a weld booth for basically minimum wage because most American born People won't! I just wish I could easily tell them what a good job they're doing without a translator! Enough of my rant! Love y'all! Have a muthafuckin' wonderful day!:shades:

Gracias por hacer un excelente trabajo de usted.

h's and j's are kind of silent, though j's can sometimes sound like v' or b's in this case I'd suggest letting them be silent.

the por is pronounced as our for/four but beginning with a p sound.

un is long u slightly stressed n.

trabajo can be broken down phonetically trab aj o, you can use less stress on the b sound and aj sounds like ah, the trab sounds like you are nearly saying tribe, but use a short ah sound for the i instead. this word means work. trabajo duro means hard work, dur o is how you pronounce duro. Trabajo fácil means easy work, facil is pronounced facey with less stress on the a it is almost face see.

de is sounded like the English day.

usted sounds like u long stayed for sted.

Gracious & excelente should be easy enough to manage.

What you are saying is "Thank you for your excellent work."

"El dinero fácil para el trabajo fácil." = "Easy money for easy work." This may often be an expression you hear, it is meant very sarcastically most often. If you approach smiling and in good humor and say this, you'll get some laughs of relief as you express understanding they're doing hard work. That in and of itself, is a huge compliment without becoming too sappy.

Thank you google translate and several years working with Hispanic folks, being around them in other capacities and learning some basics. If asked, "hablo Espanol" I reply "un poco, no muy bueno". That is "a little, not very good". Usually, if you seem at least to make an effort, others will as well and will be patient and forgiving. :)
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ECF Refugee
Gracias por hacer un excelente trabajo de usted.

h's and j's are kind of silent, though j's can sometimes sound like v' or b's in this case I'd suggest letting them be silent.

the por is pronounced as our for/four but beginning with a p sound.

un is long u slightly stressed n.

trabajo can be broken down phonetically trab aj o, you can use less stress on the b sound and aj sounds like ah.

de is sounded like the English day.

usted sounds like u long stayed for sted.

Gracious & excelente should be easy enough to manage.

What you are saying is "Thank you for your excellent work."
I actually understood what you were saying before you translated it! I actually have very little Spanish skills! Por que yo soy chingone! Really love this thread & don't want to debate this here so I'm trying to start a debate in the ECF refugee debate thread! Please excuse my rant! This topic is just near & dear to me because I live it every day at work! Speaking of work; gotta go get ready! Back later! GFYS!:shades:
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