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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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ECF Refugee
I would've said, "Not your business anymore, bitch." :teehee:

I gotta be half way polite for the sake of peace. I have a 22 year old cat that is a nut job. She will go insane if anyone but the ex is there to take care of her when I am at work. The cat wont live forever but while she is still around, I will put up with some shit for her (the cats) sake.


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My ex came by not long ago and asked if she can put something expensive in my gun safe. Told her to go ahead. She comes out and ask me just where in the fuck did all those new guns come from. Told her being single is great, I got money to piss away now lol
That brings back memories....after I got divorced about 25 years ago my ex stopped by for one thing or another, forget now.

I had a 67 Vet split window coupe in the driveway, she says how did you get that?

Told her I got rid of my drinking problem.

She said you quit drinking?

Said no, I got rid of you.....:)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Was seeing a young thang for a while but caught her shootin up the nasty stuff before Christmas and that was the end of it. I'm not gonna waste my career on a druggie no matter how hot they are.

Geez, don't blame you. I've been down that particular road myself, and I'm just glad to have survived it -- but it was horrible while I was on it. I say a lot of crap about my ex, but I'll always be grateful for the excellent rehab he paid for -- Chelsea, MI, one of the best in the country I've heard. (and it because of what I learned there that a few years later, I saw the writing on the wall about imminent liver failure and got off booze too).



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I'm a cat person, much respect. (don't tell my dog)

We now have one cat. He has told me he accepted the other cat's spirit. I call him BrBuck. Kind of expected the older cat to move along. Still miss him though. He used to walk me & ensure all the dogs got food and wrn (water). Br was my little foreman. All the dogs knew he would whoop them if they got out of line. :) But I'm a dog person, not supposed to love cats. At least so thinks my Lady.


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No doubt right, that's probably what Whiskey was talking about earlier ... hm.


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ECF Refugee
Good morning all & GFYs! Got my Raymo coils yesterday & they're beautiful! Now I just gotta wait for my G2 to use them! Vaporcube is in Industry CA. just up the road from me so it outta take about a week for USPS to get it to me! LOL! I jest (sort of). Went out yesterday so maybe today but definately tomorrow!


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ECF Refugee
Yeah Bill, that is what I do. After I'm done doing that I usually take the atty off the mod and then walk away for about 20 min. if I'm using TC.
James, have you tried Raymo's coils yet? They are coil art! They are worth the money even if you don't use them & just look at them! LOL!:shades:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I squinted and still didn't see it, poor dude, even his penis was missing from the news shot:giggle:

In the second paragraph it does note they called in a detective. Detectives use magnifying glasses mystery solved.

I just love how it got published and no one notices until thousands of copies are distributed.
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