My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years
Haven't accomplished that YET.........
....love that mail-lady.....
I still LOVE vape mail - but I was so busy stock piling I was only trying out a small fraction of what I was getting.
Been playing with some of the stuff I just tossed into the corner so to speak. Wow, I got a lot of great stuff that I'm actually using and experiment with rather than plotting my next buy, lol.
I would like a couple of more baby Goons and at least a couple of REO P67s - but I really, really am leery of buying anything from a vape shop right now. And another $500 --- mmmm. I'd feel better about that if I sold off a few things first because my year's savings plan went down the toilet thanks to the FDA.