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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Seemed fitting


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Overhang reminds me of muffin tops and plumbers smile.

Well.. in the spirit of this very strange thread... I found some awesome underpants that have a smooth wide band at the top, which totally eliminate muffin tops. In fact that's the "brand name," from Warner's... "No Muffin Top".



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Well.. in the spirit of this very strange thread... I found some awesome underpants that have a smooth wide band at the top, which totally eliminate muffin tops. In fact that's the "brand name," from Warner's... "No Muffin Top".


We should send some to Hank for the overhang on his Tesla.

His woman took his wallet away and he can't afford his own anymore.

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It's been quiet all day. The Boreas thread is bizarre as usual.

I got a Wismec Theorem. That Notch coil is the worst thing I've ever vaped :cuss2: I have my own build in it now, but I'm not impressed.
no comment on the thread

but. I have heard from several that the notch coil, kinda sucks, and the tank is a little better with a regular clapton


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I am in the STRANGEST of towns. Rock Valley Iowa. Population 10,000. There are 12 VERY healthy looking places of worship, about 8 of which have "reformed" in their name. Including the Netherlands Reformed Church.

First impression was that being Sunday, almost every business was closed. A Mexican restaurant was the only real choice, and it was Mexican groceries in front, small restaurant in back. Most patrons, being Mexican. It seemed the population was largely Mexican, until I finished dinner and went outside to view the most peculiar sight. Families, the men in suits, the ladies and girl children in very fancy hats. At 7pm. Going to church. I was struck by a feeling of strange ambivalence. Nice to see families gathering, but it was a lil like the Stepford of Norway. Decided to cruise around the town a bit. The affluent build their larger, more opulent homes in every neighborhood, along with the simpler, more affordable homes. No apparent class division whatsoever. Everyone seems to maintain their respective properties with pride, and respect for the neighborhood.

ONE bar in town. Sunday, closed. 17 miles to the next. Also closed. Try as hard as I did, there is NO Shenaniganery to be found here! Although I am sure my crew could find hookers, drugs, and Bukkake festivals. They just have this knack. I did pass by the liveliest Sunday place in town. The graveyard. HAD to snap a couple pics. They clearly honor their veterans. Almost EVERY name has a Van, Von or two vowels. There is a reason that Iowans are called "Iowegians".

I may have found the original inhabitant as well. 20160501_193206[1].jpg

Although the one in the background with the weathered rail around it is too rain eroded to read.
Anyways, been awhile since I was in a graveyard, especially one with its own Veterans section, to pay respects. On a Harley, in the fading light, it just seemed apropos. I love the diversity of America. It is a strange and beautiful, if sometimes even creepy, thing.
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I love storms Roxy. The more wind, rain and lightning (within reason) the better :)

Sadie (my avatar) doesn't really agree all that much but over the years she's mostly got used to them.

How do your feathered friends handle them?

The feathered kids don't mind. Sometimes it inspires them to bathe. My dog doesn't mind either, but she doesn't want to go out when it's raining.

I'm the one who hates it. It gives me migraines, and makes my arthritis worse. My pancreas is having severe pain right now, too, so I'm feeling pretty crabby.


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The feathered kids don't mind. Sometimes it inspires them to bathe.

Wow, I wish Sadie reacted that way too :cool:

My dog doesn't mind either, but she doesn't want to go out when it's raining.

Sadie doesn't want to go out in it either, but if she needs to do her business bad enough or I take her for a walk in the rain she'll go for it. We got her when she was about 9 months old from a rescue group. She had a pretty rough time of it before then, but she's turned out pretty well now after a lot of love a patience from my wife and I. She still has issues that will never go away, but as long as we stay within her boundaries she's a really great dog :)

I'm the one who hates it. It gives me migraines, and makes my arthritis worse. My pancreas is having severe pain right now, too, so I'm feeling pretty crabby.

I hear ya on the arthritis. I started having problems with my left hip a few years ago and am waiting for a replacement now. Hopefully that will happen in the next year or so.

Hope your pancreas eases up soon! I know that can be really rough.

Argh, just rewicked an Aromamizer V1 and tried leaving the wick tails a bit longer than I normally do. Giving me dry hits now. I think a couple of snips are in order :wait:


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Wow, I wish Sadie reacted that way too :cool:

Sadie doesn't want to go out in it either, but if she needs to do her business bad enough or I take her for a walk in the rain she'll go for it. We got her when she was about 9 months old from a rescue group. She had a pretty rough time of it before then, but she's turned out pretty well now after a lot of love a patience from my wife and I. She still has issues that will never go away, but as long as we stay within her boundaries she's a really great dog :)

I hear ya on the arthritis. I started having problems with my left hip a few years ago and am waiting for a replacement now. Hopefully that will happen in the next year or so.

Hope your pancreas eases up soon! I know that can be really rough.

Argh, just rewicked an Aromamizer V1 and tried leaving the wick tails a bit longer than I normally do. Giving me dry hits now. I think a couple of snips are in order :wait:

You need a Boreas. No dry hits with my baby :)

Vana (dog) I have to drag out the door when it's raining. She didn't used to mind it so I'm not sure why she's being this way now.


