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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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My MIL got skunked years ago - don't tell my husband, but that was some funny shit.

So did I. Bad freezing rain storm. I finally manage to get in my barn, and WHAM!

Holy shit, I was so damn glad school closed for the weather! I did not want to call work to say I woulbd be late because I needed 5 big cans of tomato sauce to bathe myself in.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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So did I. Bad freezing rain storm. I finally manage to get in my barn, and WHAM!

Holy shit, I was so damn glad school closed for the weather! I did not want to call work to say I woulbd be late because I needed 5 big cans of tomato sauce to bathe myself in.

How long did it take to get it all off 100%?

She did the tomatoe sause and bunch of other remedies but six months later she'd sometimes emanate that pungent aroma.


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The Wife Unit's physical therapist saw them and went back to his car and called me. I went out and shooed them off.

That used to happen with all my raccoons who sat on the porch all day. People called me from my driveway because they were afraid to get out of their cars.


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The worst part was having to go to Walmart at 5am stinking of skunk, and during an ice storm to boot. Took me 45 minutes each way and I covered my seat with garbage bags.

The Cromwell

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Smacked a bear on the nose once.

Was in the Smoky mountains. Kllingmans Dome, millions of people around. Grabbed my daypack and off thru the woods I went till I could hear no more humans.
pulled out a bottle of Leibfraumilch, some smoked gouda and crackers and strung up a pocket hammock.
Was a nice day and must have dozed off. Woke to something snuffling my ear. Instinctive reaction resulted in baby bear beside my hammock going WAAH WAAH! I found that one can get out of one of those hammocks in one move with enough incentive.
Bear took off so I figured it was going for help so I took off back towards all the other bear bait humans.


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so this driptip is just wrong!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Smacked a bear on the nose once.

Was in the Smoky mountains. Kllingmans Dome, millions of people around. Grabbed my daypack and off thru the woods I went till I could hear no more humans.
pulled out a bottle of Leibfraumilch, some smoked gouda and crackers and strung up a pocket hammock.
Was a nice day and must have dozed off. Woke to something snuffling my ear. Instinctive reaction resulted in baby bear beside my hammock going WAAH WAAH! I found that one can get out of one of those hammocks in one move with enough incentive.
Bear took off so I figured it was going for help so I took off back towards all the other bear bait humans.

That Trumps my story


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The snake in the bathroom was interesting. Of course I had to see it while I was on the throne. It was curled up next to the garbage can. It moved it's head, and I was like OMG WTF? Then my cat swiped at it! I threw her out and shut the door so it was just me, and the new guest. Then I had a conundrum as bathrooms don't contain many useful tools for snake catching. I used the toilet brush to hold it's head down (which took me like 10 tries). Then grabbed it up and ran outside. The damn thing sprayed me, too, with some stinky cloud of who knows what. I threw it in a corn field.

The Cromwell

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The snake in the bathroom was interesting. Of course I had to see it while I was on the throne. It was curled up next to the garbage can. It moved it's head, and I was like OMG WTF? Then my cat swiped at it! I threw her out and shut the door so it was just me, and the new guest. Then I had a conundrum as bathrooms don't contain many useful tools for snake catching. I used the toilet brush to hold it's head down (which took me like 10 tries). Then grabbed it up and ran outside. The damn thing sprayed me, too, with some stinky cloud of who knows what. I threw it in a corn field.
You scared the poor thing so bad it peed on itself (and you).


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The rabbit in the basement was another good one. My back porch is enclosed and functions as a utility room. It's also where the entrance to the dungeon is. I was doing laundry and I heard something walking around in the basement :huh: It obviously wasn't a mouse. I said, "Hello? What are you?" And hear it coming up the steps to my voice. So I'm thinking one of the cats must have got in. It gets to the top of the steps, and it's a rabbit! I had the worst time getting it out of the house! I would chase it to the door, but it wouldn't go out! It would spin around and leap at me, then run back down into the basement. At least twice it hit me in the gut and knocked me on my ass!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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The rabbit in the basement was another good one. My back porch is enclosed and functions as a utility room. It's also where the entrance to the dungeon is. I was doing laundry and I heard something walking around in the basement :huh: It obviously wasn't a mouse. I said, "Hello? What are you?" And hear it coming up the steps to my voice. So I'm thinking one of the cats must have got in. It gets to the top of the steps, and it's a rabbit! I had the worst time getting it out of the house! I would chase it to the door, but it wouldn't go out! It would spin around and leap at me, then run back down into the basement. At least twice it hit me in the gut and knocked me on my ass!

Naughty rabbit!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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The rabbit in the basement was another good one. My back porch is enclosed and functions as a utility room. It's also where the entrance to the dungeon is. I was doing laundry and I heard something walking around in the basement :huh: It obviously wasn't a mouse. I said, "Hello? What are you?" And hear it coming up the steps to my voice. So I'm thinking one of the cats must have got in. It gets to the top of the steps, and it's a rabbit! I had the worst time getting it out of the house! I would chase it to the door, but it wouldn't go out! It would spin around and leap at me, then run back down into the basement. At least twice it hit me in the gut and knocked me on my ass!
You needed the Holy Hand grenade of Antioch!
It was going for the throat.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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The rabbit in the basement was another good one. My back porch is enclosed and functions as a utility room. It's also where the entrance to the dungeon is. I was doing laundry and I heard something walking around in the basement :huh: It obviously wasn't a mouse. I said, "Hello? What are you?" And hear it coming up the steps to my voice. So I'm thinking one of the cats must have got in. It gets to the top of the steps, and it's a rabbit! I had the worst time getting it out of the house! I would chase it to the door, but it wouldn't go out! It would spin around and leap at me, then run back down into the basement. At least twice it hit me in the gut and knocked me on my ass!

Geez, it sounds like one of those monty python killer rabbits. :D

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