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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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lmao...when I was leaving my office, the mail-lady left me the box of rayon I ordered in front of the door, it's about 16 inches high and a foot wide. Graham cellucotton. Should be enough to last if I live to be 200 yrs old......:vino:
I have that exact same box. 500 ft for like 10 bucks. I've been silly wasteful with it and had for months and it still looks totally full

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If he wanted to make something for cloud chasers, he could have made anything, and called it anything -- but to make an ACHILLES and fuck it up so it's not a tight draw anymore... that is not an improvement! It's not even an Achilles!


Hey. Check it out. None of us exist to please everyone, all the time. Maybe it is not the best. It may not be exactly what you desire. Someone though did apparently make an effort to get you a good product. Yes, sure they get paid with money. What is money but a means to measure access? You give them access to a place to live, food to eat, medicine to help illness, clothing. All of this stuff is only that, stuff. No one takes any of it with them. It returns to the void, the big zero. Even money goes away.

Doing something like this does not.

Thank you for correcting me earlier. I could have became angered over it. Took a moment, stepped outside myself and saw you had a valid point. There was no need of anger. I need to communicate better. Again, thank you, my humble gratitude is yours. I value such lessons no matter how trivial they appear. Every grain of sand is a world unto itself, and it also helps make beaches. Thanks for illustrating that beauty to me better as well. :)

Let me clarify too. I did not write this to seem any less or better than anyone. There are genuinely a few lessons I learned in earnest. Sat here seeing @AndriaD complaining about the RDA not suiting. Saw the post from @advancedvapesupply talking generally about having a rough day, customers. Thought about me and wife's relationship, brought it all together. Realized I am a lot harder to feel anger than when younger, I made that real. It took me a lot of effort. Thought about how gratitude seems to live in flux, and it is gold. :)

Call me a bit old fashioned, Gnostic maybe. I recall that alchemy was intent upon forming gold in trail by fire. Flux is another word for fire, change. Remember too the axiom, "all that glitters is not gold". Well, gratitude does not glitter. Gratitude simply exists, or does not. That is why I wrote this, to help me understand a process of coherent thought. May help others as well. Beware though, my mind is quicksilver. ;) :)
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its an exceptional tank

Well I did try sweet talking. :) Says the witch, "wait until you get your stipend, you buys it then."

Says I, "*sigh* Got other plans, witch." I do agree though just from seeing it, yes it is an exceptional tank. I may have to see to attaining it later if able. Yes, I know prices likely will be more so outrageous. I'm pondering long haul though, not to be selfish but darn it, I'm being selfish. *chuckles* Have a clear idea of what will work for me, will have that on hand and assured. Then, shinyitis can creep back in.


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lmao...when I was leaving my office, the mail-lady left me the box of rayon I ordered in front of the door, it's about 16 inches high and a foot wide. Graham cellucotton. Should be enough to last if I live to be 200 yrs old......:vino:

3lb box?

Prolly the same I showed the witch this evening on Interwebs. I've still not really gone anywhere near through half of a five foot length. Terrific wick I think. :)


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Andria, there are numerous really good attys with top or top side airflow control. The way the top cap is designed the air is pulled from the bottom of the coil. They are flavor machines.

If you'd like. I could box up one of each atty I have, with the type of airflow you're looking for, and send them to you, that way you could try them without buying. If I could help, just let me know. I have a half dozen of every atty I can think of that are high end drippers now bottom fed, but I have the 510 pins to rearrange the sex of the atty.

Only if they're also REALLY! tight-draw atties... like a carto! I was told a Veritas could be adjusted so it had a tight draw -- not at all. I was told a Magma is a tight draw, when using just one of the smallest holes... it's really not; it's just barely on the edge of tolerable.

I may be making the Magma modification that I discussed at some length in the old womper woom thread over yonder. I had bought some needles that I *thought* were 12ga needles, but they're actually skinnier than the 14ga luer lock needles I have. Tonight I was experimenting with one of those 14ga luer locks, and my husband is going to cut some 1/4" segments of it for me, to insert in the airholes of my 2 Magmas, which may correct a good bit of their leak problems -- probably not perfectly, it's not an absolutely airtight seal, but it should help a great deal. Still won't help with the "can't lay it down" issue, but it may help with the leak problem, and might even constrict the airflow for me a little. Which would be GREAT, since they're really close to being tight enough for me, have great flavor, and a deep enough well that they don't demand constant dripping.


