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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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CRAZY! WHERE is that happening!?

Air Blower

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That's very pretty:)

I think about moving south and selling my snow shovel but in reality, I'd miss snow:( Most of my life I've been able to look west and see my Rockies (yes, they're mine but I share them with everyone) and can't imagine that reality changing.

I just spent last week in central Texas and it was mid 80's but muggy as fuck and I hated it! Back home it was high 70's and I missed it! It's been rainy and threatening snow last few days.

Are on an acreage?


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Good morning, refugees and GFY! Just a quick fly-by as I'm up to my eyes in work. Didn't quit last night until dinner. Probably be about the same today. Love the snowy pic! It's too damned hot and humid here. I'll try to keep up the reading in between trips to the paint booth. Later, all!

Sent from my HTC Desire Eye using Tapatalk


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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* bows respectfully *

Witnessed an allegedly God fearing, god loving Christian and totally sane, likable long haul truck driver with alcoholism. He became viciously sadistic and fully insane when gripped by alcohol, drugs on his weekends home. Not only did he attack me physically, there was a lot of psychological abuse. He attacked mom sexually, physically otherwise, psychologically.

One of the things he would do psychologically with me, I later learned is a method called gas lighting. He would deliberately go into his shed, gather up a bunch of hand tools. Then, he would scatter them around outside. I would be the one accused of leaving his tools lay around. He would also break things and kick me for it, sometimes quite literally. He would tell me how much lower in worth to shit I was, or ever would become.

Asa five year old boy, like most five year old boys, I grew through shoes fairly rapidly. I walked and bent my toes as I stepped. This is how people walk naturally, properly. He told me that if I continued walking that way, he would break my legs so he didn't have to keep buying me shoes, rather spend the $10 on booze or dope. I took time in life to grow up and it was not all due to him, not all due to KS. I just took time, I had to learn and always do things the hardest way. I am my mom's "show me" boy, show me exactly how you want it done, I'll do it that exact way from now until time's end.

So, finally at age twenty I decided that since nearly all of the male family members had served, it was my duty too. I enlisted in the Navy because I enjoyed the idea of welding and it seemed that branch offered plenty of welding. I had taken welding in high school and enjoyed it for so many different reasons. :) When I got into basic, met my company commander. I kept getting out of step as we drilled. This company commander took me aside, asked me to march for him in place, then to go so far, come back. He watched my steps, stride.

"My daddy threatened to break my legs too," he said in a leaned in whisper. "Now, fucking bend your damn toes sailor, or I'll shove patent so far you'll need a dentist," he shouted next. It jarred me to the reality. I survived fifteen to seventeen years by shutting everything off, by placating someone who was insane. I had no will for myself, until that company commander told me he faced the same thing. He caught up later and apologized for the shouting, despite that being normal course to a degree for the training. His reasoning was that I needed a big brother type to smack me out of the bog. It did, and then I went to another by snapping to.

I may have been a good sailor, soldier. That was not meant to be though. Each day, I struggle, too. Seen a monster in both cases. I've even looked down a loaded gun barrel and just dared for them to fire. So, yes, have some sense that if I let go there's a monster inside. As much as I remain vigilant for peace, a lot of strife inward lies.

But you and me, momma, we don't let this kind of shit be excuses. :) No, we keep on going because we know the best way is through, over, under, around and day by day. That is what I meant by excuses earlier too. Some let shit become an excuse. I just say fuck that shit, try to figure something else out, keep on keeping on. Believe it was Churchill, "Going through Hell? Keep going!" If I knew another way, I'd take it. The only other way I see is fear, excuses and those don't fit me to good. Fear, fears me. *chuckles*

((((( HUGS )))))

I did not get to writing draft today. Not an excuse, I am desiring the synopsis to be damn good. it is like a sales cover sheet when you query agents/publishers. Have reaches out to some help. They did not respond today. I am dragging heels to write draft/product to polish sales. I think this is kind of required. Yes, i know it sounds like an excuse. But, but, but ... Would that it were, I'd belch it back out.

