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I'm with ya on that. I farkin LOVE doughnuts... but I really don't want to weigh 300 lbs, so I try to steer clear of 'em. :cry: My faves are crullers and sour creme doughnuts. Mmmm.

Sometimes in the bakery area at wallyworld, when we're trying to find some whole wheat french bread, I have to just grab my husband and drag him on to the next aisle, so I don't go bonkers and start scarfing down everything in sight; baked goods are my real weakness, much moreso than chocolate ever thought about being. :facepalm:



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My mom used to fix it for breakfast as a treat when I was young. She'd toast one side of the bread under the broiler, take it out and spread butter on the un toasted side, sprinkle with a little sugar, a lot of cinnamon and then spread it around. Back under the broiler to toast. Yum!


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Being hypoglycemic, I can't eat just doughnuts for breakfast. If I do, they jack my blood sugar waaaay up only to crash an hour later. If I'm going to eat doughnuts, it's only after having something else that raises it slowly, then the doughnut.

I'm exactly the same way -- if I eat anything with sugar, I've got to have protein with it, or 90 mins later... CRASH. That's why I have bacon or sausage with breakfast, every day. I used to be able to substitute eggs for the protein, but since I can't digest 'em anymore... *sigh* It's gotta be meat of some kind.



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I had beet apple celery kiwi kale broccoli blueberry red raspberry strawberry pecan BULLET juice this morning, talk about a wake me up, feel like running a 10K...or possibly a .5K.....:devil:
Everything sounds good Dale except the beet. Me don't do anything!! To me they taste like dirt. :) And here, with all of those veggies, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries, it would cost me around $25 for that juice.


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I only like beets if they're cold... pickled is ok, but not TOO pickled. I love the silky texture. But hot beets? Gagamaggot!



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I had beet apple celery kiwi kale broccoli blueberry red raspberry strawberry pecan BULLET juice this morning, talk about a wake me up, feel like running a 10K...or possibly a .5K.....:devil:

Asked my Doc about doing puree last week: yes but: NO FRUIT or carrots - so it dropped down low on the list


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Everything sounds good Dale except the beet. Me don't do anything!! To me they taste like dirt. :) And here, with all of those veggies, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries, it would cost me around $25 for that juice.
You can't taste beets in the mixture, I add a small amount for their HIGH antioxidant ingreds.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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How about veggies and coconut water?...I use coconut water to blend all concoctions....:vino:

It's really amazing how much better the body feels after only about a month of juicing.

Not sure about the Coconut water - first, dislike coconuts - and would have to see what category of food a coconut is in to see if it's on the forbidden list, lol


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Juice, I was talking to a friend a few days ago, she had what was diagnosed as fatty liver and gallbladder. She did the juicing and her problem was gone in about two may want to see a different doctor.

I have more than that going on unfortunately and am still waiting on insurance for the gastro doc - and my RA is going nutso with all this going on - it's tough balancing the two right now, lol


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Rheumatoid arthritis?

Yes, had it 19 years and counting - genetic. My grandmother was crippled by it and my younger brother has it worse than I do


I'll bet that IS a balancing act. I really hate that you're having to go through this. RA is enough on it's on.

I enjoyed a really good run after I quit smoking - and managed to drop all meds for it for over a year

But the meds I took in the late 90s likely contributed to the current state of my internals


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It really doesn't taste much like coconut, just a great source of nutrition, rather than using water.

I don't think it tastes like coconuts either. I used the plain for a while, mixing with pineapple juice -- I don't care for the taste of plain coconut water by itself; the high potassium makes it taste "salty" -- but now I use Zico's chocolate coconut water, mixed with some chocolate milk -- it just tastes like chocolate milk.



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Mine is osteoarthritis and for some reason, is mostly on the right side of my body right now but the doctor said that it will eventually move over to the left side. I can't imagine having RA. A friend of mine's husband was diagnosed with RA about 15 years ago. Because of the drugs he's taken, he's had to have both a liver and kidney transplant.


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Yes, had it 19 years and counting - genetic. My grandmother was crippled by it and my younger brother has it worse than I do


I enjoyed a really good run after I quit smoking - and managed to drop all meds for it for over a year

But the meds I took in the late 90s likely contributed to the current state of my internals
Juice, you need to take a look at essential oils, the body has it's own mechanism to make repairs, sometimes it just needs a little help to rid the toxins causing disease.


