It did suckThat would truly suck
It did suckThat would truly suck
It did suck![]()
I'm telling you.............every single ONE OF YOU THAT VAPING is FUCKED!! do something
Everyone that I work with, never smoked, or vapedEveryone I know is a non-smoker/non-vaper. So? Has nothing whatever to do with ME.
She accosted me on the size of my banner a year ago. "400x50", and that's it. Doesn't do any good to point out that many people have larger banners than that; she'll get around to them too, eventually.
If you really want to make your point, then just leave her a msg that says "fuck you and your stupid rules and the goddamn horse you rode up on, you humorless, personality-lacking, troll BITCH." You'll get banned and that'll be that.
You know, it was fun...trulyThat would truly suck
I get ya. Where I live, a moderation war is for NOTWe is having a moderation war -
Oh I'm going to war over this, because it's the most asinine example of overzealous - yet inconsistent - moderation ever encountered. There are multiple levels of double standards involved with this one. So either someone at ECF steps in as the voice of reason or the damned place gets exposed for being as fucked up as it truly is. And the fact is she doesn't get around to other accounts - so it's hard to view it as anything but personal. Once a moderator is allowed to go down that path it casts a stench over an entire site.
We is having a moderation war - over a quit smoking banner. On a site dedicated to switching to vaping. How fucked is that?
I think it's very fucked, almost as fucked as letting something so absolutely stupid control your emotions and behavior. I win -- I walked away and haven't gone back, except to peek a few times and answer a couple of PMs, at first, but ultimately, they have no control over me. I can trash talk them on Twitter if I want, and certainly here, but I'm mostly over it, to be honest. I just don't give a shit what they think, say, or do -- they're utterly inconsequential. I was VERY angry at first, any of these fine fugees can attest, but I'm a grown-up, even if they're not. I got over it. I will not give them the energy or the PR any more than I can help. Even VU sometimes irks me, but I just go do something else for awhile, and when I come back, some of these groovy fugees may be online, and I'll like VU again.
I've just got better things to do than worry about stupid fucks on an internet forum. Did I tell ya, I'm in the 21st century now, got a tablet AND a mobile phone! I'm loving the shit out of 'em!
Ahaaa, you be from the old school over there, so was I , they got class bitch in there and all went down hill, sucks to be them nowAs a Refugee In Progress I'm still in a pissing session with clAsswife over a forum rule via a conversation. (You know - that thing formerly known as PM's.) I invited the site owner (You know - that thing formerly known as Smokey Joe) to join but so far he hasn't said anything in the conversation.
Wonder what would happen if I sent out a group invitation to join that conversation to the old-time moderators? Like Joker, Misty, RolyGate, DustyD... There used to be a certain level of moderation or decision making by consensus, not according to levels of moderator Royalty points.
And besides - clAsswife said I was being pissy - and I'm pretty sure she broke a forum rule doing that there.![]()
Ahaaa, you be from the old school over there, so was I , they got class bitch in there and all went down hill, sucks to be them now![]()
26ga and 28gaIf you have any 29ga kanthal, I'll take it off your hands.
Yea, they didn't like the fact that I had a tad of a following in a veteran's party thread, seems we had too much fun congratulating members being there for a year, so they shut the thread down and baited me into oblivion, Dusty piss ant was happy to hit the ban button after being 2 faced with me in pm. That's my story in a nut shell.Joined 04/2011 Whiskey. And I remember when you were made to "disappear", and Roxy and Mouiex and...
Some times you never got the back story - because that's how things work there. When people started asking where AndriaD disappeared to three moderators jumped on the thread within six posts - and what followed was nothing but 30 pages of bacon.
Moderation combined with that level of "thou shalt not criticize" is nothing but tyranny. If people are comfortable with that then by all means - feel a warm fuzzy about ECF. But the problem with tyranny is it can bite anyone in the ass - whenever it happens to be in the right mood - because that's what tyranny is. It just took longer for it to catch up to me than some people.
I know I know - preaching... choir...
Not into accepting - let alone indulging - azzhats. And "worry" about it? Hell no. That's not the point. But if you wanna be the Emperor - and you ain't wearing no clothes - I'm not the one gonna be cheering you on and saying "Well, that sure is a good look on you there." Stepping away from what Asswife did and leaving it "as-is" is a tacit implication I accept that she is right. No - and hell no.
May I have a link? Mayhem and dead dicks, they're irresistable.![]()
Unfortunately this whole effing thing has been handled by PM's - so far. But I am considering putting up a public post about it.