I was an excuse-maker of the FIRST order, in my teens and young adulthood... partly, it was the process of sobriety, the "getting honest", that finally broke me out of that horrible, lazy habit -- which is probably why I'm so utterly intolerant of that behavior. Also my spiritual journey -- I learned that I have total freedom, and total responsibility -- I can do whateve I want, as long as I'm willing to pay the price -- because the price WILL be paid. When I got really tired of the high cost of acting in certain ways... I made it a point to learn some new way to be.

I understand the "gaslighting" thing too, though in a different form -- my mom wasn't really malicious or evil, but she WAS a huge drunk (by the time I was in my teens), and probably worse, she has never grown up emotionally whatsofuckingever -- youngest of 7 kids, all of whom ENABLED her to remain a child her whole life -- my stepfather is her enabler in that role now. But yeah, gaslighting -- when you see things with your own eyes, and everyone around you tells that those things aren't true, that you're "being dramatic," that you need to "grow up and deal with it" (which is really rich coming from someone like my forever-adolescent mom!), that there must be something wrong with you... that was a large part of my reason, originally, for using drugs and alcohol -- partly, to see if those chemicals would help me see things the way others apparently did, and then later, just to numb me so I didn't care so much.

That kind of gaslighting is still going on, but I've grown up and learned to call bullshit when I see it, even if they tell me I'm wrong, I'm rude, etc -- she doesn't drink anymore, but she's never attended a single 12 step meeting, so she's really the very definition of a "dry drunk", plus never having grown up one iota -- and besides the blackout-drunk memory failures, she has SELECTIVE memory -- so when I mention things that happened when I was growing up, she tells me that never happened. Yeah right, mom -- *I* wasn't drunk at the time, so I DO remember it!

Thank god, my husband is sober too, and always has been one to call a spade a spade, so he sees exactly what I see, and understands how and why it caused me so much trouble -- and why I'm not that wild about spending time with my family. The REAL hell of it all is that I do love her -- I just don't like or respect her, so spending any time around her feels like I just ate drain cleaner and it's eating its way back out. :facepalm:

But yep... this is called "life." Everyone seems to have some version of it, in their past. It's what we make out of it that defines us as human beings. :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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True, we're all fascinated by our own shit most of the time to not really care or notice. But despite your protestation of hermitude, here you are being active in a community of folks, with many friends who've never met you in meatspace, and bringing something to their lives.

I likes ya'. I may even wuv you a bit, for all the odd weird things that make you, you. I think your hubby would agree. ;)

Thank you for saying that. It's nice to know! I really just started out (over at THAT PLACE!) trying to learn more about e-cigarettes... and discovered a whole new world, and a lot of lovely, wonderful people! That's why I came here, when things got so ugly at THAT PLACE; becoming involved with other people, even "virtually", makes being a hermit really lonely, in comparison. I can do this on my own terms, though -- when I'm feeling anti-social, it's easier to walk away from a keyboard than evict actual bodies from one's space. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Oh and before I fergit... good morning and GFY errybody -- I was here when it was still morning!

I did get my keyboard folio today, YAY! I've been busy charging it; good thing I'm a vaper with a PLETHORA! of USB charge cables around, because the one they sent with the keyboard seemed to be made of aluminum foil -- already broke it, trying to get it into the USB port on the keyboard! Fortunately I had one in the drawer that came with my last iPV Mini that had never been used, so it has a new job. :)

Bacon's done, so I'm off to make and scarf down some oatmeal, so i can play with my new toy. :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'm here, on tapatalk... but I really don't like this... too spoiled with a full size keyboard and screen... but at least I know my new toy works! It took a lot off poking at the settings screen to get the bluetooth thing connected and working. Now... I;m going back to my PC!

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Good lord, I dunno how you people on mobile thingies deal with that shit; it's like trying to eat with chopsticks or drive a nail with a featherduster!

I promise to be a lot nicer about typos henceforth! And to be grateful for a full size keyboard, even one with all the letters typed off! :D


Romano Cheese

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I'm here, on tapatalk... but I really don't like this... too spoiled with a full size keyboard and screen... but at least I know my new toy works! It took a lot off poking at the settings screen to get the bluetooth thing connected and working. Now... I;m going back to my PC!

