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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


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Thats what i think of apple
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I am a Mac user - but would never buy an Iphone

Y'know I'm really new to smart phones... but I was astonished to learn that with an iPhone, you can't customize ANYTHING AT ALL! I've installed a different launcher on my phone, so I can completely customize how my phone looks and functions. That's impossible with an iPhone. And my phone has a 6" true HD screen, is fast as lightening... and cost $99.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Y'know I'm really new to smart phones... but I was astonished to learn that with an iPhone, you can't customize ANYTHING AT ALL! I've installed a different launcher on my phone, so I can completely customize how my phone looks and functions. That's impossible with an iPhone. And my phone has a 6" true HD screen, is fast as lightening... and cost $99.


I'm considering going your route when I have to replace my rapidly aging Galaxy 2 , lol

Sir Kadly

Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I'm actually from other forum came here to be welcomed and so far my first day here has been very pleasant. Great forum here now where is my darn tent and my U.N. burger with cheese lol

Sent from my SM-T900 using Tapatalk
Welcome! And in case it hasn't been made clear yet, if someone in this thread tells you to GFY, it is meant in the most friendly way you can imagine. So once again, welcome and GFY!


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Y'know I'm really new to smart phones... but I was astonished to learn that with an iPhone, you can't customize ANYTHING AT ALL! I've installed a different launcher on my phone, so I can completely customize how my phone looks and functions. That's impossible with an iPhone. And my phone has a 6" true HD screen, is fast as lightening... and cost $99.

I have an iPhone and will never have anything else. I use my phone for 3 call people, to text people and to get online. I don't care how it looks and it functions just fine for why I use it. :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Happy birthday, kadly! :confetti: Happy kadly, Atcha! :stars2::giggle:

Juicy -- I dunno if y'all have t-mobile or MetroPCS up there in the great white north, but the phone is available from either -- ZTE Zmax Pro. $99 at MetroPCS, though if you're switching from another carrier, I think it might be even less; dunno how much per month at t-mobile, but it's still pretty inexpensive for an awesome phone. And there's a support forum, which I think is pretty cool! :)


Sir Kadly

Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Morning fugee's and GFY, and a Happy Birthday to @KadlyDoWrong

And speaking of Kadly, my hat is off to you sir. For your presence to have @Atchafalaya so addled, well more so than normal where she likes a picture of Fernando being slow roasted over an open fire is hilarious :giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle:
I think she missed the part of the conversation where I asked if your bacon was Fernando.


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Did @Hank F. Spankman hack your account Morley?

Ha! No, I got lost watching Oh Hell, whatzhe'snutz, erm dude that is friends with Walter, Achmed, Peanut ... Jeff Dunham, that's him. I think Walter infected me with his curmudgeon attitude a bit.

Also, apologies, it was meant as humorous, not mean spirited.I also forgot the damn sarcasm tag. I've had an interesting day today.

Think I slipped a disc back into place. Then of course, my right knee had to go out and hurt like a summabitch. I was on the shitter and felt the knee crack, go into orbit. Nearly feared not being able to stand at that point. But my back feels a good bit better, the core muscles in it have fucking relaxed, instead of being drawn tight and knotted. Yay for that.


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Them's fightin' words Morley

Ah, sorry then. That was definitively not my intention at all. Besides that, I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag at the moment. Doing rather good, too good in fact, drunk on chocolate milk.

Beyond that, I'd refuse fighting you on the principle of it. The principle being I don't fight friends.


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ECF Refugee
Morning yall and GFY :D

Here it is only the beginning of February and the tree's are starting to show blossoms and pollen. Woke up gagging from sinuses running dabnabit.

There is a reason why I really really really really cant stand microsucks and love linux. After the flood I bought a small cheap laptop that I gave to my mom because she wanted to try to learn how to use the internet. I put a thumb drive into this laptop and wanted to look at a word document and add to it. So Microsucks told me I had a free trail period of Microsucks office and with a few basic clicks it let me use it. Just checked my email and the free trial has been charged to my credit card as an automatic yearly fee the fuckers. With Linux I have LibreOffice which does everything microsucks does and it is free and part of the standard installation of the flavor of Linux I use.

I am thinking seriously of turning this lil laptop into a linux machine. Just format the hard drive and do a clean install. My mom would never even notice. After 7 or 8 years of constantly showing her how she still cant remember how to view her missed calls on her cell phone and the only reason why she is able to use the IPad I gave her is because she does her church stuff on it so the constant repetition help her there.

Ok, rant over. I will put my soap box away now...........................


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That is possibly the most disgusting thing anyone has ever said to me online period :cuss:

Well, I do apologize. I wrote it in the spirit of humor and not as
malicious. Did a fair bit of thinking last night afterwards. Concluded
that that thinking on my part led to where we have come.

I thought I had arrived among friends. Friends often kid around, as
we seem to do here by way of saying other things. Friends hold to
understanding one another.

In the past few months though it has been made clear to me that
obviously my thinking was in error. Either the error lies in thinking
I'm among friends, or it is in the way I think and have a sense of
humor. At any given I accept the responsibility of this, of the
miscommunication, misunderstanding.

As such, I again humbly apologize. It shan't occur again. I will ensure


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Morning yall and GFY :D

Here it is only the beginning of February and the tree's are starting to show blossoms and pollen. Woke up gagging from sinuses running dabnabit.

There is a reason why I really really really really cant stand microsucks and love linux. After the flood I bought a small cheap laptop that I gave to my mom because she wanted to try to learn how to use the internet. I put a thumb drive into this laptop and wanted to look at a word document and add to it. So Microsucks told me I had a free trail period of Microsucks office and with a few basic clicks it let me use it. Just checked my email and the free trial has been charged to my credit card as an automatic yearly fee the fuckers. With Linux I have LibreOffice which does everything microsucks does and it is free and part of the standard installation of the flavor of Linux I use.

I am thinking seriously of turning this lil laptop into a linux machine. Just format the hard drive and do a clean install. My mom would never even notice. After 7 or 8 years of constantly showing her how she still cant remember how to view her missed calls on her cell phone and the only reason why she is able to use the IPad I gave her is because she does her church stuff on it so the constant repetition help her there.

Ok, rant over. I will put my soap box away now...........................

Being watchful of the seasonal change here. Been known to dump snow even up into April.

I keep threatening to get my mother's system converted over to Linux as well, for a lot of the same rationale. No joke involved I had done something once on Windows which required walking through the system help. The system help finally came to a point of being exhausted and read, "If you still have further problems call ...".

Well, charged around $4.00 per minute I was put on hold for an hour no less. Then, when a technician did get on he walked me through the same system help script I had just finished doing for a half dozen runs to no avail. "Uh, well I am sorry I couldn't be of any further help."

That's why they are customer service? In Linux, I have an issue it takes all of two to five minutes to search for a selection of eight different methods to solve the issue and at least six will work effectively, all are provided freely barring the averaged cost of an ISP. In Linux, I can also freely examine the source code, fiddle and tune it to what I need without any legal repercussions.

Quite understand your rant.

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