Or would it be considered tacky to post the content of those PM's here...?![]()
Unfortunately this whole effing thing has been handled by PM's - so far. But I am considering putting up a public post about it.
Or would it be considered tacky to post the content of those PM's here...?![]()
I'd love to see some traffic reports for the last month just to know how much they feel the exodus.
May I have a link? Mayhem and dead dicks, they're irresistable.
Down to packing vape gear. 3 single batt mods for size, with HG2's. Don't want to mess with coils and wick and such, so I am just going to take 3 crowns with 6 extra .25 coils, 2 spare glass, two bags of O-rings, 4 extra HG2's and drip tips, 240ml of juice in plastic bottles, and a 4 batt charger. That should get me to Cali and back with a minimum of fuss and storage. Ballistic mesh coat, leather, chaps, 3 different weight gloves, sleeping bag, microtent and 4 changes of clothes, each should last two days. So 8 sexy boxers and 8 pair of socks too. And a swimsuit. Put my WHOLE MP3 collection on a 128g SD card for my phone, reception will be spotty in places. And a Garmin too, same reason. Any vets out there to tell me what I might be forgetting?
I've done something. Stockpiled 2.5 liters of nicotine in my freezer.
I did something too. I took writing back up, in hopes to supply enough income to buy some glorious nicotine soon. Of course, I'm also taking it up for other reasons. Have this very strange desire to help my wife creature do this thing called paying Bill. I wish he would go find his own job and quit leeching of her. It's bad enough I feel like I do at times. So, I got busy with a kick in the ass from a friend. They were 120% correct to point that out to me, too.
Writing is something I can do, within my control. It can earn that foul, evil money stuff what pays that Bill guy. Eventually, we might even get some of that money stuff ahead and buy ourselves a few things making this Life thing a bit more bearable. Nicotine is one of those things, as are authentic Reo mods. There is a lot out of my control at the moment. It does me wonders to be able to have this one thing I control.
This keeps me going, and going.Does it mean I might get there when this on or that one will? No. I might get there sooner or later. I will get there and that's the point. I don't need to waste time arguing with idiots who keep proving themselves idiots. What does it solve to do that? I've no control switch to magically make them not be idiots. No, but I can control myself and keep writing, keep submitting stories to get sold. One, or two will sell, here or there. Then, gradually more, and more until most of what I write starts selling quick as I write it.
I'll keep getting better at the writing too. Practicing does that for a person. So, yes I think I'm doing something positive toward short and long term goals. The more active vaping people we have the harder it becomes for them to round us all up. The stronger our voice becomes too. But again, you have to wonder about arguing with idiots. I am choosing to live justly, if that means disobeying unjust laws so mote it.
I think what is more telling is just go to the main page and look at Members Online Now - specifically, at the actual number of members logged in. Right now it's a whopping 217 members logged in at ECF - and that's about as high as the actual member traffic gets these days. (Ok, I have seen it as high as in the 250's.) On the overnight - for an "international" forum - it drops into the range of 50 members logged in.
That is radically tiny compared to what it used to be. Once Asswife got on my... ass it had me wondering and I started looking at the Members Online stats here and there. The numbers have been remarkably consistent like that.
.... All this is why I can now *afford* to have a mobile phone! And still pay that Bill guy, he's everywhere, leeching off everyone!
...There are only so many things you can walk away from in life in silence before those very same things start sneaking up and running you over.
Did it have the BF pin?Bender is here!
Its the middle of july, what ya need three gloves for?
When I rode long rides, off the top of my head this is what I usually took. I had fingerless gloves to keep the sun off the back of my hands. A denim jacket in the saddle bags, 4 Tshirts, couple pairs of jeans, couple six packs of socks, rain suit, WWII mess kit, small burner with 2 butane tanks, metal coffee cup, pack off coffee bags like t-bags, small 12 inch circular grill (just the grill top, build a fire on the ground and place grill on rocks or whatever above fire), couple cans of hash and stews (never know when ya wanna pull on side of road at that perfect place and heat up some lunch), air mattress with pump, tent and sleeping bag.
Always rolled the tent and air matress with the sleeping bag and strap it below the head light. Plenty of room in the T bag and saddle bags for other stuff. Phone, gun, headset stayed in tank bag. Tank bag I wired up so I could charge stuff like phone while riding.
Bender is here!
