Eh, suits you? All is good.

I still enjoy that aspect of vaping, the ability to have choice. I might distill some juice from elderberries and use it to flavor a nicotine base juice. Nothing says I cannot do that, if I choose learning how and do it. I just might too.
Also thought of mixing up an herbal elixir. There's what is commonly called colt's foot that has the chemical used in making the cough syrup Robotusin. If you mix this with what is referred to as yarrow, which helps bring down fevers & helps purge toxins, you get a a nice cold/flu tonic. Now, consider dosing that tonic as you vape.
The chemicals go right to the lungs and are absorbed into the blood, or get absorbed via mucus membranes, tongue, skin. This would be direct medicine, applied directly. I'm sure others might be better versed at physiology, but trail and error can help gauge doses to affect relief for someone. This is the same as making up the herbal teas/infusions. Nothing greatly difficult, mildly time consuming though.
Been thinking of this for a spell now. Seems like a viable means to help medicate folks, possibly *gasp* even a market for doing that. Ah ha! If you hear tell I've vanished know it was Big Pharma what sent thugs erm police to black bag me, or maybe retired1.

Goodness knows I wouldn't talk about herbs much at all on ECF.
Need to look something up. I'm recalling birch bark can be boiled out for aspirin despite my wife suggesting it is willow bark. Yes, these are the
weird thoughts what hold me in insomniac thrall. That I even think is at times a crime. *chuckles* If all else fails, we can meet up at the Chestnut Tree Cafe. Ah, wait for it, the daily two minutes of hate is coming along, ...
ETA: Yes, as I thought it is birch. Birch has salicylate which is also found in aspirin. Birch bark is also good for various maladies, high in vitamins A,C to name a few, it is high in starch too. Native Americans considered birch bark
famine food.