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You need a Boreas. No dry hits with my baby :)

Vana (dog) I have to drag out the door when it's raining. She didn't used to mind it so I'm not sure why she's being this way now.

I hear ya on the Boreas and have been thinking about it, but I vape at 40-45 watts and I get the feeling the Boreas shines at higher than that. The extra juice capacity would be nice though :). How do they compare at my power level Roxy?

I had to work on getting Sadie used to storms, she was pretty nervous with them at first. I took her on the back deck the first few times and sat in a chair trying to be as relaxed as I could be while she paced. We have a roof over the deck but no walls, so we were mostly dry even if it was raining hard.

I pretended to be sleepy, let my eyes close a bit and yawned a few times, slouched in the chair, you get the idea :). Eventually she came over, lay down beside me and relaxed. Once she got comfortable with that I started taking her for walks in the rain. She had an issue with walking through puddles at first but that went away after a while too.

OTOH, she still thinks squirrels and cats are little devils that must be eradicated ASAP :rolleyes:, but I'm working on that and it's getting better too :)


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I hear ya on the Boreas and have been thinking about it, but I vape at 40-45 watts and I get the feeling the Boreas shines at higher than that. The extra juice capacity would be nice though :). How do they compare at my power level Roxy?

I had to work on getting Sadie used to storms, she was pretty nervous with them at first. I took her on the back deck the first few times and sat in a chair trying to be as relaxed as I could be while she paced. We have a roof over the deck but no walls, so we were mostly dry even if it was raining hard.

I pretended to be sleepy, let my eyes close a bit and yawned a few times, slouched in the chair, you get the idea :). Eventually she came over, lay down beside me and relaxed. Once she got comfortable with that I started taking her for walks in the rain. She had an issue with walking through puddles at first but that went away after a while too.

OTOH, she still thinks squirrels and cats are little devils that must be eradicated ASAP :rolleyes:, but I'm working on that and it's getting better too :)
Boreas is going to be all about the build you put on it - with the two decks (one with smaller wicking holes), you have a great bit of versatility - I tend to run mine in the 50-60 watt range with dual fused ss claptons - i am betting you could put a dual build on there that would rock at 40-45 watts


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Good morning all & GFY! First day back to work & actually kinda looking forward to it! Just wish there wasn't so many People & more Mutants like you guys here! Also more English speakers! You know it's funny I've met alot of people in other countries here & over there that all speak English but alot of the people who come here to live seem like they won't learn English! OK Peeving again! Sorry friends! Luv ya all!:blowkiss::shades:


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Well.. in the spirit of this very strange thread... I found some awesome underpants that have a smooth wide band at the top, which totally eliminate muffin tops. In fact that's the "brand name," from Warner's... "No Muffin Top".

OK, since you brought up the subject of women's underwear I have a question. Why is there an inverse relationship between the amount of fabric in women's underwear and the cost? I mean seriously, the amount of material goes down and the cost goes up? This has never made sense to me.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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OK, since you brought up the subject of women's underwear I have a question. Why is there an inverse relationship between the amount of fabric in women's underwear and the cost? I mean seriously, the amount of material goes down and the cost goes up? This has never made sense to me.

Me either. You're asking the wrong person entirely! Ask one of those idjits who think women wanna have a strap up their ass just to avoid VPL. I'd much rather have VPL!



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OK, since you brought up the subject of women's underwear I have a question. Why is there an inverse relationship between the amount of fabric in women's underwear and the cost? I mean seriously, the amount of material goes down and the cost goes up? This has never made sense to me.
Eh I'm low maintenance, when I do wear them they aren't expensive lol.

At least if a woman doesn't wear underwear she will never get her panties in a twist


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I hear ya on the Boreas and have been thinking about it, but I vape at 40-45 watts and I get the feeling the Boreas shines at higher than that. The extra juice capacity would be nice though :). How do they compare at my power level Roxy?

I had to work on getting Sadie used to storms, she was pretty nervous with them at first. I took her on the back deck the first few times and sat in a chair trying to be as relaxed as I could be while she paced. We have a roof over the deck but no walls, so we were mostly dry even if it was raining hard.

I pretended to be sleepy, let my eyes close a bit and yawned a few times, slouched in the chair, you get the idea :). Eventually she came over, lay down beside me and relaxed. Once she got comfortable with that I started taking her for walks in the rain. She had an issue with walking through puddles at first but that went away after a while too.

OTOH, she still thinks squirrels and cats are little devils that must be eradicated ASAP :rolleyes:, but I'm working on that and it's getting better too :)

It certainly can run well under 50W. Use the 2mm hole deck, and adjust your afc/jfc accordingly. Rolf is running it at 14W :D


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I bet there would be a great market for bottle nosed ... hm, I wonder. "Let me have those 18650 s out of your mod. I need them for my bottle nosed B.O.B, so I can GFM." That would be kind of a funky scene. Now, how can I incorporate the bottle nosed B.O.B int the idea I have for unisex fucking pants? Will need to consult Wrangler brand jeans on this I'm sure. * wanders off plotting *
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