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lmao...when I was leaving my office, the mail-lady left me the box of rayon I ordered in front of the door, it's about 16 inches high and a foot wide. Graham cellucotton. Should be enough to last if I live to be 200 yrs old......:vino:
bhahaha yeah I still have a few hundred feer from a box I split with someone a year ago.


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Only if they're also REALLY! tight-draw atties... like a carto! I was told a Veritas could be adjusted so it had a tight draw -- not at all. I was told a Magma is a tight draw, when using just one of the smallest holes... it's really not; it's just barely on the edge of tolerable.

I may be making the Magma modification that I discussed at some length in the old womper woom thread over yonder. I had bought some needles that I *thought* were 12ga needles, but they're actually skinnier than the 14ga luer lock needles I have. Tonight I was experimenting with one of those 14ga luer locks, and my husband is going to cut some 1/4" segments of it for me, to insert in the airholes of my 2 Magmas, which may correct a good bit of their leak problems -- probably not perfectly, it's not an absolutely airtight seal, but it should help a great deal. Still won't help with the "can't lay it down" issue, but it may help with the leak problem, and might even constrict the airflow for me a little. Which would be GREAT, since they're really close to being tight enough for me, have great flavor, and a deep enough well that they don't demand constant dripping.

I never tried turning the airflow completely off, I will tomorrow if I get a chance. I would assume they would be tight with no airflow....:)


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ok i tried to make a cherry swirl using only tfa. 10ml .5 grams cherry blossom, 1grm vanilla swirl. shake and vape not. will let it steep and see what out come is cherry flavor is off. according to tfa precentage chart 5% max

The Cromwell

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you are totally missing what I was saying
you want a tight draw. limited airflow... there are only so may ways to do that in the same design .
he made something different, for a different audience.

if svoe made a new lafun for tootlepuffers, it would be a tight airflow dingle coil rta - they have one in the kayfin 4. or the kayfun 3.
if I want top fill, I have the 4 or an after market cap for the 3. there is no point in making the 5 the same as the the 3 or 4

for the Achilles to make the same thing and call it a revision, means making a revision the same as what is there/ there are other options thought, the Narda, the marquis, the snapdragon, the nectar
The NarDa is wide open compared to the origional Achiles.


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3lb box?

Prolly the same I showed the witch this evening on Interwebs. I've still not really gone anywhere near through half of a five foot length. Terrific wick I think. :)
I love rayon. I've been steering towards cotton bacon because the stuff I've used recently does better with it, but all in all I've used it more than any other wick

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ok i tried to make a cherry swirl using only tfa. 10ml .5 grams cherry blossom, 1grm vanilla swirl. shake and vape not. will let it steep and see what out come is cherry flavor is off. according to tfa precentage chart 5% max

I dunno from grams; I use percentages, only and always. What cherry flavor did you use?



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I never tried turning the airflow completely off, I will tomorrow if I get a chance. I would assume they would be tight with no airflow....:)

Well there has to be a little airflow, or the wick will burn, even at my low wattages (9 to 10w). But when I take a draw, using just the pressure of my lips, there should be some resistance, not like trying to "smoke a straw". Like a cigarette resists when you draw on it, or a carto with a nice tight driptip, like the small Mings. Just like that, or at most, just every so slightly looser, but there must be some resistance, or it's just unsat. A KFL+ about 1/4 to 1/2 open is a good example.


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I used that cherry blossom 5% vanilla swirl 10%

Well I wouldn't think that cherry blossom would actually taste like cherries, but more like flowers. Try the TFA cherry extract; it's very good, a nice "just right" cherry flavor. Inawera's cherries are medicinal, Lorann's tastes like maraschino cherries... the cherry extract is none of that, but just a nice cherry flavor. And I don't even really like cherries that mucvh, but I love cherry soda, go figger. :D And of course choc covered cherries, can't ever forget those. I'm thinking I might try a recipe for choc covered cherries, now that I've found a good chocolate and cherry flavor, and several good cream and vanilla flavors for the syrupy yummy stuff inside them. :D



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I'm going to order the cherry extract in my next order. I have a order on the way this week so will have to put it on the back burner for now. Will let what I made steep for a while and report back. Let me know how your chocolate covered cherries come out l. I would like to try it.


