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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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* slurps you on your face cheek * Awe, ye be a'right just try not taking so serious the not serious. Think we all done know, bunch of us is the kin the world just ain't ready to meet up with yet. Seems we finding ourselves a family here bouts. ((((( HUGS ))))) By the by, in case I've not told you today, GFY, enjoy all the love. :)
Every ever lovin minute!

Air Blower

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Lake Placid , 4 acres
Wow! That's beautiful!

Wife and I are trying to find an acreage right next to our town to build our dream house/retirement home. Hoping to get anywhere from 3-10 acres and build a container home. 2 sets 3 high/3 wide set about 30-40' apart with a nice atrium or pool in the middle. Want to go geothermal with solar and get off the grid as much as possible.

Problem is finding a place with a good well;)

We have a place picked out but the old guy doesn't want to subdivide....

Air Blower

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That sounds amazing Air, It will come along when you least expect it a plot will come up for sale, it is how we found this stretch of land.
Oh I know. Problem is finding something that's close enough that our kid can still ride her bike to friends houses.

Lots of beautiful acreages 10-15 minutes out of town, just not much available bordering the town:(


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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What are you guys slow? There is no censorship here if you know your way around it! Mainecoon, Mainecoon, Mainecoon! If you guys really loved kiddens you would be watching the love cats thread & know that! Good morning all & GFY! TGIF for me! Last day of work until Monday for me! Not doing anything special! Just gonna stay home & listen to English for a few days in a row! I am a minority at work because I don't speak Spanish! I just believe that a person should at least be able to speak & understand the primary language of the country they choose to live in! That being said I want to make sure it's understood that I have the utmost respect for the PEOPLE at work who will spend 8-12 hrs a day in a weld booth for basically minimum wage because most American born People won't! I just wish I could easily tell them what a good job they're doing without a translator! Enough of my rant! Love y'all! Have a muthafuckin' wonderful day!:shades:

I'm the first one dude -

and what the heck do you mean - if I loved kiddens???? I am the Mistress of Cats - they knead me

kitty love.jpg


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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That pic gets a full-on AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


An unauthorized, illicit nap - no cat can resist it. Oops, now everybody knows we are a crazy cat couple :grumpy:

Umm, I also have a longhaired tuxedo that lives at my office in town because she hates other cats:oops:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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An unauthorized, illicit nap - no cat can resist it. Oops, now everybody knows we are a crazy cat couple :grumpy:

Umm, I also have a longhaired tuxedo that lives at my office in town because she hates other cats:oops:

ROFL! There's a feral longhaired tux around here, that I call "Sylvester"... I swear, everytime I see him, I holler "thuffering thucotash!" He and Tuxie scrap everytime they encounter each other; she runs to the sliding door in the back, knowing a) I'll let her in ASAP, and b) I'll holler at the other cat and run him off. :D



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ECF Refugee
Wow! That's beautiful!

Wife and I are trying to find an acreage right next to our town to build our dream house/retirement home. Hoping to get anywhere from 3-10 acres and build a container home. 2 sets 3 high/3 wide set about 30-40' apart with a nice atrium or pool in the middle. Want to go geothermal with solar and get off the grid as much as possible.

Problem is finding a place with a good well;)

We have a place picked out but the old guy doesn't want to subdivide....

I seen stuff on the web about container homes. People can get real creative and build some awesome places that way.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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ROFL! There's a feral longhaired tux around here, that I call "Sylvester"... I swear, everytime I see him, I holler "thuffering thucotash!" He and Tuxie scrap everytime they encounter each other; she runs to the sliding door in the back, knowing a) I'll let her in ASAP, and b) I'll holler at the other cat and run him off.

We have one like that, a big white one with black spots. We call him Bob.


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Curtesy of Urban Dictionary.
Your welcome!

A temporary form of Schizophrenia only brought on by excessive alcohol consumption. Symptoms are complete memory loss, squinty eyes, irrational thoughts and contradictory thoughts.
Daniel: Dude, is Alex alright? He's squinting pretty bad?
Brad: He's a had a few too many and turned into Romano... keep your distance and don't take anything he says seriously.

See also
Asshole, Cocksucker, Retard, Spamano and Fangirls.

Hank F. Spankman

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Curtesy of Urban Dictionary.
Your welcome!

A temporary form of Schizophrenia only brought on by excessive alcohol consumption. Symptoms are complete memory loss, squinty eyes, irrational thoughts and contradictory thoughts.
Daniel: Dude, is Alex alright? He's squinting pretty bad?
Brad: He's a had a few too many and turned into Romano... keep your distance and don't take anything he says seriously.

See also
Asshole, Cocksucker, Retard, Spamano and Fangirls.
Lol Romano the fucking fangirl! Holy fucking shit THAT'S funny
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