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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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ECF Refugee
LV will soon begin requiring signature deliver on all their vape stuff.
The non vape specific stuff is exempt.
Wire, cotton, batteries,etc.
But tanks, coils, juice stuff, mods, etc will all require signature for delivery.
Thats complete BS... so the Kanger Coil Stems and Bases which are just a piece of metal right now needs to be signed for?


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Time to move.
Where the heck does he live?
He lives just up the road out of town in the country. He's about 15 minutes north of me on the northern edge of Colorado county. And he won't move. He still tends to his cows and donkeys, chickens, guineas, dogs and wildlife. He's 82 and it keeps him busy.

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a touch oɟɟ
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LV will soon begin requiring signature deliver on all their vape stuff.
The non vape specific stuff is exempt.
Wire, cotton, batteries,etc.
But tanks, coils, juice stuff, mods, etc will all require signature for delivery.
And they will be using UPS Mail Innovations, which will add a day to any shipment, for the handoff to USPS.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Retarded1 at it again today psh Asshole..
Yeah, I was grabbing screenshots while he was deleting posts. I still can't figure out what rules violation the posts were deleted for.

I knew criticizing the mods was, but I'd like to see the rule that says we can't say that a rule is asinine.


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Gonna come in and tell someone because they are going to start working at a Vape Shop for fun, that talking about it on ECF is under "Supplier" territory..

Since when cant someone who works at a Vape Shop talk about a Vape Shop on a VAPE Forum??? Thats BS and insulting..


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Gonna come in and tell someone because they are going to start working at a Vape Shop for fun, that talking about it on ECF is under "Supplier" territory..

Since when cant someone who works at a Vape Shop talk about a Vape Shop on a VAPE Forum??? Thats BS and insulting..
Exactly! He is a complete buffoon.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Damn, I wish I had time to go fuck with the Retarded1. I am battling personal agenda's compromising business objectives with one hand, and potential customers reluctance to agree to sales calls with another.

On a GOOD note, I am winning on both fronts. Had a come to Jesus moment about the personal agendas that sunk in, and have two meetings scheduled for tomorrow, and looks like if the trend continues, I'll be going home for the weekend just to turn around and come right back. I am NOT staying here for 2 weeks without a motorcycle.. ;)


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They don't care. They always get newbs to fill the lost ranks.
Yeah... But the fucked up part, imo , is that some of those folks genuinely need help, support, guidance... So, I still hit the new members area over there periodically... But high handed authoritarian douche nozzle goat fuckery like that is destroying the integrity of ECF... And, unfortunately, when a turd of that magnitude hits the water, the splash radius is large too, and reflects poorly on the vaping community as a whole... Fucker.

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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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To fuck thyself, or not to fuck thyself- that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms and lotions against a sea of troubles,
And by rubbing end them. Little death- to sleep; and by a sleep to say we end the ache, and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. A little death to sleep.
To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!

Morning all :D


And to the Bard and the Fugees: lift thine eyes and GFY


Diamond Contributor
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Yeah... But the fucked up part, imo , is that some of those folks genuinely need help, support, guidance... So, I still hit the new members area over there periodically... But high handed authoritarian douche nozzle goat fuckery like that is destroying the integrity of ECF... And, unfortunately, when a turd of that magnitude hits the water, the splash radius is large too, and reflects poorly on the vaping community as a whole... Fucker.

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That's why we hit them fugee gang busters. Newbies will see a unified force of people who are vapers and desire genuinely help. We can also covertly drop mentions of Velvet Underground to newbies. Not that we really need to poach members. We can though offer a better place to communicate.


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And to the Bard and the Fugees: lift thine eyes and GFY

Here, here! Merrily we shall spread the love of fugee and joyfully GFY! Let not the world continue its vicious wrath and foul stench of telling you fuck you. Nae thine brothers and sisters, join the fugees and tell the world GFY!

For the world, she does wage upon us war. She creates systems in systems & demands we play with her by her rule alone. Once you are fugee you will see, you can create your own fucking system. You tell the world to go fuck her fucked system. Fugees know well the world cares not of its peoples. To that fugees proclaim to the world GFY!
Last edited:


a touch oɟɟ
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Yeah... But the fucked up part, imo , is that some of those folks genuinely need help, support, guidance... So, I still hit the new members area over there periodically... But high handed authoritarian douche nozzle goat fuckery like that is destroying the integrity of ECF... And, unfortunately, when a turd of that magnitude hits the water, the splash radius is large too, and reflects poorly on the vaping community as a whole... Fucker.

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They are consistent, I'll give them that. They were the same way in 2010, and still they go on....


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Am I allowed to talk about contests that aren't VU contests?

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5. No affiliate, referral links or hot linked memes, and pics are permitted. Also no raffles or charity funding are to be sold for profit or otherwise including GoFundMe links, and others. Please contact an Admin about legal 501c3, c6, etc Charity raffles or any other types.

May want further ask a moderator but to me this would seem to limit against it. Unless you are only discussing the contest but do not make referral links. Again, think a moderator would be better able to answer. @Huckleberried, @Whiskey, @f1r3b1rd


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May want further ask a moderator but to me this would seem to limit against it. Unless you are only discussing the contest but do not make referral links. Again, think a moderator would be better able to answer. @Huckleberried, @Whiskey, @f1r3b1rd
No referral links, but thanks, I'll ask someone

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May want further ask a moderator but to me this would seem to limit against it. Unless you are only discussing the contest but do not make referral links. Again, think a moderator would be better able to answer. @Huckleberried, @Whiskey, @f1r3b1rd
No referral links, but thanks, I'll ask someone

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here are our contest rules
Contest Guidelines
  1. Contest must NOT require use of an affiliate/referral/reference link
  2. Contest END DATE must be included in the thread title (unless its an ongoing contest)
  3. Contest winners MUST BE posted in the original post in the VU Forum
  4. Links to Facebook, Gleam, Rafflecopter ARE allowed
  5. Any Vendor reported to not deliver on its wins will be forbidden from posting any future contests
  6. Requiring our members to carry links to a vendor site in their banner/signature area as part of the contest is NOT allowed

additionally we have a subforum for contests only.

@Countrypami would know more


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That's far too nice a word for him. Asshat, douchebag, dickwad, take your pick. Those are all more appropriate descriptions. A buffoon is merely an clown. He on the other hand is an idiot who thinks his shit don't stink.

That's a total insult to asshats, douchebags, and dickwads everywhere. I'd call him an unsuccessful abortion.



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here are our contest rules
Contest Guidelines
  1. Contest must NOT require use of an affiliate/referral/reference link
  2. Contest END DATE must be included in the thread title (unless its an ongoing contest)
  3. Contest winners MUST BE posted in the original post in the VU Forum
  4. Links to Facebook, Gleam, Rafflecopter ARE allowed
  5. Any Vendor reported to not deliver on its wins will be forbidden from posting any future contests
  6. Requiring our members to carry links to a vendor site in their banner/signature area as part of the contest is NOT allowed

additionally we have a subforum for contests only.

@Countrypami would know more

Thank you. :)


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Ok. I wasn't trying to start a contest thread. Just wanted to let you guys know if you were interested about a contest we are running elsewhere. But I'll drop it. Thanks for the reply!

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Yep ran Rixta off.
is that @ric
Yeah, I was grabbing screenshots while he was deleting posts. I still can't figure out what rules violation the posts were deleted for.

I knew criticizing the mods was, but I'd like to see the rule that says we can't say that a rule is asinine.
jeebus.... REALLY?
criticizing mods and rules here is an art and a pastime. Its how we know that we're loved.
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