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I'm going to order the cherry extract in my next order. I have a order on the way this week so will have to put it on the back burner for now. Will let what I made steep for a while and report back. Let me know how your chocolate covered cherries come out l. I would like to try it.

The only chocolate flavor I've found that I can actually taste is Molinberry Glamour Chocolate -- I've tried all of TFA's, and I can't taste them at all. Tried Halo's Belgian Chocolate when I was still buying ejuice, couldn't taste it either. But finally the Glamour Chocolate got past whatever weird block my tastebuds have on that flavor.

I just ordered some more of TFA's Whipped Cream flavor, and now that I have a good chocolate, I'm gonna try another go at Chocolate Cream Pie -- my most-fave chocolate dessert or goodie EVER. I still have to order some Capella Sweet Cream, forgot it on my last binge, and I'm thinking I'll also get some TFA Cheesecake Graham; I was advised it's diketone-free, and I checked at their site, and it IS! But somehow I forgot to order any. :eek: I'm trying to wait for ECX to restock the CAP Sweet Cream though, so I can also get some more nicotine in the order. I could get the whole order from Wizlabs, and I may have to, but ECX's prices are a little better.



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Well there has to be a little airflow, or the wick will burn, even at my low wattages (9 to 10w). But when I take a draw, using just the pressure of my lips, there should be some resistance, not like trying to "smoke a straw". Like a cigarette resists when you draw on it, or a carto with a nice tight driptip, like the small Mings. Just like that, or at most, just every so slightly looser, but there must be some resistance, or it's just unsat. A KFL+ about 1/4 to 1/2 open is a good example.
I know what your talking about, I'm just not sure which attys you can close down completely and open-up from there. Which is why I would need to check.


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The truth of the matter is: the market for super tight draw attys isn't big enough or more manufacturers would still be making them.

I know. Maybe I should "pull a Roxy" and work out a design -- the problem is, it would basically be another Achilles, and that's already been done and cloned, and nobody's selling 'em anymore, even if anyone is making them, and they may not be. I wish my husband had proper tools for working with metals; he's a handy lil devil, but has to work with whatever tools he has, and I'm pretty sure he has none of what would be required. Damn it all.


The Cromwell

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The only chocolate flavor I've found that I can actually taste is Molinberry Glamour Chocolate -- I've tried all of TFA's, and I can't taste them at all. Tried Halo's Belgian Chocolate when I was still buying ejuice, couldn't taste it either. But finally the Glamour Chocolate got past whatever weird block my tastebuds have on that flavor.

I just ordered some more of TFA's Whipped Cream flavor, and now that I have a good chocolate, I'm gonna try another go at Chocolate Cream Pie -- my most-fave chocolate dessert or goodie EVER. I still have to order some Capella Sweet Cream, forgot it on my last binge, and I'm thinking I'll also get some TFA Cheesecake Graham; I was advised it's diketone-free, and I checked at their site, and it IS! But somehow I forgot to order any. :eek: I'm trying to wait for ECX to restock the CAP Sweet Cream though, so I can also get some more nicotine in the order. I could get the whole order from Wizlabs, and I may have to, but ECX's prices are a little better.

I have heard that the Molinberry glamour chocolate is the best choc flavoring.


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I have heard that the Molinberry glamour chocolate is the best choc flavoring.

It's pretty good! I used some in my last mix of Smocha, and I was STUNNED at how chocolatey it is! Over at the other site, someone mentioned it was very chocolatey, when I was using the TFA chocolates, but I never tasted that, till I used the Glamour! I'm gonna give Sgt Rock's chocolate cream pie recipe another go.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Perhaps but it would be with adult supervision :)

Just seems strange to me that the most dangerous vaping liquid we buy has no child resistant top on it.
Not even a tamper evident or foil seal film top on it.