Nah - my dignity has never been in crisis here. And it isn't about feeling bad either. It's more like: Just ask leading questions and sit back and wait for the responses. They are the ones going out of the way to (try to) justify their undefinable high ground in this case. I'm beyond caring what the response is, but I would prefer to actually have one. There are only so many things you can walk away from in life in silence before those very same things start sneaking up and running you over.
Don't put oil in it, it will get fucked up! SWEET looking RDA!
Well, yes.I can agree with this statement. In the same instance though, I also agree with walking away in silence when it is clear you're kicking a dead horse. This allows you an option of turning the tables on yourself and becoming the change for the better.
This often posits a paradox with me. "For everything there is a season ...", the difficulty lies in knowing the season. There are two valid ways to handle things. All I can say any further, use your own better discernment and do what you think/feel right.
I just didn't see any point in continuing over there much. Got a better group of folks over here. We're all ultimately vapers though. Kind of moots itself out for me.
Moo, you really are going the whole way on the bike? da man Sir. That's rough going, bugs in your eyes, rain, eating at a restaurant and coming out to a HOT SEAT? stuff though![]()
No winter gear, just fingerless, light full cover, and medium full cover gloves. I don't know what time I'll be going through the mountains in Wyoming, and I might divert up to Beartooth Pass if I get the urge. That's some elevation. I'm assuming the usual 2.5F per 1000 foot temp drop. Rain gear is ALWAYS in the bag.
LOVE the sleeping bag on the front idea!! It was going to get crowded on that bike. PERFECT! Thank you for that tip!!!! But cooking, I am not. The sleeping bag and tent is really just for the inevitable "middle of nowhere, and dark". I hope I don't have to do it TOO often. I AM 56 after all, I think I've earned a good mattress.
I don't really want to ride much in the dark. I'll miss the scenery. Was thinking about doing the pass through Death Valley, but that almost REQUIRES some night riding. I plan on it being a 6am to 9pm ride, with a siesta for a couple hours during peak temps.
EVERY state except OR and CA honor my CPL license. In Oregon I just have to tuck in my shirt and open carry, but Cali requires that I lock it up separate from the ammo. Ah well, I knew I was going to the LEFT coast.
Use to ride from daylight until about 5:30-6PM. Gave plenty of time to set up camp, throw a fat steak on the grill and grab a shower. Slept like a baby in the mountains when it was in the 30's in late juneAlways liked finding a camp site with a stream going thru it. Put a few bottles of beer in a bag, tie it to a limb and chunk it in that cold water. By the time the steaks was ready, the beer was ice cold.
Was also great having a little propane burner and coffee cup along in the bags. Around 9 ish am pull over somewhere and heat up a cup of coffee while stretching. Many a guard rail post had my burner sitting on it while my coffee was heating.
By all means roll in the bed with your honey.Of course, the Mrs. will prolly want to make me coffee and a roll in bed with honey. She's superstitious like that..![]()
Oh, THANK you, Doc! I am going to grind up a bag of beans and grab a burner at a Sporting good shop along the way. I'm thinking about investing in a camelbak or something. I can strap that to some gear and just wear the tube. No place to put a drink on the bike that is easy to get to, and I get carried away not wanting to stop until I need fuel. That's often just too long between water.
The front fork idea won't work on a Road Glide Ultra. Very little space between the Shark and the Fender. So I strapped the duffel to the trunk top carrier, put the sleeping bag and tent in the back seat, backpack is in the trunk with all the electronics and stuffs, and I am ready to roll at first light. Of course, the Mrs. will prolly want to make me coffee and a roll in bed with honey. She's superstitious like that..![]()
But, but, but Morely this one is so butt stupid!!! Here, go actually read why I'm ejecting myself from ECF:
I cannot abide arbitrary and selective rule enforcement over an insanely trivial matter. This is no 'noodle incident" going on here! And this one is so goddamed easy for them to fix - but no one is doing it. You got a Moderator Muffet with her ass firmly parked on a tuffet - and apparently that's all that matters. Somebody needs to pull that damned tuffet out from under her ass knock her off her royal equilibrium!
I have something like this. It folds up and fits inside the coffee cup I carry. The butane cans are like 3 inches tall and take hardly any space in your bags.
I have something like this. It folds up and fits inside the coffee cup I carry. The butane cans are like 3 inches tall and take hardly any space in your bags.
VERY cool! Thank you again, Doc! Hrm.. the Chinese writing. Does it say "With you for all good times" "Paint Super well"?
Getting my morning Joe, putting the last few things I almost forgot (ACK! Sales brochures and business cards!) in the bags... I am SO Fargo excited...