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Juice, you need to take a look at essential oils, the body has it's own mechanism to make repairs, sometimes it just needs a little help to rid the toxins causing disease.
The only thing doctors are taught is to push pills. They know NOTHING about nutrition.

I had three-quarters of my pancreas removed about 10 years ago due to tumor. Since I had just a tiny portion of my pancreas left I had to take insulin. After learning how to eat healthy, I no longer take insulin, my lil pancreas can handle my glucose levels just fine. My last A1C was 5.1


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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The only thing doctors are taught is to push pills. They know NOTHING about nutrition.

I had three-quarters of my pancreas removed about 10 years ago due to tumor. Since I had just a tiny portion of my pancreas left I had to take insulin. After learning how to eat healthy, I no longer take insulin, my lil pancreas can handle my glucose levels just fine. My last A1C was 5.1

Pretty much agree with that - which is why I detest seeing doctors at all

I'm on zero pills right now - except for some supplements


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Fried green tomatoes is hillbilly food. I grew up on them and still love them when the green tomatoes are good and tart. Fried jalapenos and pickles, no thanks :)
I'm not really fond of the fried pickles. But man, the fried jalapenos were awesome!
That is a shame tomatoes do you that way. I dont know if I could live without tomatoes. Times I will buy a carton of cherry tomatoes and eat them like grapes. When I was a kid my mom would fry up a bunch of green tomatoes and a couple hamburger patties. My dad and me would eat our fill on the green tomatoes and that hamburger would still be on the plate :)

We would also do the same thing with fried zucchini and the white patty pan squash. :giggle:
I do the same thing!!! I eat cherry tomatoes like candy. Love them!


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The only thing doctors are taught is to push pills. They know NOTHING about nutrition.

I tried and tried and tried to tell my mom this, and I've tried telling my aunt, too. Maybe it's their generation -- mid-20th century adulthood, back when Dr's dispensed "magic bullets" -- they just can't fathom the idea that there are NO magic bullets, that anything you take has a price -- and I don't mean the ungodly cost that BP charges.

Traditional chinese believe that medicine starts in the kitchen, and I've come more and more to that belief myself: part of the hippies' "you are what you eat" -- if you eat garbage, that's what your health will be. If you eat well and nutritionally, your health will be much better -- but there's no such thing as immortality.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Traditional chinese believe that medicine starts in the kitchen, and I've come more and more to that belief myself: part of the hippies' "you are what you eat" -- if you eat garbage, that's what your health will be. If you eat well and nutritionally, your health will be much better -- but there's no such thing as immortality.

Well stated :)


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Gag. To me, sweet potatoes are right up there with liver and turnip greens = foods never to ever pass my lips.

I hate sweet potatoes. Potatoes are meant to be sweet. Blech.
While I'm sitting here eating GS Thin Mint cookies. :D
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I love thin mints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And crabs!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Well stated :)

It's a hard thing to realize when you grew up in the Pepsi Generation -- I used to think an excellent dinner was a bag of nacho cheese doritos and a 6 pk of beer, and maybe a few green olives for the excellent saltiness. :D And I do love those fucking doughnuts. :D I still like the doritos, and OF COURSE the doughnuts, but I treat them like occasional treats, not my main diet. And no more beer at all. :D Still go nuts on the green olives when I eat a salad. :D



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I tried and tried and tried to tell my mom this, and I've tried telling my aunt, too. Maybe it's their generation -- mid-20th century adulthood, back when Dr's dispensed "magic bullets" -- they just can't fathom the idea that there are NO magic bullets, that anything you take has a price -- and I don't mean the ungodly cost that BP charges.

Traditional chinese believe that medicine starts in the kitchen, and I've come more and more to that belief myself: part of the hippies' "you are what you eat" -- if you eat garbage, that's what your health will be. If you eat well and nutritionally, your health will be much better -- but there's no such thing as immortality.

I wish my mother had went to a traditional MD. Had she, she probably would be alive today. She despised going to doctors so for her primary care physician she chose a DO. Had she being seeing a regular MD, he would have required her to undergo a colonoscopy when she hit 70. That colonoscopy would have shown the polyps that grew into the tumor that ultimately killed her. This article explains the difference. Her doctor didn't believe in unnecessary tests for things there were no markers for such as colon cancer which no one in her family ever had.

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