You'll never keep `em off your lawn with that attitude.

Maybe folks with rugrats just need to keep juice in safes like other dangerous shit


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Mornin fugee's. Seems like the week from hell for me. Another late shitty night at work. Stormed its ass off and yep, I got wet :( Being on your feet for 6 hours straight in wet shoes in not fun. Serious lightning show tonight too. We finally finished like 5 or 10 minutes after quitting time. And the arm is frickin killing me :(


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Mornin fugee's. Seems like the week from hell for me. Another late shitty night at work. Stormed its ass off and yep, I got wet :( Being on your feet for 6 hours straight in wet shoes in not fun. Serious lightning show tonight too. We finally finished like 5 or 10 minutes after quitting time. And the arm is frickin killing me :(

You can't keep that shit up Doc. It really takes protracted periods of NOT irritating it to see progress. Sorry you had a rough night.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I crawled in the shotgun seat at 9pm, took a rare Xanax, and just woke 3 hrs. From home. Happy happy joy joy! Closest thing to teleportation. I feel great, so good morning Krewe, and go fuck yerselves.


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You can't keep that shit up Doc. It really takes protracted periods of NOT irritating it to see progress. Sorry you had a rough night.

I agree. If you're hammering on w/ a damaged rotator, kick yourself in the ass, take a knee. Then, call for medic. That is a serious problem to tackle & you don't need to be making it worse by continuing to use it while damaged. E.M.T quick fix: immobolize it.


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Mornin fugee's. Seems like the week from hell for me. Another late shitty night at work. Stormed its ass off and yep, I got wet :( Being on your feet for 6 hours straight in wet shoes in not fun. Serious lightning show tonight too. We finally finished like 5 or 10 minutes after quitting time. And the arm is frickin killing me :(
What kind of work you do?I had a long night as well. I absolutely couldn't manage to fall asleep. Every now ans then my body will forget that i dont work the night shift anymore like i did for years. Literally, I fell asleep finally at around 620. My alarm is set for 630. That's just cruel

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I crawled in the shotgun seat at 9pm, took a rare Xanax, and just woke 3 hrs. From home. Happy happy joy joy! Closest thing to teleportation. I feel great, so good morning Krewe, and go fuck yerselves.

Fuck yourself, too. I probably should have taken a Tramadol last night. Barometric pressure plus humidity had set in level with our altitude. We had dead air so my sinuses were pushing to explode my head. Felt like someone was heating up ice picks and jamming them into the upper bridge of my nose, then using them as electrodes. The Tramadol would have let me skip the delicious pain. But did I? Oh no, not this dumb ass.


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Morning fugees. Start your day proper with a cuppa GFY! Hope all is & goes well. :)

Work party day here today. Will be doing more mowing with weed eater, that is the aim. Witch said last night I could do it in a wet suit. Our weather tells why. 80% + 50% = 140% / 2 = 70% = Yes, it will rain for sure. 60% would have meant it might rain, 70% cinches it.

Well, guess it may be a day to watch movies, play some video games, read a book. I would get back to writing but not there with it.


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What kind of work you do?I had a long night as well. I absolutely couldn't manage to fall asleep. Every now ans then my body will forget that i dont work the night shift anymore like i did for years. Literally, I fell asleep finally at around 620. My alarm is set for 630. That's just cruel

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I'll give you a hint, he's a chop doc...all right, you didn't get much sleep so I won't make ya guess. He's a helicopter mechanic.


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I'll give you a hint, he's a chop doc...all right, you didn't get much sleep so I won't make ya guess. He's a helicopter mechanic.
See, that's the kind of name that makes perfect sense now that it's explained to me, but I never would have read into it literally and guessed that..

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Blech. lol.
I'm impressed with the mods you've made. Very nice. Sorry you burned yourself though. I have a degree in electronics but haven't used a soldering iron in years now. I was the only woman that graduated with it after 4 years. Fun classes and I even learned how to repair televisions. Hated those huge filter capacitors though. OUCH if you got zapped by one.
Hey it sounds like you can build.... I started making simple stuff and thanks to friends and YouTube kept going..... Build one..... I wanna see it.....

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