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk

I downloaded tapatalk for one day. First issue, the trolls I ignored would still show up and I couldn't tolerate the shit they typed, then my phone was exploding with notifications I tried turning them all off but it wouldn't stop so I deleted it.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I downloaded tapatalk for one day. First issue, the trolls I ignored would still show up and I couldn't tolerate the shit they typed, then my phone was exploding with notifications I tried turning them all off but it wouldn't stop so I deleted it.

Yeah I'm seeing that notification crap right now; got the tablet beside the PC, using the YT Music app, and the notification bar keeps filling up! I may just get rid of tapatalk. I did get the Chrome browser app setup yesterday, so if I really needed to forum on the tablet, I could just use that. Lord knows, I don't want to see anything from the fools I've ignored.



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Member For 5 Years

But yep... this is called "life." Everyone seems to have some version of it, in their past. It's what we make out of it that defines us as human beings. :)


Exactly. :) No damn wonder at all, I honorably consider you a friend. To me that word, friend is not one lightly tossed around. I'll make bodies vanish friends if need be and forget all about any .. um, what was it again? ;) Friend to me is like the old Scottish, kin or klan. And no I don't mean that in the sense of some dip-shit hate version that believes in exclusion. Klan in the context I'm intending is akin of the word, tribe, family, kin.

Now, I have had some friends that burnt bridges, I'm a fair human being, I give three strikes or six fouls. Act a douche to that point & I just wander along indifferently from, about you. You've burnt your bridges and don't exist to me. Continue acting a douche in general, fine, I got no truck. Act a douche to my friends that aren't douches, well then I'll aim to misbehave. ;) :) Yes, in my baseball metaphor, folks get balls or minor errors. Everybody is human and can stumble a bit. None of us perfect, which is what makes all perfect. That, I'm alright with. Hell, I'm not perfect either, by any shot of it.

Romano Cheese

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ECF Refugee
Grrr.... I removed the tapatalk app, but still had to sign out of tapatalk to get rid of the stupid notifications! I hope that puts paid to that annoyance.


It was mind boggling how many notifications were popping up. I thought I adjusted them right in the settings but they kept showing up. It had to end :mad:


Diamond Contributor
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I wonder bout this coffee though. Ah, see you a hayseed from bluegrass country. Y'all run your coffee through old boots? I was down in Louisiana once with an older gent friend, my dad had told me if anyone truly was anything like a real wizard it was this guy. Me and him took day trips and he filled me in on a lot of different stuff.

At any given on this day trip we left Florida and went to Big Muddy. Went into a place and the gal brought us coffee. She plopped a spoon in it and the spoon stood up in this black tar. My friend assured me it was safe to drink as the spoon had began to turn the correct shade of green. Tell you what ... what. :) It was good coffee but man o man, jitters for three days. Whew.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It was mind boggling how many notifications were popping up. I thought I adjusted them right in the settings but they kept showing up. It had to end :mad:

Well apparently signing out of tapatalk fixed it; no more little t's popping up on the top bar -- the first time I looked over and saw that, the entire top bar filled with those t's, I'm like, WTF???? :eek:

And yesterday I read up and figured out how I can get xfinity wifi when I'm out and about -- I'm paying dearly for xfinity internet, I might as well get my money's worth!



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well you skanky little bitch!

That's just taking GFY to a whole nother level!

* slurps you on your face cheek * Awe, ye be a'right just try not taking so serious the not serious. Think we all done know, bunch of us is the kin the world just ain't ready to meet up with yet. Seems we finding ourselves a family here bouts. ((((( HUGS ))))) By the by, in case I've not told you today, GFY, enjoy all the love. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's very pretty:)

I think about moving south and selling my snow shovel but in reality, I'd miss snow:( Most of my life I've been able to look west and see my Rockies (yes, they're mine but I share them with everyone) and can't imagine that reality changing.

I just spent last week in central Texas and it was mid 80's but muggy as fuck and I hated it! Back home it was high 70's and I missed it! It's been rainy and threatening snow last few days.

Are on an acreage?
Lake Placid , 4 acres
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